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EUTour2013 Denmark Agenda

Revision as of 10:04, 3 June 2013 by Ulf Munkedal (talk | contribs)

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OWASP Europe Tour - Denmark 2013

Monday 10th of June 2013 from 1630 - 2100

OWASP Europe TOUR, is an event across the European region that promotes awareness about application security, so that people and organizations can make informed decisions about true application security risks. Everyone is free to participate in OWASP and all of our materials are available under a free and open software license.
  • Apart from OWASP's Top 10, most OWASP Projects are not widely used and understood. In most cases this is not due to lack of quality and usefulness of those Document & Tool projects, but due to a lack of understanding of where they fit in an Enterprise's security ecosystem or in the Web Application Development Life-cycle.
  • This event aims to change that by providing a selection of mature and enterprise ready projects together with practical examples of how to use them.
During the OWASP Europe Tour you could become a member and support our mission.

Become an OWASP member by clicking here

Monday 10th of June

Fecha Lugar
Monday 10th June Venue Location: Technical University of Denmark, DTU Compute, Institut for Matematik og Computer Science (former DTU Informatik)

Venue Address: DTU Compute, Building 324 (between building 322 and 325), entrance from Elektrovej or Matematiktorvet, 2800 Kgs Lyngby, Denmark
Venue Map: Google Maps

Price and registration
This event is FREE

For planning purposes please register here or send an email to [email protected] no later than June 10 at 1200.

Conference Details
Time Title Speaker Description
(30 mins)
Arriving and Networking
(15 mins)
Welcome and OWASP Ulf Munkedal What is OWASP? Why this event? How can you learn more and/or contribute? Thank you to our venue and food sponsor DTU Compute and the EU Tour 2013 sponsors.
(15 mins)
Information security at DTU Compute Christian W. Probst, Associate Professor A brief overview of what is going on at DTU Compute when it comes to information security related projects, e.g. the TREsPASS.
(45 mins)
OWASP Tools and resources Fabio Cerullo Fabio will give an overview of the many tools and resources that OWASP makes available and explain how you can use them. Including the OWASP ESAPI - Enterprise Security API and how you can use it to write lower-risk applications.
(30 mins)
Dinner break and networking Sandwiches and soft drinks Thanks to DTU Compute
(60 mins)
Android Security and App Testing Alexandru Gherman Practical examples of the risks from OWASP Mobile Top 10 with proof-of-concepts and practical reverse engineering and testing of a downloaded app.
(15 mins)
Coffee break and networking Coffee, the and possibly a cake :) Thanks to DTU Compute
(45 mins)
The Builsing Security in Maturity Model (BSIMM) Ellen Moar How do you know what security activities belong in your software lifecycle? How do you measure what you're doing? Begun in 2009, the BSIMM, is an observation-based scientific model directly describing the collective software security activities of more than sixty software security initiatives. Used as a measuring tool, BSIMM helps an organisation understand and plan their software security initiative. It covers the full framework of software development from requirements, architecture, code and test, to release management, governance, and training. This talk will introduce the measurements, explain what is measured, how it is measured, and how the measurement can be used to create or improve a software security initiative.
(15 min)
Rounding up Ulf Munkedal Conclusions and last questions before splitting up after a great evening :)