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OWASP PenText Project

Revision as of 18:23, 17 July 2016 by Peter Mosmans (talk | contribs) (stated the wiki was updated ;))

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OWASP Project Header.jpg

Instructions are in RED text and should be removed from your document by deleting the text with the span tags. This document is intended to serve as an example of what is required of an OWASP project wiki page. The text in red serves as instructions, while the text in black serves as an example. Text in black is expected to be replaced entirely with information specific to your OWASP project.

OWASP Tool Project Template

The OWASP PenText XML documentation project is a collection of IT Security XML templates which combined with XSLT provide an easy way to generate documents including offers and reports.


The OWASP PenText XML documentation project can help your software security company by offering a well-structured and easy to maintain documenting system, and modify it to your liking. The XML template text and images can be adjusted to your company's standard by editing the constants in place on top of each document. The XML files related to reports also contain template texts regarding common vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities are each located in their own separate XML file, so they can be included where relevant. To get started it is neccessary to install a few Open Source tools. Please visit our documentation page on how to set up the environment.


This program is free software: all documents are released under CC by 4.0 ( allowing you to modify and redistribute the files freely.

Project Resources

Installation Package



Issue Tracker

Project Leader

A project leader is the individual who decides to lead the project throughout its lifecycle. The project leader is responsible for communicating the project’s progress to the OWASP Foundation, and he/she is ultimately responsible for the project’s deliverables. The project leader must provide OWASP with his/her real name and contact e-mail address for his/her project application to be accepted, as OWASP prides itself on the openness of its products, operations, and members.

Project leader's name

Related Projects

This is where you can link to other OWASP Projects that are similar to yours.


Project Type Files TOOL.jpg
Incubator Project Owasp-builders-small.png
Affero General Public License 3.0

News and Events

  • [17 July 2016] Updated the wiki with basic info.