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OWASP Snakes and Ladders
- Main
- Web Applications Edition
- Mobile Apps Edition
- FAQs
- Acknowledgements
- Road Map and Getting Involved
OWASP Snakes and LaddersSnakes and Ladders is an educational project. It promotes awareness of application security controls and risks, and in particular knowledge of other OWASP documents and tools, using gamification. Play to WinFirtsly print the sheet out. This game is for 2-6 players. Give each player a coloured counter (marker). To begin, each player should throw the die to determine who plays first; the highest can lead. Put all the player’s counters onto the first square labelled “Start 1”. In turn, each player rolls the die and moves their counter by the number of squares indicated on the die. At the end of the move, if a player’s counter is at the bottom end of a ladder, the counter must be moved up the ladder to the square at its higher end. Conversely, if the player’s counter is located at the mouth of a snake, the counter must be moved down to the end of the snake’s tail. The first player to reach “100” at the top left wins. EditionsIn the board game for web applications, the virtuous behaviours are secure coding practices (from OWASP Proactive Controls project v1.0) and the vices are application security risks (from OWASP Top Ten Project 2013). The identical board game for mobile apps uses mobile controls (from the Mobile Security Project Top Ten Controls 2013) as the virtuous behaviours and the mobile risks (from the Top Ten Mobile Risks 2014 from the same project) as the vices. LicensingOWASP Cornucopia is free to use. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license, so you can copy, distribute and transmit the work, and you can adapt it, and use it commercially, but all provided that you attribute the work and if you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. © OWASP Foundation Other Security GamificationIf you are interested in using gaming for security, also see OWASP Cornucopia, Elevation of Privilege: The Threat Modeling Game, Security Cards from the University of Washington, the commercial card game Control-Alt-Hack (presentation for latter), and web application security training tools incorporating gamification such as OWASP Hackademic Challenges Project, OWASP Security Shepherd and ITSEC Games.
What is This?Snakes and Ladders is a popular board game, with ancient provenance imported into Great Britain from Asia in the 19th century. The original game showed the effects of good and evil, or virtues and vices. The game is known as Chutes and Ladders in some parts of the Americas. In this OWASP version, the virtuous behaviours are secure coding practices and the vices are application security risks. Project LeaderColin Watson Related Projects |
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Follow two mock games running on Twitter: Classifications
How can I participate in your project?
All you have to do is make the Project Leader's aware of your available time to contribute to the project. It is also important to let the Leader's know how you would like to contribute and pitch in to help the project meet it's goals and milestones. There are many different ways you can contribute to an OWASP Project, but communication with the leads is key.
If I am not a programmer can I participate in your project?
Yes, you can certainly participate in the project if you are not a programmer or technical. The project needs different skills and expertise and different times during its development. Currently, we are looking for researchers, writers, graphic designers, and a project administrator.
Snakes and Ladders is developed, maintained, updated and promoted by a worldwide team of volunteers. The contributors to date have been:
- Fabio Cerullo
- Tobias Gondrom
- Martin Haslinger
- Riotaro Okada
- Ferdinand Vroom
- Ivy Zhang
- Colin Watson
- The project leaders and contributors to the referenced controls and risks:
- OWASP staff for helping to set up the project and support its ongoing activities.
Version history:
- Web Applications
- [06 Nov 2014] v1.0 released in DE, EN and ES
- Mobile Apps
- [06 Nov 2014] v1.0 released in EN
As of November 2014, the priorities are:
- Promote use of Snakes and Ladders [In progress]
- Create a project presentation
- Translate into other languages
- Develop other boards
Involvement in the development and promotion of Snakes and Ladders is actively encouraged! You do not have to be a security expert in order to contribute.
Some of the ways you can help:
Are you fluent in another language? Can you help translate Snakes and Ladders into that language?
Use and Promote the Board Game
Please help raise awareness of Snakes and Ladders:
- Use the game with your colleagues, friends, families, students and children
- Create video about how to play the game
- Develop a multi-user mobile app or web application to play the game
Please use the [1] for feedback:
- How did you use it?
- What is people's reaction?
- What do like?
- What don't you like?
- What doesn't make sense?
- How could the guidance be improved?
- What other boards would you like to see?
Create a Board
Do you have an idea for your own application security Snakes and Ladders board? Please contribute your ideas via the mailing list.