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== Plan ==
== Plan ==
# ✓ Create and setup an official YouTube channel with a non-profit partnership with Google
# ✓ Create and setup an official YouTube channel: OWASPGLOBAL
## Get
# Create the OWASP Video Portal
## ✗ Connect YouTube with official OWASP Twitter account - this is now done manually
## Find a good subdomain name such as
# Transfer to OWASP Global organisation for access management and social media engagement
## Release the video portal on the subdomain
## ✗✗ This has been done 2 times so far.. without much success. 3rd time's a charm?
# Engage the future marketing committee to invest in promoting video content
## ✓ We do have access management backed up by the global organization and Matt is getting more involved
# Find contributors for video spotlights on YouTube OWASPGLOBAL (links to other channels)
## ✓ We do like having an hybrid where the community/volunteer can help as well
# ✓ Use the channel to publish live webcasts (Google Hangout) contents from OWASP Global Chapter Meetings project
# ✓ Gather videos from all around the web and put in into the channel and make them searchable and shareable easily
## ✓ Film on location at AppSecUSA Plan for more conferences, have teams, and synchronize with organizers
### ✓ Projects Summit interviews
### ✓ Interviews with Mark Miller during the conference with people of interest
### ✓ Find and uploads recording of talks ASAP (<12h after) (achieved <24h)
##  ✓ Assimilate OWASP Webinar Series (Hangout+YouTube vs. GotoMeeting) [ done!]
### ✓ Try a webinar with GotoMeeting
### ✓ Contact Webinar organizers - Live webinars will be on GotoMeeting for registration and viewers tracking purpose and recordings will be uploaded to YouTube.
### ✓ Webinar presentation about the new system (January) [ done!]
# ✓ Link with [ other channels] on YouTube, promote them into the channel
## ✓ [ other OWASP channels As playlists]
## ✓ Some [ OWASP chapters Channels]
## ✓ Some [ OWASP projects Channels]
## ✓ [ AppSec Tutorial Series] (Jerry Hoff)
## ✓ Old OWASP uploads [ Christiaan008]
# ✗ Get more contributors and add them as channel managers - this has shown to wear off pretty quick, people are now encouraged to make their own channel
## ✓ [ OWASP Community Update], Michael Coates
## ✓ [ OWASP en Español], Fabio Cerullo
# ✗ Motivate people to make videos and provide a way of publishing them on the channel - people are now encouraged to make their own channel
## ✗ Idea : open Webinars; send us your videos we'll publish (YouTube) and promote (Connector) - people are now encouraged to make their own channel
# ✓ In the long term: expand our team by having more central hubs (other than YouTube, or language specific channels) - people are now encouraged to make their own channel, we did [ OWASP LATAM]
# ✗ If it needs to get bigger: recruit people with video editing skills, make shows, etc - the media project is not looking to produce content anymore
# ✓ Provide an appealing video central (out of YouTube) for in place of the [[:Category:OWASP_Video|old one]]
# ✓ Document requirements for good A/V recordings during a conference

Revision as of 23:55, 7 June 2019

Next goal

Create the OWASP Video Portal.


  1. ✓ Create and setup an official YouTube channel: OWASPGLOBAL
  2. Create the OWASP Video Portal
    1. Find a good subdomain name such as
    2. Release the video portal on the subdomain
  3. Engage the future marketing committee to invest in promoting video content
  4. Find contributors for video spotlights on YouTube OWASPGLOBAL (links to other channels)