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{{2018_BASC:Header_Template | Presentations}}
{{2018_BASC:Header_Template | Workshops}}
The call for presentations is open. Please submit your proposal [ here].
The call for workshops is open. Please submit your proposal [ here].
We would like to thank our speakers for donating their time and effort to help make this conference successful.
We would like to thank our speakers for donating their time and effort to help make this conference successful.
{{2018_BASC:Presentaton_Info_Template|Capture the Flag Arena|Vik Solem and Phil Barrows| | | }}
{{2018_BASC:Presentaton_Info_Template|Orange is the New Purple: How and Why to Integrate Development Teams with Red and Blue Teams|April Wright| | | }}
Capture the Flag Arena is a capture the flag game where teams compete against each other in a closed network called the Arena.
Introducing a new paradigm for integrating developers with offensive and defensive teams to enhance SDLC. Learn how to integrate Offensive, Defensive, and Development Teams in a structured way to provide knowledge sharing, strengthening of defenses, coverage, and response, and ultimately the development of a high level of security maturity over time. This new concept of "Red + Yellow == Orange && Blue + Yellow == Green" focuses on the role of Developers as a critical piece of security assurance activities when combined with Security Teams. Orange Teams add value when they have been integrated into SDLC by creating a cycle of perpetual offensive testing and threat modeling to make software more secure over time through a high level of dedicated interaction. Green teams add value when they help ensure software is capable of providing powerful logging and DFIR information. This talk will evaluate the current gap in skills and knowledge, and explore how different Team combinations can lead to more secure software.
Teams obtain points by protecting their safety
{{2018_BASC:Footer_Template | Presentations}}

Revision as of 01:42, 26 June 2018

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The call for workshops is open. Please submit your proposal here.

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