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OWASP Sheffield, UK
Welcome to the Sheffield, UK chapter homepage. The chapter leaders are:
Yousif Hussin: Founder of OWASP Sheffield and Global Information Security Engineer at Equinix, world's largest interconnected data-centers platform.
Neil Richardson: Course leader for the MSc in Information Systems Security at Sheffield Hallam University, a Consultant in Web Application and Network Penetration testing and a Co-creator and organiser of Steelcon -
OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.
to this chapter or become a local chapter supporter.
Or consider the value of Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member?
Next Event
Chris Gray Slides
Scott Storey Slides
Kate Dawson
Achim D. Brucker Slides
OWASP Sheffield - Brrr its cold outside
This will be the second OWASP Sheffield event with a line-up of top speakers in this field. They will deliver fresh material covering a range of very interesting areas in Web Application Security. Audience from technical and non-technical backgrounds, including students and IT professionals, will enjoy this experience and it will be popular.
Sponsors This event is sponsored by Sheffield Hallam University(Venue) and Steelcon(Food and Drinks).
The event will begin at 17:30 for Networking and Refreshments, with talks kicking off at 18:00.
Date: Thursday 25th Feb 2016
Registration Page (FREE):
Venue: Cantor Lecture Theatre, Cantor Building, City Campus, Sheffield Hallam University
17:30 Networking and Refreshments
18:00 Talk: Neil Richardson - Chapter Leader and Lecturer in Computer Security @ Sheffield Hallam Uni
Talk Title: Brief Intro to OWASP Sheffield
18:10 Talk: Chris Gray - Head of Application Security Tooling @ HSBC
Talk Title: DevSecOps at HSBC
18:25 Talk: Scott Storey - Application Security Engineer @ PlusNet
Talk Title: Security Header Checks
18:40 Talk: Kate Dawson - Worker @
Talk Title: Lost in transit? Secure your data with TLS. Also featuring letsencrypt; x509 for the people!
19:10 Break Food and Drink Provided by Steelcon -
19:30 Talk: Mark Goodwin - Security Engineer @ Mozilla
Talk Title: TBC
20:00 Talk: Dr Achim D. Brucker - Senior Lecturer in the Computer Science Department @ The University of Sheffield
Talk Title: Developing Secure Software: Experiences From an International Software Vendor
20:30 Panel Q/A and Closing
Past Events
OWASP is Coming To Sheffield!
This event will mark the start of OWASP in Sheffield with a line-up of top speakers in this field. They will deliver fresh material covering a range of very interesting areas in Web Application Security. Audience from technical and non-technical backgrounds, including students and IT professionals, will enjoy this experience and it will be popular. This event is co-organised with BCS (British Computer Society) South Yorkshire Branch and is kindly hosted by Sheffield Hallam University.
The event will begin at 17:00 for Networking and Refreshments, with talks kicking off at 18:00.
Date: Tuesday 12th May 2015
Registration Page (FREE):
Venue: Room 1028, Owen Building, City Campus, Sheffield Hallam University
17:00 Networking and Refreshments
18:00 Talk: Yousif Hussin - OWASP Sheffield Chapter Leader and Information Security Specialist
Talk Title: Introduction to OWASP Sheffield
Talk Title: HTTP-Secure, Is it?
18:20 Talk: Neil Richardson - Senior Information Security Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University
Talk Title: The OWASP Top 10
18:40 Talk: Simon Bennetts - OWASP ZAP Project Lead and Security Automation Engineer at Mozilla
Talk Title: OWASP ZAP 2.4.0
19:10 Talk: Mark Goodwin - Security Engineer at Mozilla
Talk Title: Thinking Out Loud About Internet PKI
19:30 Talk: Ryan Ackroyd - Formerly a Core Member of Lulzsec Hacking Group
Talk Title: All Roads Lead To $Hell
19:50 Panel Q/A and Closing