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Summit 2011/Schedule - Concepts and Structure
Revision as of 11:28, 11 January 2011 by Dinis.cruz (talk | contribs)
NOTE: THIS PAGE CURRENTLY CONTAINS A BRAIN DUMP (Jim please edit and delete this NOTE when you are happy with its content)
Discussion group
There is a dedicated Discussion Forum for Summit Schedule items, which can be found here:
The key objecives of the Summit Schedule are:
- Maximize Attendees productivity (while at the Summit)
- Attract as much talent (and key players) to the Summit as possible
- Convince attendees to spend (at least) 3 days at the Summit (Tue, Wed and Thu)
There will be a number of different schedules that need to be created
- Pre-Summit Schedule - Created/Released 4 weeks before the Summit, Contains what its known at the time, doesn't make ANY commitment (apart for very specific exceptions) on when a Track or Working Session will occour, defines the KEY Summit Schedule components (i.e. how many Large/Medium/Small Working Sessions slots will exist)
- Draft Scheadule - Not for public consumtions schedule, used internall to test out the possible schedule combinations and to detect/address major schedule conflicts. This is where all data will be feed as it becomes available (attendees arrival times, attendees working sessions attendance perferences, attendees 'black spots', etc....)
- Final Schedule - Released 1 or 2 days before the Summit, its basically the final version of the Draft Scheadule, NOT to be modified during the Summit
- Other items to take into account
- Ask key attendees if they have remote meetings that they need to be and will make them unavailable to participate in a working session (we should keep these to the minimum, but it will be good to take them into account)
- Some attendees will have other Summit Related tasks (let's say Jim with helping out on Podcasting), so we need to take this into account when creating the personalized scheadules