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Los Angeles/2017 Meetings
---December 13, 2017 Microsoft Office
---November 29, 2017 Symantec Offices, Culver City
Speaker: Robert Lee
Robert E. Lee (Twitter: @robert e lee) is a seasoned leader and solutions-driven professional with over 25 years of experience in information technology and security. He is passionate about using security to enable business, manage risk, and protect assets and privacy.Robert is affiliated with the non-profit ISECOM organization and has contributed to open source projects such as OSSTMM, Unicornscan, and Sockstress. As a Sr Technical Program Manager with Twitter (since July2016), his current focus is on security controls that can help reduce ATO and other unwanted fraud in online applications.
Topic: Detect and Contain: Combating Account Takeover
In your environment, do you really know Who is doing What, from Where? How confident are you in your authentication controls and anomalous behavior detection? Does your behavior monitoring solution have the right data to give you relevant actionable findings? Are you overly burdening your users in the name of security,while still leaving them unprotected? This talk will shine a light on very common identity, authentication, and link-analysis practices that inhibit us from properly detecting threats, and ultimately, containing them.It will then introduce Risk Based Authorization as a model for online authentication and authorization.
---October 25, 2017 Riot Games
Speaker: Mahesh Babu
Mahesh is responsible for growing Contrast Protect. He takes every opportunity to tell everyone how Contrast has fundamentally changed application security for the first time since he started working in security 10+ years ago. Mahesh has seen the industry evolve as a researcher, consultant, and practitioner within a large bank. He began his career as a security researcher at the CERIAS center at Purdue University. He then went on to build and scale large security & privacy programs a Senior Manager & architect for HSBC Information Security & Risk. He also spent time as a consultant at Deloitte and Booz & Company. Mahesh has a BS in Computer Science and MS in Information Security from Purdue University and an MBA from Duke University.
Topic: Struts 2 & You
What we are learning from the Equifax breach and recent Struts 2 vulnerabilities and what you can do to step up your assessment & remediation efforts. As you may already know, the root cause of the Equifax breach was a web application security issue tied to a widely used software framework called Apache Struts 2. Teams everywhere continue to see these issues and exploit attempts from all over the world. In this session you will:
- Get the inside scoop on what we know about recent events
- Understand the exploits at a deeper level
- Get guidance on how to structure your remediation efforts
---September 2017 Symantec Offices, Culver City
Speaker: Scott Stender
Scott Stender is the leader of NCC Group's Cryptography Services practice. Scott co-founded iSEC Partners and joined NCC Group when it was acquired in 2010. Prior to iSEC, Scott worked in software development and security consulting in roles at Microsoft and @stake.Scott has helped organizations around the world create secure systems, including notable projects on major operating systems, cryptographic libraries, and several of the world's most critical applications. He has led projects across the full development lifecycle and throughout the technology stack ranging from requirements to release and hypervisors to hypertext.Scott’s broad research output has advanced both the security analysis of core technologies and the process of secure software engineering. He has contributed papers and talks, on topics ranging from practical attacks against Kerberos to securing legacy technology, to a number of leading security conferences and periodicals.
Topic: Securely Deploying TLS 1.3
TLS 1.2 has been putting the S in HTTPS and other protocols since August of 2008. Though TLS is arguably the most successful security protocol in deployment, it has fallen prey to many attacks in the past decade. The Internet Engineering Task Force has been working to make TLS both faster and more secure, and will soon release an updated version to the world. TLS 1.3 is coming and will have a wide range of impacts for enterprises. This talk will help you prepare by providing:
- An overview of major changes in TLS 1.3
- An explanation of 0-RTT and how its performance improvements will impact the security of your servers and applications
- A deep-dive into important configuration options and their security impacts
- A guide to security monitoring in a TLS 1.3 world
---August 23, 2017 Riot Games
Speaker: Mike Milner
Mike has always loved taking things apart and (usually) putting them back together. Throughout his career in business and government Mike has experienced the breadth of opportunities technology and data intelligence have created. Mike is the Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at IMMUNIO, where he gets to focus on building systems to keep the internet secure. Between fighting cybercrime for the Canadian government and working for security agencies overseas, Mike has developed a deep understanding of the global security landscape and how the underground economy dictates hacks and ultimately drives breaches. This unique experience paired with his technical background helped Mike uncover what the next eneration of security software should look like in IMMUNIO. Prior to founding IMMUNIO, Mike was a lead member of the technical staff at where he gained insight into the business side of web applications. He also served as a software engineer at Canonical, working on the world’s most popular free operating system, Ubuntu, following his time serving both the Canadian and UK Government.
Topic: Law & Order: Observing and Protecting Web Applications
In the early 90s, two great things happened: The birth of the World Wide Web, and the start ofthe Law & Order TV Series. Both have changed and evolved over time to reflect, and in somecases prompt changes in our society. Law & Order has always been a great show, because it looks at the broader spectrum of howthe law works. In much the same way, we as an industry are paying more attention to the broader field of how to protect the web from attack. It’s not just tools and technology - it’s how the tools and tech fit into a broader security process. This talk looks at how appsec has changed over the years, from the first web sites online, to how things are moving into the future. How new tools and techniques are enabling tighter collaboration between the Law & Order of application security, and enabling new workflows like CI/CD and DevSecOps.
---July 19 2017 Verizon Digital Media Services
Speaker: David Caissy
David Caissy is a web application penetration tester with in-depth developer and IT Security background spanning over 16 years. He has extensive experience in conducting vulnerability assessments and penetration tests as well as providing training globally, amongst numerous other teaching engagements. He has worked for a central bank, the Department of National Defense, various government agencies and private companies. David has been teaching web application security in colleges, conferences and for many government agencies over the last decade.
Topic: The New and Improved OWASP Top 10
First released in 2003, the OWASP Top 10 has since become OWASP's main flagship project. With minor updates in 2004 and 2007 followed by major releases in 2010 and 2013, the Top 10 was due for a revision in 2017 that would better reflect the current web application security risks. This new release lives up to the expectations by improving the classification of application vulnerabilities while focusing more on the lack of protections, often highlighted in vulnerability assessments and penetration tests.This presentation about the new and improved top 10 most critical web application security risks will cover all 10 items while focusing on the improvements from the previous version.
---June 28, 2017 Riot Games
Panel: Edward Bonver, Stu Schwartz, Aaron Guzman, Tony Trummer - moderated by Richard Greenberg
Richard Greenberg is the OWASP Los Angeles Chapter Leader and the President of ISSA-Los Angeles. He has worked diligently to bring together the various Southern California IT and InfoSec organizations to enhance their collaboration efforts, to help reach new IT and InfoSec professionals. His day job is the Information Security Officer for LA County Public Health.
Edward Bonver is OWASP Los Angeles chapter board member and lead, and is a co-organizer of OWASP California regional application security conferences and summits, and a frequent speaker at global security events and conferences. His security community contributions include active participation in groups like OWASP, SAFECode, (ISC)2, IEEE Center for Secure Design, and more. He CISSP and CSSLP certifications, a master’s degree in computer science from California State University, Northridge, and a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Rochester Institute of Technology.
Stu Schwartz has over 20 years experience as a programmer and over 10 years as an application security practitioner. As part of the product security team, Stu worked with application teams across the company promoting application software security. His responsibilities include teaching secure coding and security testing classes, working with various security tools and coordinating external penetration tests. Stu holds certifications in CISSP & CSSLP. He is also between gigs and would be a valuable assist to your organization.
Tony Trummer currently leads the Security team at Tinder in West Hollywood. As a penetration tester, Tony previously helped to start LinkedIn's AppSec program and later led their IR team. Tony has spoken at conferences around the world, including DefCon, BlackHat, AppSec Cali, AppSec USA and Hack In the Box.
Aaron Guzman is a Principal Security Consultant from the Los Angeles area with expertise in web app security, mobile app security, and embedded security. He has spoken at a number of conferences world wide which include Defcon, AppSec EU, AppSec USA, HackFest, Security Fest, HackMiami, AusCERT as well as a number of BSides events. Aaron leads the OWASP Embedded Application Security project; providing practical guidance to address the most common firmware security bugs to the embedded and IoT community. Follow Aaron’s latest research on twitter at @scriptingxss
Topic: What DOES it Take to Produce Secure Software
In today's technologically diverse, rapidly evolving and incredibly complex world, software makers face many challenges when it comes to producing secure software offerings. Many software security tools and services vendors want to sell you their silver bullet solutions, that supposedly solve the software security problem. There are a number of security certifications out there which are meant to help you address the problem. There are many security consultants and subject matter experts who will tell you how to do it right; there are books and magazines, podcasts, webinars, security conferences, meetups, YouTube videos aimed at helping you, while confusing you even further! So as a software maker, how do you tackle this problem? Where do you begin? How do you advance? How do you make sense of it all? What DOES it take to produce secure software? This OWASP LA panel consists of people who spent their entire careers in the trenches exploring and being consistently challenged by this problem space. The panelists will share their success and failure stories, as well as philosophical views based on their individual experiences from operating in diverse environments, trying to figure out that same question: What DOES it take?
---May 24, 2017 Verizon Digital Media Services
Opening Talk: Stuart Schwartz: Security in the News
Speaker: Shane MacDougall
Shane MacDougall has over 28 years experience as an information security professional, both as an attacker and a defender. His current focus in on threat intelligence, an area in which he has created, implemented, and run programs for two major Fortune 500 companies. He has lectured at security conferences internationally, and is the owner of two black badges from DEFCON. His book on social engineering is coming out this summer.
Topic: Threat Intelligence on the Cheap
Threat intelligence is a phrase that these days seems to be one of the buzz words de jour. Throw in IoT, big data, cloud, and Docker, and you pretty much have Infosec Yahtzee. But what is a meaningful threat intelligence program for your company? Why spend six figures for the latest TI feeds from the ultra hackers tracking down APTs, when can you roll your own for pennies on the dollar? In this presentation we’ll discuss how to define threat intelligence, how you can optimize your practice to reduce noise, what sources you can get for free (or close to free), how to automate a lot of the intelligence that you get, and perhaps most important, making that intelligence actionable. We will also discuss mistakes others, including your presenter, have made, and how to avoid these and other common pitfalls.
---April 26, 2017 Riot Games HQ, Los Angeles
Speaker: Jack Mannino
Jack is the Chief Executive Officer at nVisium and loves solving problems in the field of application security. With experience building, breaking, and securing software, he founded nVisium in 2009 to invent new and more efficient ways of protecting software. Jack is an active mobile and wearable security researcher and focuses on creating techniques for making both web and mobile application security scale effectively.
Topic: Security In The Land of Microservices
Microservices offer a lot of benefits for deploying large-scale applications, but implementing a secure architecture that scales over time can be challenging. Services are highly decoupled from each other as well as producers and consumers of data moving throughout the architecture. Data contracts between services are often blurry, and data sharing between microservices require careful consideration around access patterns and boundaries between related services. New services come, new services go. Some are deployed to containers, some to servers, and some are serverless. Your developers, data scientists, and infrastructure team are all empowered to move quickly and ship new services. Your job is to make sure all of the above happens in a secure and sane way.
In this presentation, we will discuss the challenges with securing microservices and present solutions to make security a seamless and frictionless part of scaling your architecture. Using real-world examples of successes and failures while building a microservice architecture, we will discuss what translates well from monolithic design to microservices, and the bad habits you should leave behind. We will demonstrate how to build authentication into a microservice architecture and how to implement a granular authorization scheme that will work effectively as you introduce new services. At the end of this presentation, you’ll understand what separates microservices from traditional monolithic applications and understand the problem space from a secure architectural perspective.
---March 22, 2017 Symantec Offices, Culver City
Speaker: Jeff Williams
A pioneer in application security, Jeff Williams has more than 20 years of experience in software development and security. He is the co-founder and CTO of Contrast Security, a revolutionary application security product that enhances software with the power to defend itself, check itself for vulnerabilities, and join a security command and control infrastructure. Williams is also a founder and major contributor to OWASP, where he served as the Chair of the OWASP Board for 8 years and created the OWASP Top 10, OWASP Enterprise Security API, OWASP Application Security Verification Standard, XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet, and many other widely adopted free and open projects. Jeff holds a BA from Virginia, an MA from George Mason, and a JD from Georgetown.
Topic: Turning Security into Code with Dynamic Binary Instrumentation
AppSec has a serious math problem. We’re introducing vulnerabilities faster than we can find them. And we’re finding them faster than we can fix them. With software development accelerating and 11 billion new lines of code being written in 2017, this won’t end well. Some organizations have tried using perimeter defenses rather than improving their SDLC, but they don’t know what they’re protecting. A possible improvement is to feed vulnerability information into perimeter defenses, but it’s a correlation nightmare. Fortunately, with dynamic binary instrumentation it’s possible to unify vulnerability and attack detection – providing a high-confidence method of preventing vulnerabilities from being exploited. In this talk, we’ll get under the hood of this technique and also explore how it affects the math of your application security program.
---February 22, 2017 Symantec Offices, Culver City
Speaker: Eli Mezei
Eli is an Executive Partner at Independent Security Evaluators, where he manages analyst and client activities, including assessment work and some research initiatives. Prior to joining Independent Security Evaluators, Mr. Mezei managed risk and research operations for one of the largest commodity trading advisors in the world. Mr. Mezei is one of the organizers of IoT Village, the popular new hacking concept focused on connected devices, as well as an organizer of SOHOpelessly Broken, the first ever router hacking contest at esteemed security conference DEF CON. Mr. Mezei holds an M.S. from The Johns Hopkins University.
Topic: Hacking Healthcare
In this session, we present findings from a long term security research study in healthcare, in which we discovered that adversaries can deploy cyber attacks that result in harm or fatality to patients. Over the course of 24 months, we investigated 12 hospitals, 2 healthcare data facilities, 2 medical devices and host of supporting applications and technologies. Our focus was to (a) determine the feasibility of attacks against patient health, (b) determine the contextual is- sues from both technical and business perspectives, and (c) articulate the solution.We discovered that the healthcare industry is pursuing the wrong security mission, with an almost exclusive focus on protecting patient data, yet almost no consideration of protecting patient health. We identified a number of security vulnerabilities which, if exploited, would result in patient harm or fatality. We also identified a very wide range of business and industry shortcomings, which lead to the introduction of such security vulnerabilities. Notably, we also published a blueprint, which is an actionable, step-by-step guide to help a healthcare organization of any size migrate to a more robust defense posture.This session provides a high level analysis of what we did, what we discovered, and what we recommend. The source study data can be found here:
---January 23-25, 2017 Annenberg Community Beach House, Santa Monica
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Los Angeles Chapter is teaming up with the Orange County and Santa Barbara chapters to bring you the third annual AppSec California. The event is a one of a kind experience for information security professionals, developers, and QA and testing professionals, as they gather at the beach from around the world to learn and share knowledge and experiences about secure systems and secure development methodologies. A full day of training on various subjects by expert trainers kicks off the conference on the 23rd. World renown speakers follow on days two and three.