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2019 BASC Homepage

Revision as of 17:57, 6 July 2019 by Mike.perez (talk | contribs) (CFP link added)

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Platinum Sponsors

NCC Group Ordr WhiteHat

Gold Sponsors

Auric Checkmarx HackerOne Netsparker Sonatype Tala

Silver Sponsor


Individual Sponsor: Justin Olin

Please help us keep BASC free by viewing and visiting all of our sponsors.


This is the homepage for the 2019 Boston Application Security Conference (BASC). Conference will take place 8:30am to 6:30pm on Saturday, October 19th at

The BASC will be a free*, one day, informal conference, aimed at increasing awareness and knowledge of application security in the greater Boston area. While many of the presentations will cover state-of-the-art application security concepts, the BASC is intended to appeal to a wide-array of attendees. Application security professionals, professional software developers, software quality engineers, computer science students, and security software vendors should be able to come to the BASC, learn, and hopefully enjoy themselves at the same time.

NOTE: * Some workshops and training may have a separate fee.

Call for Papers/Workshops

CFP/CFW link


[https:// COMING SOON]

Registration is required for breakfast, lunch, and the evening social time. We will do everything possible to accommodate late registrants but the facility and food are limited.

You may also register for one or more workshops, but workshop tickets are limited. Please be considerate of others and only register for a workshop if you plan to attend. If your plans change, please cancel your ticket to free the space up for others. Do not sign up for more than one session of the same workshop, or for workshops whose times overlap. If you do, conference organizers will cancel your ticket orders.



OWASP Boston Chapter

BASC is presented by the OWASP Boston chapter.

You can find out more about this conference at the 2019 BASC Homepage
or by emailing
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