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Revision as of 16:10, 20 July 2018

Owasp santa barbara.png

Welcome to the wiki page of the OWASP Chapter in beautiful Santa Barbara, California! We're excited to have a dedicated core group of application security professionals and enthusiasts, and we'd love to have you attend a meeting -- they're all free, and there's (almost) always pizza!

The first step to becoming involved is to join our mailing list. This is a very low-volume list, so you don't need to worry about your inbox getting overloaded. It's important to join because meetings are planned and discussed on the list, and it's an easy way to stay informed. In addition to the mailing list, we're posting each of our meetings on our MeetUp group.

OWASP Santa Barbara meetings will also be listed on this wiki page. Whenever talks are recorded, they'll be posted here; upcoming meetings will always be listed on this page, as well as summaries of previous meetings.

We hope to see you soon!