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PHP-RBAC is the de-facto authorization library for PHP. It provides developers with NIST Level 2 Standard Role Based Access Control and more, in the fastest implementation yet.


Welcome to PHP-RBAC OWASP page. PHP-RBAC is an attempt to make computer software more secure by making role based access control practice much easier and safer. You can visit the official website of PHP-RBAC where tutorials and documentations are available at


PHP-RBAC is a standard NIST Level 2 Hierarchical Role Based Access Control library implemented as a library for PHP. It allows perfectly maintainable function-level access control for enterprise and small applications or even frameworks.

Since implementation of NIST Level 2 Hierarchical RBAC is quite complicated, there are very few similar libraries and most of them do not adhere to standards. PHP-RBAC is one of the fastest implementations (relying on a SQLite or MySQL backend) and has been tested in industry for more than three years.


OWASP PHP-RBAC is free to use. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license, so you can copy, distribute and transmit the work, and you can adapt it, and use it commercially, but all provided that you attribute the work and if you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.

What is PHP-RBAC?

OWASP PHP-RBAC provides:

  • NIST Level 2 Hierarchical Role Based Access Control
  • Ease Of Use
  • Speed
  • Reliability


Demo: How RBAC Works

Project Leader

Abbas Naderi

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News and Events

03-05-14 - 2.0-Stable Released! 08-31-13 - 2.0-Beta Released!


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