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Section 4: Mitigating the WebGoat lessons

Revision as of 10:42, 24 July 2008 by Stephen Evans (talk | contribs) (Structure of mitigating a lesson: add & modify content)

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See Section 2 for the WebGoat lesson Table of Contents, and an overview of the results from doing the WebGoat lessons. Appendix A contains a zip file which is made up of the lesson plans and solutions - in HTML format - which were taken from WebGoat and can be viewed stand-alone.

Out of 51 possible lessons, the following are teaching lessons, not vulnerabilities, and therefore have no context for ModSecurity rules:

  • 1.1 Http Basics
  • 4.1 Password Strength
  • 15.3 Bypass Client Side JavaScript Validation
  • 17.1 Create a SOAP Request

Therefore there is a total number of 47 lessons to do; half is 24 so that was the goal of the first 50% of project completion. The lowest hanging fruit was taken first because considerable effort was put into: (1) setup and configuration of the environment; (2) getting familiar with WebGoat and taking all of the lessons; (3) learning ModSecurity (and Remo); (4) re-learning regular expressions; (5) learning Lua script; and (6) developing an efficient work methodology.

The total number of sublessons mitigated by ModSecurity rules: 25 - thereby achieving the goal of at least 50% of sublessons mitigated.

They are:

  • Sublesson 1.2
  • Sublesson 2.4
  • Sublessons 4.2, 4.4, 4.5
  • Sublesson 6.1
  • Sublessons 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 8.5, 8.7
  • Sublesson 10.1
  • Sublessons 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.8
  • Sublesson 13.1
  • Sublessons 15.1, 15.2
  • Sublessons 17.3, 17.4

Overall strategy

The intention of mitigating the vulnerabilities is to demonstrate the largest variety of mitigating solutions and features of ModSecurity as possible:

  • Some lessons are solved using the easiest way possible for convenience (and to count towards achieving the goal of 50% complete!)
  • Some lessons are solved by using rules from the core rulesets provided by Breach Security
  • Some mitigating solutions are meant to be global, meaning being in effect at all times, like the XSS and Command Injection core rules from Breach Security
  • One lesson demonstrates the use of a session variable
  • Some lessons require persistence beyond what is offered by ModSecurity; Lua scripts are used to achieve this
  • Some lessons require a more robust capability than ModSecurity's regular expressions, 'and/or' logical mechanisms, and goto statements (skip and skipAfter); again, Lua scripts are used to achieve this.
  • One lesson uses the 'append' action to append Javascript to the end of a response body, which alters the content and behavior of the HTML page

The rulesets can be used all together or, for a specific WebGoat sublesson, the initialization file (rulefile_00_initialize.conf) plus that sublesson's ruleset can be used.

The best way to open the discussion about the overall strategy used is to show a chunk of the initialization file:

<LocationMatch "^/WebGoat/attack$">
  # Group 1: the following block pertain to pages that don't have 
  #   Screen or menu parameters
1.  SecRule &ARGS:Screen "!@eq 0" chain,skipAfter:200
2.  SecRule &ARGS:menu "!@eq 0" "t:none"

  # Group 2: set session collection if entering WebGoat; POST body parameter 
  #   is "start=Start WebGoat" (Start WebGoat submit button)
3.  SecRule &ARGS_POST:start "@eq 0" "nolog,skip:3"
4.  SecRule ARGS_POST:start "!@streq Start WebGoat" \ 
      "chain,log,auditlog,pass,msg:'Setting session collection'"
7.  SecAction "log,setvar:session.lesson13=0,msg:'setting session.lesson13=0 \  
      initially after setsid from rulefile_00-0-initialize.conf'"

8.  SecAction "t:none,allow,id:'200'"

  # Group 3: here there should be a 'menu' parameter, so set a variable for          
  #   the menu number that's used if needed in Phase 4
9.  SecRule ARGS_GET:menu "^(.*)$" "pass,{MATCHED_VAR}"

In Group 1, the two chained rules denote the major section of WebGoat after the login and start pages. The 'Screen' parameter is arbitrary, while the 'menu' parameter is the lesson key. Basically, if this condition is met, skip past Group 2.

In Group 2, the next 2 rules pertain to the start page, denoted by the 'start=Start WebGoat' POST body parameter. Nothing of importance occurs on this page so we skip to the 'allow' action on line 8.

Line 5 and 6 denote that a successful login has occurred, so the session ID is saved in a session collection for later use throughout the remaining lessons. Line 7 sets a session variable (a toggle switch) for use in 'Lesson 13: Insecure Configuration'.

At Line 9, we have to save the 'menu' value for use in Phase 4.

At this point, we know the 'menu' value: it exists throughout phase 2 as is, and we have saved the value in a variable for Phase 4.

For the rest of the ruleset files, we will filter on the 'menu' parameter and each lesson will have its own ruleset file.

For example, ruleset file 'rulefile_04_authentication-flaws.conf' has 2 sections:

'SecRule ARGS:menu "!@eq 500" "phase:2,t:none,skip:2"' says "if we aren't in Lesson 4 in Phase 2, then don't do any further processing here".

Similarly, 'SecRule TX:MENU "!@eq 500" "phase:4,t:none,pass,skip:1"' says "if we aren't in Lesson 4 in Phase 2, then don't do any further processing here".

Using the Lua scripting language

In some situations, ModSecurity's capability is not robust and flexible enough to prevent complex exploits. Enter Lua script, a tried-and-true programming language used mainly in the gaming industry but also used in other areas such as the MySQL Proxy project.

Some advantages are:

  1. Enables ModSecurity to address business logic flaws
  2. Enhances the capability of using ModSecurity as an egress filter
  3. Lua persistence: Super-persistence beyond the existing Session scope and capability (the SecDataDir directory is used for storage)
  4. By being able to use a programming language, it is easier to do whitelisting and implement a positive security model.
  5. Flexibility for virtual patching (as in, mitigating vulnerabilities discovered in a penetration test and NOT as in porting Snort or scanner signatures).
  6. Ease-of-use: The Lua scripts can be developed and tested offline as standalone programs before being used by ModSecurity.
  7. A programming language that is built to be rugged; e.g. handling multi-megabyte memory buffers and files.

Lua scripts are used in sublessons:

  • 4.2: Forgot Password (OWASP_ModSecurity_Securing_WebGoat_Section4_Sublesson_04.2)
  • 4.4: Multi Level Login 1, 4.5: Multi Level Login 2 (OWASP_ModSecurity_Securing_WebGoat_Section4_Sublesson_04.4_04.5)
  • 8.2 LAB: Cross Site Scripting (OWASP_ModSecurity_Securing_WebGoat_Section4_Sublesson_08.2_08.4_08.5_08.7)
  • 15.1 Exploit Hidden Fields, 15.2 Exploit Unchecked Email (OWASP_ModSecurity_Securing_WebGoat_Section4_Sublesson_15.1_15.2)

The Implementation section of each sublesson explains in detail how Lua script is used.

In the 2nd half of the project, Lua script secure coding will be addressed.

Structure of mitigating a lesson

The following outlines the overall structure of each lesson/sublesson to be used in the next section that contains the details of each mitigating solution:

Lesson overview: The path and file name of the lesson plan as taken from WebGoat. See Appendix A for more information.

Lesson solution: The path and file name of the lesson solution as taken from WebGoat. See Appendix A for more information.

Strategy(including Challenges): What approach was taken to solve the lesson and why; what were the challenges (if any)

Implementation: Details how the sublesson was mitigated.

Note that the project's solution files that are formatted using a Linux editor with a 2-space tab. For viewing the files from Windows, it's preferable to use Wordpad instead of Notepad because Notepad might add CR/LF combinations. Still, using Notepad and the files in DOS format on Linux should pose no problems but using Wordpad is recommended.

The mitigating solutions