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OWASP SeraphimDroid Project
OWASP SeraphimDroidOWASP Seraphimdroid is a privacy and security protection app for Android devices. It enables users to protect their devices against malicious software (viruses, trojans, worms, etc.), phishing SMS, MMS messages, execution of dangerous USSD codes, theft and loosing. Also, it enables user to protect their privacy and to control the usage of applications and services via various kinds of locks. IntroductionOWASP Seraphimdroid is a privacy and security protection app for Android devices. It enables users to protect their devices against malicious software (viruses, trojans, worms, etc.), phishing SMS, MMS messages, execution of dangerous USSD codes, theft and loosing. Also, it enables user to protect their privacy and to control the usage of applications and services via various kinds of locks. It also enables remote locking and wiping, geofencing and various other protections against phishing, malware and theft. It can also be used for parental control of what applications can be used, what can be installed or uninstalled on device. Application has also educational purpose to teach and point out risks and threats for security and privacy of mobile users. Project development is done on GitHub: Release of OWASP Seraphimdroid is available on Google Play: DescriptionThe aim of this project is to research all threats and risks coming from permissions and to actively alarm user of the application about those risks. Also, using different kind of heuristics and machine learning SeraphimDroid application should keep user data and money safe. Application should prevent other applications to execute actions that cost money without user's knowledge and acknowledgement. The secondary goal of the project is to publish documentation about researched topics, such as how can some permissions be misused, what are the heuristic approaches to prevent other application executing malicious actions etc. LicensingGNU GPL v3 License (allows commercial use, but requires that modifications to your code stay open source, thus prohibiting proprietary forks of your project)
What is OWASP SeraphimDroid?OWASP SeraphimDroid provides:
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Project LeaderNikola Milosevic [1]
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OWASP SeraphimDroid is developed by a worldwide team of volunteers. The primary contributors to date have been:
- Nikola Milosevic
- Aleksandar Abu Samra
- Chetan Karande
- Ali Tekeoglu
- Furquan Ahmed
- Kartik Kohli
- xxx
As of SeraphimDroid, the priorities are:
- MVP development of Android security application with educational content
- Documenting approaches taken during the development
- Try to publish some papers
- Further development and improvement
Involvement in the development and promotion of SeraphimDroid is actively encouraged! You do not have to be a security expert in order to contribute. Some of the ways you can help:
- Help coding open source security app
- Write project documentation
- Research possible permission misuse
Future development should include:
- Handling spam messages (SMS, MMS) in a better way
- Developing Seraphimdroid as extendable platform with plugins made by other developers
- Handling dangerous and malicious web pages while surfing
- Advanced behavioral and machine learning based malware analysis
- Developing educational content within the application
- Advanced anti-theft and anti-loss measures
If you want to contribute please contact project leader Nikola Milosevic [2]
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