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OWASP Security Catalyst

Revision as of 07:52, 5 October 2015 by Rachnagoel (talk | contribs) (Volunteers)

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OWASP Security Catalyst

OWASP Security Catalyst project is a collection of dummy applications (fully secure and fully vulnerable versions) in various programming languages and platforms including .NET, JAVA, PHP, Android, iPhone, etc, demonstrating implementation of OWASP's secure design and development guidelines.


Vision of this project is to demonstrate the implementation of OWASP's secure design and development guidelines as working applications in all leading programming languages and platforms including .NET, JAVA, PHP, Android, iPhone, etc. All the dummy applications will be available as Fully Vulnerable and Fully Secure versions.

Vulnerable version will highlight the application security vulnerabilities, and can be used for Hands-on practice for application VAPT. At the same time, Secure version of the same application will map OWASP's security development guidelines in the code files, demonstrating secure coding.

User's can not only use the vulnerable apps for VAPT practice, but they will very easily be able to compare the vulnerable code with the secure code, from the secure version of the same application.

  1. Security hobbyist, enthusiasts, analysts and testers can use the vulnerable versions of the applications for Hand-on practice.
  2. Developers will also be able to pick up security libraries from our secure version of the applications, to use them in their own applications and projects.
  3. raining organizations can use this project's applications for VAPT and Secure Coding training programs.

This is going to be a unique project where ready made secure code/libraries are available in the secure versions of the applications, including all leading programming languages, and will make it very easy and quick for developers to pick and duplicate security implementation in their own applications.


GNU GPL v3 License

Project Resources

GITHUB Repository

Currently under development, this project's deliverable will be downloadable secure and vulnerable versions of dummy application in various programming languages including .NET, JAVA, PHP, Android, iPhone, etc.

Project Leader

Praful Agarwal User:Praful

Rachna Goel User:Rachnagoel

Sulabh Jain User:Sulabh.jain

Related Projects

OWASP_WebGoat_Project OWASP_PHP_Security_Project OWASP_Java_File_I_O_Security_Project


Project Type Files CODE.jpg
Incubator Project Owasp-builders-small.png
Affero General Public License 3.0

Q1 2015

  1. Developing "Training Management System" in PHP/MySQL as Vulnerable and Secure versions.
  2. Walk-through/User-guide (preferably videos) for practicing vulnerabilities in "Training Management System - Vulnerable"
  3. Walk-through/User-guide (preferably videos) for exploring security libraries in "Training Management System - Secure"

Q2 2015

  1. Developing "Training Management System" in ASP.NET/C#/SQL as Vulnerable and Secure versions.
  2. Walk-through/User-guide (preferably videos) for practicing vulnerabilities in "Training Management System - Vulnerable"
  3. Walk-through/User-guide (preferably videos) for exploring security libraries in "Training Management System - Secure"

Q3 2015

  1. Developing "Training Management System" in JAVA/ORACLE as Vulnerable and Secure versions.
  2. Walk-through/User-guide (preferably videos) for practicing vulnerabilities in "Training Management System - Vulnerable"
  3. Walk-through/User-guide (preferably videos) for exploring security libraries in "Training Management System - Secure"

Other Future Plans

  • Developing "Training Management System" for Mobile Platforms
  • Preparing other vulnerable and secure applications
  • Developing security checklist for quick reference for leading languages and platforms


Currently OWASP_Security_Catalyst project is led by Praful Agarwal and Rachna Goel. This project's deliverable and distributions are available here.

We invite you to become a contributor for this project.

The first contributors to the project were:

{ Praful Agarwal]

{ Rachna Goel]

How can I participate in your project?

All you have to do is make the Project Leader's aware of your available time to contribute to the project. It is also important to let the Leader's know how you would like to contribute and pitch in to help the project meet it's goals and milestones. There are many different ways you can contribute to an OWASP Project, but communication with the leads is key.

If I am not a programmer can I participate in your project?

Yes, you can certainly participate in the project if you are not a programmer or technical. The project needs different skills and expertise and different times during its development. Currently, we are looking for researchers, writers, graphic designers, and a project administrator.

Involvement in the development and promotion of OWASP Security Catalyst Project is actively encouraged! You do not have to be a security expert or a programmer to contribute. Some of the ways you can help are as follows:


We could implement some of the later items on the roadmap sooner if someone wanted to help out with unit or automated regression tests


Are you fluent in another language? Can you help translate the text strings in the Code Project Template into that language?


Do you have a flair for finding bugs in software? We want to product a high quality product, so any help with Quality Assurance would be greatly appreciated. Let us know if you can offer your help.


Please use the Code Project Template project mailing list for feedback about:

  • What do like?
  • What don't you like?
  • What features would you like to see prioritized on the roadmap?

A ready to use "Training Management System" in PHP/MySQL as Vulnerable and Secure versions

24-Nov-2014: Project Repository Creation on GitHub

GitHub project repository created for project deliverable and distribution, which can be found here.