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SecurityByte OWASP Conference Tracks
- Xprobe3 - what's new. Going application level - Fyodor Yarochkin , Guard-info
- Client Side hacks - Dino Covotsos, Telspace Systems
- Critical Infrastructure Security “Danger Without borders” - John Bumgarner, US Cyber Consequence Unit (USCCU)
- Exploiting Firefox Extensions - Roberto Suggi Liverani,
- Cloud Hacking – Distributed Attack & Exploit Platform - Shreeraj Shah, Blueinfy Solutions
- SQL Server Forensics 2.0 - Kevvie Fowler, TELUS & Ringzero
- Vbootkit 2.0: Attacking Windows 7 via Boot Sectors - Nitin Kumar/Vipin Kumar, Independent Security Researchers, NVlabs
- Testing JSON Applications for security holes - Aviram Jenik, Beyond Security
- How to blackbox test almost anything - Aviram Jenik, Beyond Security
- Topical issues affecting the threat landscape - prevalence of web threats - Joshua Talbot, Symantec Corp.
- “Do You Want To Play A Game?”: Game Theory And Simulated Cyber War - Bryan K. Fite, Symantec Corp.
- Hacking Oracle From Web - Sumit Siddharth (Sid), Independent Security Researcher
- TBD - Mano Paul, Software Assurance Advisor (ISC)2
- TBD - Howard A. Schmidt, Former Cyber Security Advisor to the White house; Former Strategic Advisor – President’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Program
- Hacking mobile wallet / mobile banking systems, OR Anti Forensics (OSX based attacks) - The Grugq, Independent Security Researcher
- Advanced Web Hacking - Saumil Udayan Shah, Net Square
- Data loss Protection - Enno Rey, Independent Security Researcher
- Microsoft SDL - Adam Shawstack, Microsoft Corp.
- Reconsidering Network Defense - Cedric Blancher, EADS Innovation Works