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OWASP Asia 2007
第一屆OWASP亞洲年會 (OWASP Asia 2007) (完全免費)
First OWASP Asia Conference 2007
「Web 2.0時代之Security 3.0 — 從實務經驗看Web資安防護之挑戰
- 2007年5月11日,Google開始監控遭駭網站,並貼上危險網站之標籤,政府及企業該如何應對?
- 2007年5月15日,OWASP公佈2007年最新的十大Web弱點,跨站腳本攻擊(XSS)登上榜首,對台灣及全球的含意為何?
- 2007年6月6日,IBM購併Watchfire,HP隨即於6月19日購併SPI Dynamics?為何在短短一個月內,重量級資訊巨人跨足資安產業?而僅存的Cenzic以滲透測試技術於6月18日甫獲美國專利,又將對產業有何影響?
- Web 2.0面臨哪些新的資安威脅?其因應之道是什麼? 什麼是Security 3.0?又有哪些成功的實務案例?
黃耀文(Wayne Huang) (阿碼科技創辦人兼執行長)
簡介: Wayne Huang is first author of two award-winning security papers in the International WWW Conference (2003, 2004) and the co-author of "Computer Security in the 21st Century". Wayne is the founder and CEO of Armorize Technologies. He received the Microsoft Research Fellowship in 2005. He is a Ph.D. candidate at EE, National Taiwan University. He was the first author of many well-cited papers on web application security.
許清琦 (資策會副執行長)
簡介: TBD.
Jeremiah Grossman (WhiteHat Security創辦人兼技術長、InfoWorld 2007年最傑出25位技術長)
英文題目: The Next Challenge to Web Security: Business Logic Flaws
中文題目: 未來Web資安之大挑戰:邏輯漏洞 (此演講於本會議做第一次公開!)
國際演說:BlackHat Briefings, Defcon, ISACA, CSI, OWASP, Vanguard, ISSA
暢銷書籍:XSS Attacks
講者簡介: N/A
Daniel Hsu, 徐子文 (美國運通全球安全部東北亞區安全經理、美國產業安全學會ASIS International台灣分會會長、亞洲危機暨安全合作組織執行委員會委員)
英文題目: From a user perspective, what are CSOs' real concerns?
中文題目: 從使用者的角度出發,企業的安全長要的是什麼?
國際演說: 亞洲安全週、國際安全科技博覽會(SecuTech Expo)
暢銷書籍: 企業安全管理完全手冊
講者簡介: N/A
Jack Yu, 余俊賢 (資安人雜誌主編)
英文題目: Live in Battle: The NetArmy and Cross-Straight Digital Warfare
中文題目: 決戰實況: 中國網軍與海峽兩岸資訊戰
講者簡介: N/A
Mike Shema (Qualys首席資安研究員)
英文題目: Automated Tools: Are They Any Good for Enterprises?
中文題目: Web資安--企業如何有效利用自動工具?"
國際演說:BlackHat 2004, RSA 2005, IT Underground 2006, and SACIS 2007. Training at BlackHat conferences in the U.S. and Europe
講者簡介: Mr. Shema is the co-author of Hacking Exposed: Web Applications, The Anti-Hacker Toolkit, and the author of Hack Notes: Web Application Security. Mr. Shema worked for several years as a consultant and trainer at Foundstone where he conducted information security assessments across a variety of technologies and industries. He also worked at NT Objectives to develop assessment and mitigation strategies for all aspects of web application security. While his security background ranges across network penetration testing, wireless auditing, code review, and training, Mr. Shema primarily focuses on web application security. Mr. Shema is currently employed by Qualys, developing tools that automate the web application audit process.
Wayne Huang, 黃耀文 (OWASP台灣分會會長、阿碼科技創辦人兼執行長)
英文題目: Secure Web Developing using Static Analysis
中文題目: 利用靜態檢測做好安全Web應用程式開發
國際演說: RSA, ACM/W3C WWW, IEEE DSN, IEEE ISSRE, Hacks in Taiwan
暢銷書籍: Security in the 21st Century, 多篇頂尖IEEE/ACM國際論文
簡介: Wayne Huang is first author of two award-winning security papers in the International WWW Conference (2003, 2004) and the co-author of "Computer Security in the 21st Century". Wayne is the founder and CEO of Armorize Technologies. He received the Microsoft Research Fellowship in 2005. He is a Ph.D. candidate at EE, National Taiwan University. He was the first author of many well-cited papers on web application security.
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OWASP(開放Web軟體安全計畫 - Open Web Application Security Project)是一個開放社群、非營利性組織,目前全球有82個分會近萬名會員,其主要目標是研議協助解決Web軟體安全之標準、工具與技術文件,長期致力於協助政府或企業瞭解並改善網頁應用程式與網頁服務的安全性。由於應用範圍日廣,網頁應用安全已經逐漸的受到重視,並漸漸成為在安全領域的一個熱門話題,在此同時,駭客們也悄悄的將焦點轉移到網頁應用程式開發時所會產生的弱點來進行攻擊與破壞。
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