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Perth Australia
- 1 OWASP Perth, Western Australia
- 2 Participation
- 3 Sponsorship/Membership
- 4 Upcoming Events
- 5 Previous OWASP Meetings
- 5.1 Training and Meeting by Jim Manico! - Securing the SDLC (May 2013)
- 5.2 Secure Coding and OOAD (March 2012)
- 5.3 Defending Web Applications (December 2011)
- 5.4 How minor vulnerabilities can do ‘very bad things’ - The Sequel (May 2011)
- 5.5 Cross-site scripting: You don’t always know who the actors are (May 2011)
- 5.6 How minor vulnerabilities can do ‘very bad things’ (December 2010)
- 5.7 Web Application (In)Security Brief - Injection (September 2010)
- 5.8 Security Event and Incident Management" Panel Session (Perth AISA August 2010)
- 5.9 How mature is your software security process? (Perth AISA May 2010)
- 5.10 Perth OWASP - Perth AISA Technical Day (Dec 2009)
- 5.11 Web-based Malware (Sep 2009)
- 5.12 Threat Modelling in the Software Development Lifecycle (Feb 2009)
OWASP Perth, Western Australia
Welcome to the Perth, Western Australia chapter homepage. The chapter leaders are:
- Christian Frichot
- David Taylor
- Chris Arnold
- Pedram H
OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.
to this chapter or become a local chapter supporter. Or consider the value of Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member?
<paypal>Perth Australia</paypal>
Upcoming Events
SecTalks 0x00
Interested in learning about some cool technical stuff in town?
Speaker I
munmap - doing his best to be a corporate guy
Design Flaws: Pwning easy as one, two, three!
This will be a talk around design and logic flaws vs. memory corruption bugs. Nowadays, people are more and more focused on design flaws as opposed to memory corruption bugs because of all of the defensive mechanisms in place such as DEP, ASLR, Stack and Heap Cookies, ASCII Armor, RELRO, etc. Logic and design flaw exploitation is usually a lot less time-consuming and way more reliable since attackers don't mess with all of the aforementioned mechanisms. I'll be demonstrating a real-world attack scenario against products such as [CENSORED], chaining multiple design and logic flaws in order to achieve full system compromise.
Speaker II
gman - another corporate guy
Patch In The Middle: Subverting Client Upgrades
Man in the middle proofs of concept often focus on stealing credentials, but a well implemented MITM on an untrusted network opens up a number of other interesting possibilities, particularly with regards to data tampering. You may have seen for example pranks with a MITM proxy where all website images are replaced with (lets say) lolcats, and perhaps using SSL and not trusting bogus certs or unknown SSH host fingerprints may mitigate this to an extent, but how about applications which aren't as paranoid as we are? Plenty of apps have auto update functionality, but how trusting are they with regards to the patches they download? In this session I take a look at the a client MITM attack framework 'Evilgrade' which is designed to subvert the auto-update function on a number of common apps, including Skype, Winamp, Virtualbox and others.
Date: Thursday the 14th of November, 2013
Time: 18:00 (Aim for 5.30 - 5.45 arrival)
Location: Conference room, Level 4, 16 St Georges Tce
Beer Venue: Canton Bar, 532 Hay St, Perth
Previous OWASP Meetings
Training and Meeting by Jim Manico! - Securing the SDLC (May 2013)
OWASP board member and application security heavyweight Jim Manico is visiting Perth in May. Jim has kindly offered to run a free developer training session, and to present at an OWASP Perth chapter meeting.
Secure Coding and OOAD (March 2012)
Building on the OWASP secure coding priniciples, this session will introduce Robert C Martin's 5 OO principles in order to show how well designed code can help with the implementation and enforcement of secure coding principles, as well as alleviating maintenance headaches. Presented by Chris Arnold of Swiss power and ABB.
Defending Web Applications (December 2011)
Worried about having your site hacked? What about your Wordpress blog? David Taylor and Christian Frichot of OWASP Perth are back to talk about all things web security, and instead of spending a couple of hours trying to scare you with how to break stuff, we hope to educate you on how best to defend your web applications.
We’ll be covering a range of defensive methods, including addressing coding vulnerabilities directly, implementing an open source HIDS, or even implementing your own 2nd factor authentication scheme utilising the Google Authenticator.
Presented at Perth AISA's Techday 2011
How minor vulnerabilities can do ‘very bad things’ - The Sequel (May 2011)
Missed the 2010 AISA Techday session? Haven't made it out to an OWASP event lately? David and Christian are happy to be presenting their updated presentation, including live demos, on the impacts of web application security vulnerabilities at the upcoming Australia / New Zealand Testing Board (ANZTB) SIGIST meeting!
Cross-site scripting: You don’t always know who the actors are (May 2011)
So the time has come. Your company has finally approved the project to update your online web presence. A brand new, whiz-bang Content Management System is being deployed and your developers are frantically coding away to prepare a whole batch of fresh new content. Before you realise it, the delivery date is a week away and you have some security guy screaming at you about cross-site scripting issues!
Cross-site scripting? So what.
Does this experience sound familiar to you?
In this session Christian Frichot will spend some time dissecting this common web application vulnerability, and just how serious its impacts can be. Exploitation of cross-site scripting is no longer just within the realm of nerdy, hacker types, new (and old) tools out there allow this trivial vulnerability to be used for so much more, including keystroke logging, and even forcing your iPhone to dial a number via Skype. For those facing these issues there are plenty of resources which can help, and Christian will cover these as well.
How minor vulnerabilities can do ‘very bad things’ (December 2010)
The Perth branch of the Australian Information Security Association is pleased to announce details for the second annual Perth AISA Tech day to be held on the 3rd December. This year we are holding the event in the heart of Perth’s CBD thanks to proud AISA supporters L7 Solutions.
Appearing for their second consecutive year, regular AISA and OWASP members Christian and David are following on from last year’s topic. Last year you will remember that the demonstrated a number of classes of vulnerabilities in web applications (XSS, CSRF, SQL Injection etc.). This year they are going to show how relatively minor vulnerabilities can be exploited and leveraged to do ‘very bad things’ ™ to the client browser, the web server or both.
This session will include demonstrations of the BeEF browser exploitation framework and Metasploit.
Web Application (In)Security Brief - Injection (September 2010)
Having recently run training sessions on web application security for SyScan'10 and Blackhat, we're lucky enough to have Wade Alcorn from NGS to give a brief presentation on "Exploiting and discovering injection" for September's Perth OWASP Meeting. Come on up to Level 46 of the Bankwest Tower to join us discuss web application security with Wade and others. Please RSVP to ensure appropriate seating arrangements and we're hoping to then shift off to the Generous Squire for a quick beverage afterwards!
About the presenter
Wade Alcorn has experience in numerous aspects of offensive information security assessments. This ranges from bluetooth, reverse engineering and web application assessments to managing large teams of security professionals. Prior to joining NGS, Wade had been responsible for cutting-edge PKI and VPN development using technologies including C/C++ and Java. He has presented at conferences including BlackHat and AusCERT.
Security Event and Incident Management" Panel Session (Perth AISA August 2010)
AISA Details
Log management is a necessary task in Security Management, but is often neglected. There are various pressures being placed on businesses, such as audit and compliance, industry standards (eg PCI, APRA), internal security maturity which have allowed organisations to understand the benefits to be gained from undertaking a SEIM project.
There are many options for organisations looking to develop log management and security incident response processes, which range from open source syslog solutions, through to vendor supplied SEIM products and cloud based monitoring solutions.
A panel selected from a variety of industries including representation from security consulting, corporate and vendor will discuss the considerations, options and benefits of employing SEIM technology and processes.
We were fortunate to have Joshua Qwek, one of Perth's OWASP chapter lead, participate in this panel.
How mature is your software security process? (Perth AISA May 2010)
AISA Details
As the security industry continues to change its focus to application security a lot of companies who rely on software, developed either internally or externally, are wondering what they can do reduce the risk of security flaws.
Microsoft's Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) model can look appealing, however without a clear understanding of what your software security processes look like, it may be difficult to achieve any real improvements.
Implementing a holistic end-to-end software security process can often look like an impossible task, and while the end picture resembles Eden, it's often the first steps that everyone stumbles on. As the saying goes "You can't manage what you can't measure", and without a clear understanding of what your software security processes look like now it's unlikely that you can achieve any real improvements.
OWASP's Open Software Assurance Maturity Model, or OpenSAMM, aims to assist organisations, both big and small, in evaluating their existing software security practices and constructing a measurable, balanced program to increase their software security.
Wondering how this can help your internal development processes? Want to have a more rigid process to audit your externally developed software processes? Then perhaps OWASP's OpenSAMM project can assist.
This meeting will be co-hosted by both the local AISA chapter and the Perth OWASP chapter.
Perth OWASP - Perth AISA Technical Day (Dec 2009)
The local OWASP boys will be whipping out their flux capacitor to fit as much information as they possibly can into a 2 hour jam-packed session on web app security testing. By providing a flyby of the OWASP Testing Guide, David and Christian aim to demonstrate and explain how to detect security vulnerabilities in your own web applications, including: Cross Site Scripting; Injection Flaws; Cross Site Request Forgery and Session Management Flaws.
Demonstrations will utilise a number of open source and freely available tools, including OWASP's own WebScarab. To provide a yoga-like flexibility to the session all materials and testing environments (an Ubuntu wrapped VMware virtual machine) will be provided to attendees, allowing you to either chase us rapidly down the rabbit hole of the OWASP Top 10, or to take your own time after the session...
The perfect way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Web-based Malware (Sep 2009)
About the presenter
Shlomi Cohen joined IBM with the Watchfire acquisition at August 2007. Over nine years of experience in web application security in both start-ups and established companies. Emphasis in strategic selling, sales consulting, technical sales and management.
- Leading the Security solution on the WW Rational Tiger sales team
- Work with the customers and the local sales team to form the right security solution
- Development of sale process for multiple products
- Working closely with customers and the product management team in driving the products roadmaps
- Assisting IBM’s growth in acquisition portfolio
Previous to the WW Rational Security Solution leader:
- Managing the technical sales team for Watchfire in the Americas group of IBM
- Watchfire Security Research team manager - A team responsible for various web application security aspects including web application vulnerability research, security product rule updates, enhanced security feature definition, security audits, customer support, marketing and sales assistance
- AppShield Development Manager - Managed the development and QA teams for the AppShield product - a client Server Web Application Firewall
Threat Modelling in the Software Development Lifecycle (Feb 2009)
One of the most important concepts being promoted in the security industry is security in the software development lifecycle. This concept is important due to two primary factors:
- It is generally recognised that by shifting security activities closer towards the requirements gathering stage, or the design stage, that less vulnerabilities will make their way into the production systems.
- It is also recognised that the cost of mitigating vulnerabilities increases later in the lifecycle.
By walking through a case study I hope to demonstrate the effectiveness of addressing risk during the earlier stage of the software development lifecycle, and that these activities are not solely the responsibility of the "security guy", but all participants in a software project including the project manager, business stakeholders and software designer.
About the presenter
Christian Frichot is currently employed by Bankwest working within the Security Consulting Services team. His core responsibilities include phishing and online fraud response, security assessments, information risk assessments and other ad-hoc information security consulting. Christian hopes to spend more time in '09 focusing on education and application security, where he feels more effort needs to be applied.