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User:Magno Logan

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Magno Logan

Magno (Logan) Rodrigues
OWASP Member

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Magno (Logan) Rodrigues is the OWASP Paraiba Chapter Leader. He holds an MBA in Information Security from FATEC - I2P. He studied Computer Forensics for one year in New York, US at TC3. Graduated in Internet Systems from the Federal Institute of Technology of Paraiba - IFPB (BS). He is currently working as a Security Consultant for Conviso Application Security.


Title: OWASP em prol de um mundo mais seguro
Event: GTS 17
Date: 14/05/2011

Title: Segurança em Sites de Compras Coletivas: Vulnerabilidades, Ataques e Contramedidas
Event: COOL
Date: 15/05/2011

Title: OWASP e a Segurança na Web
Event: V ENSOL
Date: 23/07/2011

Title: Segurança em Sites de Compras Coletivas: Economizando dor de cabeça!
Event: OWASP App Sec Latam 2011
Date: 06/10/2011

Title: OWASP em prol de um mundo mais seguro
Event: IV ECD
Date: 09/12/2011

Title: OWASP: Quem somos e o que fazemos?
Event: OWASP Paraíba Day
Date: 20/01/2012

Title: OWASP: Quem somos e o que fazemos?
Event: VII Semana da Computação - UFPB
Date: 05/03/2012

Title: Security Testing on Web Applications
Event: BHack
Date: 17/06/2012

Title: Security Testing on Web Applications - How to protect yourself and avoid getting owned
Event: Just4Meeting 3.0
Date: 07/07/2012


Title: OWASP Top 10 + Java EE
Event: OWASP App Sec Latam 2011
Date: 04/10/2011
Document: OWASP Top 10 - 2010 para Java EE

Title: Introduction to Web Application Security
Place: Just4Meeting
Date: 07/07/2012


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