The professional association of OWASP Foundation is a not-for-profit 501c3 charitable organization not associated with any commercial product or service. OWASP is an open source project dedicated to finding and fighting the causes of insecure software to be successful we need your support. OWASP individuals, supporting educational and commercial organization form an application security community that works together to create articles, methodologies, documentation, tools, and technologies (“OWASP Materials”). - 2009 Membership Powerpoint
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FAQ about membership - CLICK HERE
Categories of Membership & Supporters
Membership Offers
Click Here for a list of special offers to the membership of the OWASP Foundation
Membership Category
Annual Membership Fee
Individual Supporters
Why Become a Supporting Member?
- As a member of the internet community do you agree with the ethics and principals of OWASP Foundation?
- Do you want to underscore your awareness of web application software security?
- Do you want to continue to increase your knowledge and expand your skills when attending OWASP conferences at a discount?
- Do you want to expand your personal network of contacts? OWASP Linked'In Group
- A 40% of your membership fee directly supports the local chapter of your choice.
- You get a @OWASP.ORG email address submit a request
- Have (1) individual vote in elections and on issues that shape the direction of the community.
$50/USD 12 month term
Organization Supporters
Organizations that wish to support OWASP with a 100% tax deductible donation to enable OWASP Foundation to continue the mission. Support Projects & Grants and get discounts at OWASP Conferences to exhibit product/services.
- Opportunity to post a rotating banner ad on the front page for 30 days at no additional cost.
- Be recognized as a supporter by posting your company logo on the OWASP website (Image size for logos: gif, jpg or png with a size of 150px X 45px at 72dpi or 55px X 80px at 72dpi)
- Be listed as a sponsor in the newsletter that goes to over 10,000 individuals around the world on owasp mailing lists.
- Have a collective voice via the Global Industry Committee
- Have (1) supporting member vote in elections and on issues that shape the direction of the community.
- Optional - Annual local sponsorship of a local chapter by allocating 40% of your annual donation to your choice of chapter or share among several chapters
- Optional - Host a local OWASP meeting to raise security awareness at your offices
$5000/USD 12 month term OR with your purchase order, quarterly payments also accepted.
Chapter Supporter
Organizations that are not yet interested in becoming a full Organizational Supporter but who have a desire to direct their support in a more regional manner may prefer to become a Chapter Supporter.
- Be recognized as a supporter by posting your company logo on the OWASP Chapter website (Image size for logos: gif, jpg or png with a size of 150px X 45px at 72dpi or 55px X 80px at 72dpi)
- Have (1) supporting member vote in elections and on issues that shape the direction of the community.
Suggested levels:
- $500 - Silver Chapter Supporter
- $1000 - Gold Chapter Supporter
- $2000 - Platinum Chapter Supporter
Please check with your local Chapter Leader to learn more about specific price levels for Chapter Supporters
Single Meeting Supporter
Organizations that wish to support OWASP local chapter with a 100% tax deductible donation to enable OWASP Foundation to continue the mission.
- Be recognized as a local supporter by posting your company logo on the OWASP website (Image size for logos: gif, jpg or png with a size of 150px X 45px at 72dpi or 55px X 80px at 72dpi)
- Have a table at local chapter meeting to promote application security products/services etc.
$ set by local chapter Contact the local chapter that you want to work with. All payments to local chapters can be made via the donation button that is on each local chapter page
Academic Supporters
- Raise awareness of the University worldwide
- Be recognized as a supporter by posting your university logo on the OWASP website (Image size for logos: gif, jpg or png with a size of 150px X 45px at 72dpi)
- OWASP and the University can jointly publicize season of code events which provide funding for students or faculty to perform security based research
- OWASP and the University can work together to host security seminars or provide introductory training sessions for students on OWASP tools, documentation and security skills.
- University is allowed to designate one individual to cast a vote in OWASP elections
- Note: This is intended for the University as a whole to become involved with OWASP. This does not imply individual or organizational membership for the University, students or faculty. However, all students and faculty are encouraged to explore the benefits of becoming an individual member.
No Charge - Contact Your Local Chapter Leader to get involved.
Bartered Requirements
- Provide meeting space for the local chapter. Be open to discuss including OWASP education material in the curriculum to students. Provide feedback to help improve OWASP education material.
- encourage students to apply for OWASP Grants and work on projects for OWASP Foundation that will help them build real world industry experience.
Note: OWASP individual membership fees, OWASP conferences tickets, OWASP conference sponsorships, and OWASP banner ads are not considered 100% tax deductible donations due to the benefits the paying organization receives see United States IRS Guideline 557 Organization supporters & direct donations to OWASP however are fully tax deductible given OWASP's recognized U.S. non-profit status. Do you support OWASP, show the world.
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Current OWASP Organization Supporters & Individual Members
Click here for a brief description of our Corporate Members
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