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Category:OWASP Guide Project

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Start Here

Asvs-step1.jpgAbout the Development Guide

The Development Guide provides practical guidance and includes J2EE, ASP.NET, and PHP code samples. The Development Guide covers an extensive array of application-level security issues, from SQL injection through modern concerns such as phishing, credit card handling, session fixation, cross-site request forgeries, compliance, and privacy issues.

Let's Talk Here

Asvs-bulb.jpgDevelopment Guide Communities

Further development of the Development Guide occurs through mailing list discussions and occasional workshops, and suggestions for improvement are welcome. For more information, please contact us.

Got Cycles?

Work has begun on the next version of the Development Guide! Read all about it, here

  • Contributor Onboarding Instructions (PDF)

Got Translation Cycles?

The Development Guide project is always on the lookout for volunteers who are interested in translating the Development Guide into another language.

  • Translation Onboarding Instructions (Currently under development!)



Asvs-step1.jpg1. About the Development Guide

The Development Guide is aimed at architects, developers, consultants and auditors and is a comprehensive manual for designing, developing and deploying secure Web Applications and Web Services. The original OWASP Development Guide has become a staple diet for many web security professionals. Since 2002, the initial version was downloaded over 2 million times. Today, the Development Guide is referenced by many leading government, financial, and corporate standards and is the Gold standard for Web Application and Web Service security.

  • Project presentation in English (Currently under development!)
  • Data sheet in English (Currently under development!)

Asvs-step2.jpg2. Get the Development Guide

  • Development Guide 2010 in English (Currently under development!) (Wiki)
  • Development Guide 2005 in English (PDF, Word, Wiki)
  • Development Guide 2005 in Spanish (PDF, Word)
  • Development Guide 2002 in Japanese (PDF)
  • Development Guide (Earlier Versions) (file download center, CVS)

Asvs-step3.jpg3. Learn about using the Development Guide

The Development Guide provides practical guidance and includes J2EE, ASP.NET, and PHP code samples. The Development Guide covers an extensive array of application-level security issues, from SQL injection through modern concerns such as phishing, credit card handling, session fixation, cross-site request forgeries, compliance, and privacy issues.

  • Development Guide Articles (Please see below)

Related Resources

Asvs-satellite.jpgOWASP Resources


Asvs-letters.jpgDevelopment Guide Terminology

  • (Currently under development!)


Project Leader

Project Manager

Project Contributors

  • Too many contibutors to list here! This project would not be where it is today without the generous gift of volunteer time and effort from many individuals. Please see the Development Guide for individual acknowledgments!

Project Sponsorship

The Development Guide is not currently sponsored by an OWASP member organization.


A broad range of companies and agencies around the globe have added the Development Guide to their software assurance tool boxes, including:

  • (Currently under development!)

Please let us know how your organization is using the Development Guide. Include your name, organization's name, and brief description of how you use the standard. The project manager can be reached here.

Project Details

What does this OWASP project offer you?
What does this OWASP project release offer you?
what is this project?
OWASP Development Guide Project

Purpose: The Development Guide provides practical guidance and includes J2EE, ASP.NET, and PHP code samples. The Development Guide covers an extensive array of application-level security issues, from SQL injection through modern concerns such as phishing, credit card handling, session fixation, cross-site request forgeries, compliance, and privacy issues.

License: Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0

who is working on this project?
Project Leader: N/A

Project Maintainer:

Project Contributor(s):

  • Andrew van der Stock @
how can you learn more?
Project Pamphlet: N/A

3x slide Project Presentation: N/A

Mailing list: N/A

Project Roadmap: To view, click here

Main links:

Project Health: Yellow button.JPG Not Reviewed (Provisional)
To be reviewed under Assessment Criteria v2.0

Key Contacts
  • Contact the GPC to contribute, review or sponsor this project
  • Contact the GPC to report a problem or concern about this project or to update information.
current release
2005 Release - 2005 - (download)

Release Leader: N/A

Release details: Main links, release roadmap and assessment

Rating: Greenlight.pngGreenlight.pngGreenlight.png Stable Release
To be reviewed under Assessment Criteria v2.0

This project licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0.