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How to Host a Conference/Budget
The OWASP Conference Budget Planning Tool 1.3. Develop the Event Budget The OWASP Conference Budget Planning Tool was developed to assist in the budget planning process. The tool was originally designed for AppSec conferences but can be used for a conference of any size. Attendees should be expected to pay their registration fees in advance. This helps provide an accurate picture of the number who will attend because the attendees are more committed to attending. You can consider a slightly higher fee for late registrations or registrations onsite, if your food and facilities planning can handle extra last-minute registrations. Your conference costs should be handled through the Foundation. Sponsorship funds, venue deposits, travel reimbursements, printing, etc will be managed for you. This allows you to focus more on the event content! Contact Us as soon as possible to get this set up. Don't minimize the importance of a detailed accounting of your conference funds. Setting things up right before you begin to receive registrations fees can make things a lot easier during and after the conference. Things to Consider: Shipment of OWASP products will come out of the conference budget Conferences are expected to provide travel for at least one board member Be sure to budget for fliers, signage and schwag To request general OWASP schwag/promotional merchandise, fill out the Google Form
NOTE: Profit Sharing Profit Sharing Proposal for Events: for the purposes of this proposal, the focus of these policies will ONLY address the financial liabilities and advantages of events. Mission critical objectives for hosting an event will not be included in this proposal. Global AppSec Events – 90/10 revenue share (Foundation/Chapter) until the profit target for the event is met, as determined by the Global Conferences Committee and the OWASP Board. This target will be defined based on the annual budget needs for the OWASP Foundation and that past profit history of that Global AppSec event. These budget targets will be finalized within 30 days after the U.S. Global AppSec Event. Any amount above the profit target will be allocated 60/40 to the local chapter. There is no cap on this chapter profit sharing. Rationale: a. A goal of the global AppSec event is to raise revenue for the foundation. b. Global AppSec Events require significant effort from the foundation staff and resources. c. A significant portion of the Foundation’s annual budget is based on revenue projections from the 4 major global AppSec events. Global Training Initiative - 90/10 revenue share (Foundation/Chapter) Foundation led and organized events such as global training ( ) until the profit target for the event is met, as determined by the OWASP Board. This target will be defined based on the annual budget needs for the OWASP Foundation and that past profit history of that Global AppSec event. These budget targets will be finalized within 30 days after the U.S. Global AppSec Event. Any amount above the profit target will be allocated 60/40 to the local chapter. There is no cap on this chapter profit sharing. All other events not classified as one of the Global AppSec Events will realize a 10/90 profit split (Foundation/chapter) up to $5,000 USD. Any profits above the $5K will recognize the standard 60/40 split. (Foundation/Chapter).