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Control template

Revision as of 13:21, 2 May 2008 by Leocavallari (talk | contribs)

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Last revision (mm/dd/yy): 05/2/2008

Every Control should follow this template.


A control (countermeasure or security control) is a protection mechanism that prevents, deters, or detects attacks, or prevents or reduces vulnerabilities.

  1. Start with a one-sentence description of the control
  2. How does the countermeasure work?
  3. What are some examples of implementations of the control (steer clear of specific products)

Risk Factors

  • Talk about the factors that this control affects
  • What effect does this countermeasure have on the attack or vulnerability?
  • Does this control reduce the technical or business impact?

Difficulty to Implement

  • Discuss the typical difficulty of implementing this control, emphasizing the factors that make it easier or harder
  • Steer clear of language/platform specific information here


Short example name

A short example description, small picture, or sample code with links

Short example name

A short example description, small picture, or sample code with links

Related Attacks

Related Vulnerabilities

Note: the contents of "Related Problems" sections should be placed here

Related Controls

Note: contents of "Avoidance and Mitigation" and "Countermeasure" related Sections should be placed here


When the article is reviewed, the "Honeycomb" category SHOULD be removed and replaced with the "ASDR" category [[Category:OWASP Honeycomb Project]] [[Category:OWASP ASDR Project]]