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GSoC2012 Ideas

Revision as of 11:35, 1 March 2012 by Fabio.e.cerullo (talk | contribs) (OWASP Project Requests)

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Information for Students

The ideas below were contributed by OWASP project leaders and users. They are sometimes vague or incomplete. If you wish to submit a proposal based on these ideas, you may wish to contact the corresponding project leaders and find out more about the particular suggestion you're looking at. Being accepted as a Google Summer of Code student is quite competitive. Accepted students typically have thoroughly researched the technologies of their proposed project and have been in frequent contact with potential mentors. Simply copying and pasting an idea here will not work. On the other hand, creating a completely new idea without first consulting potential mentors is unlikely to work out.

Adding a Proposal


Brief explanation:

Expected results:

Knowledge Prerequisite:


Ideas How to find ideas? Obvious sources of projects are the OWASP project wiki, bugs database, and project mailing lists.

Generic Sample Proposal

Accepted for GSoC 2011

Brief explanation:

KDE has developed a number of very interesting and powerful technologies, libraries and components but there is no easy way to show them to other people.

Expected results:

Something like Qt Demo but with KDE technologies.

Knowledge prerequisite:

C++ is the main language of KDE, therefore the demo should be in C++. The more you know about C++, Qt, KDE and scripting (for Kross and KDE bindings demos), the better. This idea encompasses so much different stuff the student is not expected to know everything before he starts coding (but will certainly know a lot when he's done!).

Skill level: medium

Mentor: Pau Garcia i Quiles as general mentor and someone to ask for directions. Specific help for each technology will probably require help from its developers.

OWASP Project Requests

ZAP Proxy

The Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is an easy to use integrated penetration testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications.

It is designed to be used by people with a wide range of security experience and as such is ideal for developers and functional testers who are new to penetration testing.

ZAP provides automated scanners as well as a set of tools that allow you to find security vulnerabilities manually.


Mailing List:

Project 001 - Compare crawling sessions for authentication issues

Brief explanation: Develop a ZAP session crawler to be able to compare two crawling sessions of two logged in users and see what URLs or Actions could be performed from the other session.

Expected results:

ZAP will be able to recognise when requests are associated with different sessions.

ZAP should allow the user to view the crawled URLs for each session independantly, and show which URLs are unique to each session.

It should also be able to check if any of the 'unique' pages can in fact be accessed by the other session.

Knowledge Prerequisite:

ZAP is written in Java, so a good knowledge of this language is recommended, as is knowledge of HTML. Some knowledge of crawlers and/or aplication security would be useful, but not essential.

Mentors: Simon Bennetts - OWASP ZAP Project Leader | Skyler Onken - OWASP ZAP Developer

Project 002 - Dynamically Configurable actions

Brief explanation:

ZAP provides various mechanisms which allow HTTP requests and responses to be changed dynamically. So (for example) a string in an HTTP request can automatically be changed to another string.

It also supports a scripting interface, which is very powerful but at the moment difficult to use.

This project would introduce something inbetween thess 2 options - a powerful way of defining (potentially) complex rules using a wizard based interface.

The challenge will be to make it as usable as possible while still providing a wide range of functionality.

Expected results:

This component would provide a set of highly configurable 'actions' which the user would see up via a wizard.

So they would initially define when the action applies, based on things like regex matching on request elements. And they should be able to define multiple criteria with ANDs and ORs.

Then they would define the actions, which could include:

  • Changing the request (adding, removing or replacing strings)
  • Raising alerts
  • Breaking (to replace existing break points)
  • Running custom scripts (which could do pretty much anything)

They would then be able to switch the actions on and off from the full list of defined actions using checkboxes

Knowledge Prerequisite:

ZAP is written in Java, so a good knowledge of this language is recommended, as is knowledge of HTML. Some knowledge of application security would be useful, but not essential.

Mentor: Simon Bennetts - OWASP ZAP Project Leader | Skyler Onken - OWASP ZAP Developer

Project 003 - Extend Web API to cover all of the ZAP functionality

Brief explanation:

ZAP provides a REST based API which can be used to control core aspects of the functionality provided by ZAP.

This project would extend that API to cover all/most of the ZAP functionality.

Expected results: Comprehensive Web API that will cover all of the ZAP Proxy functionality.

Knowledge Prerequisite:

ZAP is written in Java, so a good knowledge of this language is recommended, as is knowledge of HTML. Some knowledge of application security would be useful, but not essential.

Mentor: Simon Bennetts - OWASP ZAP Project Leader | Skyler Onken - OWASP ZAP Developer

Project 004 - Closer integration with OWASP AJAX

Brief explanation:

ZAP provides a basic spider that can be used to explore an application, however it is very limited, especially when used with AJAX based applications.

The OWASP AJAX crawling tool ( is specifically designed to crawl AJAX applications and can already use ZAP as a proxy.

This project would develop a ZAP plugin which integrates ZAP with the OWASP AJAX crawling Tool.

Expected results:

A new ZAP plugin would be produced which allows ZAP to crawl AJAX applications using the OWASP AJAX crawling tool.

The plugin would allow the 2 tools to be tightly integrated, while still allowing them to work completely independently.

Knowledge Prerequisite:

Both ZAP and the AJAX tool are written in Java, so a good knowledge of this language is recommended, as is knowledge of HTML. Some knowledge of crawlers and/or aplication security would be useful, but not essential.

Mentor: Simon Bennetts - OWASP ZAP Project Leader | Skyler Onken - OWASP AJAX Tool Project Leader

ESAPI Swingset Interactive

The ESAPI Swingset Interactive is a web application which demonstrates common security vulnerabilities and asks users to secure the application against these vulnerabilities using the ESAPI library. The application is intended for Java Developers. The goal of the application is to teach developers about the functionality of the ESAPI library and give users a practical understanding of how it can be used to protect web applications against common security vulnerabilities.


Mailing List:

Project 001 - Implement a solid Authenticator class

Brief explanation:

Provide Swingset Interactive with a simple but fully functional implementation of the ESAPI Authenticator Interface.

Expected results:

Swingset Interactive comes with a rudimentary implementation of the ESAPI Authenticator Interface, a FileBasedAuthenticator. This implementation needs to be fixed or replaced in order to allow users of the Swingset Interactive application all of the ESAPI Authenticator methods, including registration, login, a "remember me" feature and a persistence beyond server restart.

Knowledge Prerequisite:

A basic knowledge of Java, Java Servlets is necessary, as is knowledge of HTML.

Mentor: Fabio Cerullo - OWASP ESAPI Swingset Interactive Project Leader

Project 002 - Upgrade to ESAPI 2.0.x

Brief explanation:

Adapt Swingset Interactive to work with ESAPI 2.0.x. libraries.

Expected results:

Make the current Swingset Interactive application compatible with ESAPI 2.0.x. Swingset Interactive currently comes with ESAPI 1.4.Various changes and improvements were made with ESAPI 2.0.x and it is generally recommended not to use 1.4 any more for Java EE Projects.

Knowledge Prerequisite:

A basic knowledge of Java, Java Servlets is necessary, as is knowledge of HTML.

Mentor: Fabio Cerullo - OWASP ESAPI Swingset Interactive Project Leader

Project 003 - Improve the Swingset look and feel

Brief explanation:

Various minor bug fixes and improvements.

Expected results:

Fix and solve a number of documented bug fixes and improvement suggestions for the Swingset Interactive and bring in your own improvement suggestions.

Knowledge Prerequisite:

A basic knowledge of Java, Java Servlets is necessary, as is knowledge of HTML.

Mentor: Fabio Cerullo - OWASP ESAPI Swingset Interactive Project Leader

Project 004 - Platform-independent Swingset Interactive

Brief explanation:

Adapt Swingset Interactive to work with any OS.

Expected results:

Swingset Interactive currently runs only under Windows. Modify the Eclipse project and installation scripts to be easily installed on any OS that runs Eclipse.

Knowledge Prerequisite:

Good knowledge of Java, Apache Tomcat and a broad knowledge of various Operating Systems are required.

Mentor: Fabio Cerullo - OWASP ESAPI Swingset Interactive Project Leader

Project 005 - Mavenize the Swingset

Expected results:

Create a new Swingset Interactive Maven Archetype.

Expected results:

Offer the Swingset Interactive as a Maven Archetype.

Knowledge Prerequisite:

Good knowledge of Java, and Maven are required.

Mentor: Fabio Cerullo - OWASP ESAPI Swingset Interactive Project Leader