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User:Ron Perris

Revision as of 17:05, 14 July 2014 by Ron Perris (talk | contribs)

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Involvement in OWASP

  • Relaunched the OWASP Orange County Chapter.
    • Grew the chapter leadership organization to five chapter leaders from three.
    • Increased meeting frequency from bi-yearly to monthly.
    • Held 13 meetings in the last twelve months.
    • Attracted 140 new attendees to chapter meetings.
    • Established a culture of vendor neutrality and speakers selection based on merit
  • Helped Organize AppSecCalifornia 2013 along with OWASP OC Organizers and other California OWASP Chapters
    • Attracted Speakers to Call-for-Papers
    • Worked with OWASP team to Setup Vendor Room
    • Performed Registration and Information Desk Duty

Current Projects

  • OWASP Secure Coding for Charity Project in Orange County
  • OWASP Orange County Capture the Flag Challenge

Contact Info

Professional Bio

Ron Perris is currently an Advisor for SecureReady, a phishing simulation software company. Formerly, Ron worked in product development executive roles for several information security companies. Ron spent 6 years with Sweden’s Outpost24, as CTO for 4 of those years. At Outpost24 Ron lead product development and software engineering. With Outpost24 he worked with over 2000 organizations globally to help them manage their network, systems and application security. Ron also worked for NTOBJECTives and Whitehat Security to help companies improve their application security programs. Ron joined OWASP in 2013 as the Orange County Chapter Leader and has worked through the chapter to carry out the OWASP mission locally.