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Testing Checklist

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This article is part of the new OWASP Testing Guide v4.
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The following is the list of controls to test during the assessment:

Ref. No. Category Test Name
4.2 Information Gathering
4.2.1 OTG-INFO-001 Conduct Search Engine Discovery and Reconnaissance for Information Leakage
4.2.2 OTG-INFO-002 Fingerprint Web Server
4.2.3 OTG-INFO-003 Review Webserver Metafiles for Information Leakage
4.2.4 OTG-INFO-004 Enumerate Applications on Webserver
4.2.5 OTG-INFO-005 Review Webpage Comments and Metadata for Information Leakage
4.2.6 OTG-INFO-006 Identify application entry points
4.2.8 OTG-INFO-008 Map execution paths through application
4.2.9 OTG-INFO-009 Fingerprint Web Application Framework
4.2.10 OTG-INFO-010 Fingerprint Web Application
4.2.11 OTG-INFO-011 Map Network and Application Architecture
4.3 Configuration and Deploy Management Testing
4.3.1 OTG-CONFIG-001 Test Network/Infrastructure Configuration
4.3.2 OTG-CONFIG-002 Test Application Platform Configuration
4.3.3 OTG-CONFIG-003 Test File Extensions Handling for Sensitive Information
4.3.4 OTG-CONFIG-003 Backup and Unreferenced Files for Sensitive Information
4.3.5 OTG-CONFIG-005 Enumerate Infrastructure and Application Admin Interfaces
4.3.6 OTG-CONFIG-006 Test HTTP Methods
4.3.7 OTG-CONFIG-007 Testing for Database credentials/connection strings available
4.3.8 OTG-CONFIG-008 Test Content Security Policy
4.3.9 OTG-CONFIG-009 Test HTTP Strict Transport Security
4.3.10 OTG-CONFIG-010 Test Frame Options
4.3.11 OTG-CONFIG-011 Test RIA cross domain policy
4.3.12 OTG-CONFIG-012 Test Content Type Options
4.4 Identity Management Testing
4.4.1 OTG-IDENT-001 Test Role Definitions
4.4.2 OTG-IDENT-002 Test User Registration Process
4.4.3 OTG-IDENT-003 Test Account Provisioning Process
4.4.4 OTG-IDENT-004 Testing for Account Enumeration and Guessable User Account
4.4.5 OTG-IDENT-005 Testing for Weak or unenforced username policy
4.4.6 OTG-IDENT-006 Test Permissions of Guest/Training Accounts
4.4.7 OTG-IDENT-007 Test Account Suspension/Resumption Process
4.4.8 OTG-IDENT-008 Test User Deregistration Process
4.4.9 OTG-IDENT-009 Test Account Deregistration Process
4.5 Authentication Testing
4.5.1 OTG-AUTHN-001 Testing for Credentials Transported over an Encrypted Channel
4.5.2 OTG-AUTHN-002 Testing for default credentials
4.5.3 OTG-AUTHN-003 Testing for Weak lock out mechanism
4.5.4 OTG-AUTHN-004 Testing for bypassing authentication schema
4.5.5 OTG-AUTHN-005 Test remember password functionality
4.5.6 OTG-AUTHN-006 Testing for Browser cache weakness
4.5.7 OTG-AUTHN-007 Testing for Weak password policy
4.5.8 OTG-AUTHN-008 Testing for Weak security question/answer
4.5.9 OTG-AUTHN-009 Testing for weak password change or reset functionalities
4.5.10 OTG-AUTHN-010 Testing for Weaker authentication in alternative channel
4.6 Authorization Testing
4.6.1 OTG-AUTHZ-001 Test Management of Account Permissions
4.6.2 OTG-AUTHZ-002 Testing Directory traversal/file include
4.6.3 OTG-AUTHZ-003 Testing for bypassing authorization schema
4.6.4 OTG-AUTHZ-004 Testing for Privilege Escalation
4.6.5 OTG-AUTHZ-005 Testing for Insecure Direct Object References
4.6.6 OTG-AUTHZ-006 Testing for Failure to Restrict access to authorized resource
4.6.7 OTG-AUTHZ-007 Test privileges of server components
4.6.8 OTG-AUTHZ-008 Test enforcement of application entry points
4.6.9 OTG-AUTHZ-009 Testing for failure to restrict access to authenticated resource
4.7 Session Management Testing
4.7.1 OTG-SESS-001 Testing for Bypassing Session Management Schema
4.7.2 OTG-SESS-002 Testing for Cookies attributes
4.7.3 OTG-SESS-003 Testing for Session Fixation
4.7.4 OTG-SESS-004 Testing for Exposed Session Variables
4.7.5 OTG-SESS-005 Testing for Cross Site Request Forgery
4.7.6 OTG-SESS-006 Test Session Token Strength
4.7.7 OTG-SESS-007 Testing for logout functionality
4.7.8 OTG-SESS-008 Test Session Timeout
4.7.9 OTG-SESS-009 Test multiple concurrent sessions
4.7.10 OTG-SESS-010 Testing for Session puzzling
4.8 Data Validation Testing
4.8.1 OTG-INPVAL-001 Testing for Reflected Cross Site Scripting
4.8.2 OTG-INPVAL-002 Testing for Stored Cross Site Scripting
4.8.3 OTG-INPVAL-003 Testing for HTTP Verb Tampering
4.8.4 OTG-INPVAL-004 Testing for HTTP Parameter pollution
4.8.5 OTG-INPVAL-005 Testing for Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
4.8.6 OTG-INPVAL-006 Testing for SQL Injection Oracle Testing MySQL Testing SQL Server Testing Testing PostgreSQL MS Access Testing Testing for NoSQL injection
4.8.7 OTG-INPVAL-007 Testing for LDAP Injection
4.8.8 OTG-INPVAL-008 Testing for ORM Injection
4.8.9 OTG-INPVAL-009 Testing for XML Injection
4.8.10 OTG-INPVAL-010 Testing for SSI Injection
4.8.11 OTG-INPVAL-011 Testing for XPath Injection
4.8.12 OTG-INPVAL-012 IMAP/SMTP Injection
4.8.13 OTG-INPVAL-013 Testing for Code Injection Testing for Local File Inclusion Testing for Remote File Inclusion
4.8.14 OTG-INPVAL-014 Testing for Command Injection
4.8.15 OTG-INPVAL-015 Testing for Buffer overflow Testing for Heap overflow Testing for Stack overflow Testing for Format string
4.8.16 OTG-INPVAL-016 Testing for incubated vulnerabilities
4.8.17 OTG-INPVAL-017 Testing for HTTP Splitting/Smuggling
4.9 Error Handling
4.9.1 OTG-ERR-001 Analysis of Error Codes
4.9.2 OTG-ERR-002 Analysis of Stack Traces
4.1 Cryptography
4.10.1 OTG-CRYPST-001 Testing for Insecure encryption usage
4.10.2 OTG-CRYPST-001 Testing for Weak SSL/TSL Ciphers, Insufficient Transport Layer Protection
4.10.3 OTG-CRYPST-003 Testing for Padding Oracle
4.10.4 OTG-CRYPST-004 Testing for Cacheable HTTPS Response
4.10.5 OTG-CRYPST-005 Test Cache Directives
4.10.6 OTG-CRYPST-006 Testing for Insecure Cryptographic Storage
4.10.7 OTG-CRYPST-007 Testing for Sensitive information sent via unencrypted channels
4.10.8 OTG-CRYPST-008 Test Cryptographic Key Management
4.11 Logging
4.11.1 OTG-LOG-001 Test time synchronisation
4.11.2 OTG-LOG-002 Test user-viewable log of authentication events
4.12 OWASP-BL-001 Business Logic Testing
4.12.1 OTG-BUSLOGIC-001 Test Business Logic Data Validation
4.12.2 OTG-BUSLOGIC-002 Test Ability to Forge Requests
4.12.3 OTG-BUSLOGIC-003 Test Integrity Checks
4.12.4 OTG-BUSLOGIC-004 Test for Process Timing
4.12.5 OTG-BUSLOGIC-005 Test Number of Times a Function Can be Used Limits
4.12.6 OTG-BUSLOGIC-006 Testing for the Circumvention of Work Flows
4.12.7 OTG-BUSLOGIC-007 Test Defenses Against Application Mis-use
4.12.8 OTG-BUSLOGIC-008 Test Upload of Unexpected File Types
4.12.9 OTG-BUSLOGIC-009 Test Upload of Malicious Files
4.15 Client Side Testing
4.15.1 OTG-CLIENT-001 Testing for DOM based Cross Site Scripting
4.15.2 OWASP-CS-002 Testing for JavaScript Execution
4.15.3 OWASP-CS-003 Testing for HTML Injection
4.15.4 OWASP-CS-004 Testing for Client Side URL Redirect
4.15.5 OWASP-CS-005 Testing for CSS Injection
4.15.6 OWASP-CS-006 Testing for Client Side Resource Manipulation
4.15.7 OTG-CLIENT-007 Test Cross Origin Resource Sharing
4.15.8 OTG-CLIENT-008 Testing for Cross Site Flashing
4.15.9 OTG-CLIENT-009 Testing for Clickjacking
4.15.10 OTG-CLIENT-010 Testing WebSockets
4.15.11 OTG-CLIENT-011 Test Web Messaging
4.15.12 OTG-CLIENT-012 Test Local Storage