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OWASP Limerick
OWASP Ireland-Limerick
Welcome to the Ireland-Limerick chapter homepage.
OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.
to this chapter or become a local chapter supporter.
Or consider the value of Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member?
become a Member or Annual Chapter Sponsor(s).
OWASP Ireland-Limerick Board
Should you have a question about the local chapter, would like to get more involved contact ANY of the following people below
- President Marian Ventuneac
- Vice President TBD
- Secretary TBD
OWASP Ireland-Limerick
Address - TBD
OWASP Ireland Limerick 2012 Meetings
Next Meeting
When: 21/02/2012 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Where: Limerick City Council, City Hall, Merchants Quay
This free event is open to all participants with an interest in application security. Registration is required
For ISACA and (ISC)² members: This event qualifies for free CPE credits/hours.
Title: OWASP Limerick - introduction, objectives, meeting agenda
19:00 - 19:50
Title: HTML5 - A Whole New Attack Vector - presented by Robert McArdle
Abstract: HTML5 opens up a wide and wonderful new world for Web Designers to explore - bringing fantastic new features that were previously only possible via Flash or horribly over-complicated Javascript. And HTML5 is not a future technology - chances are your favourite browser already has excellent support built in (unless you are still using IE).
We'll look at some of the troublesome new attacks that this new HTML5 standard introduces, how attackers can leverage these attacks to cause untold havoc on your machine, and how - with a little bit of help from some not so over-complicated Javascript - we can build Botnets in your Browser!
Presenter: Robert is currently working as the manager of Trend Micro's Advanced Threat Research team in Europe, where he is involved in analyzing the latest malware threats, specializing in researching the future threat landscape and criminal underground. Robert is a regular presenter for the press and at security conferences. He has also written and lectures an MSc module in Malware Analysis at Cork IT and UCD, and is a trainer for several SANS qualifications. A graduate of Trinity and DCU he holds several qualifications from SANS and serves on the SANS advisory board.
19:55 - 20:10
Title: TBA
Abstract: TBA
Presenter: TBA
20:05 - 20:45
Title: Practical Defense with mod_security WAF - presented by Marian Ventuneac
Abstract: This presentation will introduce the audience to mod_security Web Application Firewall. Several practical cases on timely mitigation of various security risks using mod_security will be presented.
Presenter: Marian Ventuneac
OWASP Limerick Chapter Raffle: Two sponsored software development/information security books will be available for this event.
Past Events
2011 Meetings