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'''The Day After'''
'''The Day After'''
I want to thank everyone who attended as well as the two organizations that made yesterdays LIVE-O mini-con possible.  If it wasnt for these two organizations the event would not have been nearly as enjoyable as it was.  
I want to thank everyone who attended as well as the two organizations that made yesterdays LIVE-O mini-con possible.  If it was not for these two organizations the event would not have been nearly as enjoyable as it was.  
       [ Mitre HoneyClient Project]
       [ MITRE HoneyClient Project]
       [ Grant Thorton]
       [ Grant Thornton]
I would also like to thank the presenters who put them self up for public ridcule by presenting for our chapter.  
I would also like to thank the presenters who put together the interesting topics and presented them to our chapter.  
For all the presentations, notes, and thoughts of the attendee's and presentors you can use the following link.  
For all the presentations, notes, and thoughts of the attendee's and presenters you can use the following link.  

Revision as of 18:56, 7 September 2007

Welcome to the OWASP Washington, DC-Maryland Local Chapter

The original DC Chapter was founded in June 2004 by Jeff Williams and has had members from Virginia to Delaware. In April 2005 a new chapter, DC-Virginia, was formed and the DC Chapter was renamed to DC-Maryland. The two are sister chapters with common members and shared discourse. The chapters meet in opposite halves of the month to facilitate this relationship.

Chapter meetings are held several times a year, typically in the offices of our sponsor. Please subscribe to the mailing list for meeting announcements. You can also check out the archives of this page here Washington_DC Archives.

Our chapter is sponsored by Aspect Security.


OWASP Local Chapter meetings are free and open. Our chapter's meetings are informal and encourage open discussion of all aspects of application security. Anyone in our area interested in web application security is welcome to attend. We encourage attendees to give short presentations about specific topics. If you would like to make a presentation, or have any questions about the DC-Maryland Chapter, send an email to Matt Fisher or Andre Ludwig.

Local News

The Day After

I want to thank everyone who attended as well as the two organizations that made yesterdays LIVE-O mini-con possible. If it was not for these two organizations the event would not have been nearly as enjoyable as it was.

     MITRE HoneyClient Project
     Grant Thornton

I would also like to thank the presenters who put together the interesting topics and presented them to our chapter.

For all the presentations, notes, and thoughts of the attendee's and presenters you can use the following link.


Thursday Sept 6th LIVE O minicon!!

Well it looks like I have been able to finally secure a location for the LIVEO mini conference. The meeting will be held at 1:00pm at MITRE's McLean Va Offices in the MITRE 1 Building. (map to the location below)

If you haven't already signed up you must do so ahead of time! Feel free to pass this link around to coworkers or friends who may be interested in attending. Seating is limited to 75 people, and as such we will not be able to take any more people once we have reached that limit. If you are not able to come after signing up please use the same link to cancel your RSVP for the meeting. This will free up a seat for someone else to enjoy the awe inspiring presentations we have lined up.  ;)

Sign up page

List of presentations

   Honeyclients and Malicious Web Servers  - Kathy Wang - Mitre
   A malcode perspective on web application privacy - Blake Hartstein - iDefense
   Practical Web Privacy with Firefox - Chuck Willis- Mandiant
   A sneak peak at Jeff's new "Enterprise Security API" - Jeff Williams - Aspect Security/OWASP 
   Digital Rights Management - James Stibbards - Cloakware

Please make sure to have your ID with you for checking in when you arrive.

Map/Directions to Mini Con location


Thursday August 23rd 6pm Location Aspect Security, Columbia MD

I will be giving a presentation outlining some of the various "Rich Interactive Application" (RIA's) Frameworks that are being developed.

Here is the rough draft of the presentation.

Topics to go over

  (My unofficial plan- YTBD)
    Offline Web Application frameworks : The fifth horseman?
          I will be going over the basics of the four major "off line web app frameworks" (aka webocalypse)
                Adobe AIR
                Google Gears
                Microsoft Silverlight
                Sun JavaFX
           Try to go over the differences of each framework, where they fit, and why I think they suck
           Point out potential weaknesses of each framework
           Write a group letter to all the developers explaining the coming "webocalypse" (Im joking of course)

Location Information

Aspect is located at 9175 Guilford Road (Suite 300) in Columbia. Driving directions are:

>From I-95:

   * Exit 38 B : Rt. 32 West towards Columbia (1.5 miles)
   * Take the Broken Land Parkway exit
   * Turn left off the ramp onto Broken Land Parkway
   * Turn left at the light onto Guilford Road (0.5 miles)

After a sharp left, enter the parking lot at 9175 Guilford Road. [Note: if you go under the bridge, you've gone too far]

We're on the third floor in Suite 300

Wednesday March 28th 6pm Columbia, MD

This meeting will be held at Aspect Security's offices in Columbia MD. The address is below. Food: As usual, geek food will be provided. This usually means pizza and soda.

Getting there: Aspect is located at 9175 Guilford Road (Suite 300) in Columbia. Driving directions are:

>From I-95:

   * Exit 38 B : Rt. 32 West towards Columbia (1.5 miles)
   * Take the Broken Land Parkway exit
   * Turn left off the ramp onto Broken Land Parkway
   * Turn left at the light onto Guilford Road (0.5 miles)

After a sharp left, enter the parking lot at 9175 Guilford Road. [Note: if you go under the bridge, you've gone too far]

We're on the third floor in Suite 300

Meeting: Feburary 15th 6PM

Andrew van der stock will be giving a presentation on the following three topics.

   OWASP Top 10 2007
   Spring of Code 2007
   an update on OWASP Guide 3.0 status

Watch this space as it will be updated as the meeting nears.

Location information

Our hosts have asked that if you are to show up for the meeting that you patiently wait in the first floor lobby for someone to escort you into the conference room that we will be using.

Here is the address:

SRA Locations

Arlington Center (NEW! Opened 7/17/06)
3434 Washington Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201-4508
Phone: (703) 284-5000

Meeting: January 18th 6PM

Looks like we will have the following lineup for this months meeting.

This meeting will be held at Aspect Security's offices in Columbia MD. The address is below.

  1. Ed Tracy will be giving a brief presentation on the various Owasp Projects/Products.
  2. Jeff Williams will be giving a presentation on the recent PDF vulnerability and his released server side fix for it.

The fix can be found here [[1]]

There has been plenty of happenings over the last month that should make for an awesome meeting. Expect to hear about the recent PDF issue! (with example attacks, snort signatures, server side fixes, etc)


As usual, geek food will be provided. This usually means pizza and soda.

Getting there

Aspect is located at 9175 Guilford Road (Suite 300) in Columbia. Driving directions are:

From I-95:

  • Exit 38 B : Rt. 32 West towards Columbia (1.5 miles)
  • Take the Broken Land Parkway exit
  • Turn left off the ramp onto Broken Land Parkway
  • Turn left at the light onto Guilford Road (0.5 miles)

After a sharp left, enter the parking lot at 9175 Guilford Road. [Note: if you go under the bridge, you've gone too far]

We're on the third floor in Suite 300

December 14th Meeting Notes

I would again like to thank Eric Pascarello for presenting his Ajax security presentation to our chapter. For those of you who missed the meeting and would still like to see the presentation feel free to grab it from Eric's site below. I would also like to thank SRA International for providing the facilities and staff to help host the meeting. Stay tuned for next months meeting!!

Meeting: December 14th 6PM

December Meeting Announcement

This OWASP meeting will be held at a new location in Arlington per the chapters request. Please note that this IS NOT a permanent shift in venue, but merely an attempt to include those chapter members who are not able to make it to Columbia on a regular basis.


  1. Opening, introductions
  2. Presentation by Eric Pascarello: Investigating JavaScript and Ajax Security
  3. Possible "Unannounced" presentation
  4. Everything Else: Current Events, OWASP news, Industry News, Recent Hacks in the News, Closing, etc.
  5. BoF discussion on AJAX and AJAX security

Dont know who Eric is? Well here is a quick blurb I "liberated" from a website about him.

Eric Pascarello dissects Ajax security vulnerabilities

Eric Pascarello is the co-author of "Ajax in Action" (Manning Publications, October 2005, and the author of "JavaScript: Your Visual Blueprint for Building Dynamic Web Pages", 2nd Edition (Wiley, October 2004). Pascarello is a 2002 Graduate of Penn State University with a degree in mechanical engineering. He is also a "bartender" on In this interview he talks about Ajax security issues, the need for server-side validation and the Ajax worm released last October on

I am also trying to work out another presentation that will fit our general "theme" of application security as well. (more details to come!) And as always I will try to go over the latest and greatest application security news. (think myspace and quicktime)

Location information

Our hosts have asked that if you are to show up for the meeting that you patiently wait in the first floor lobby for someone to escort you into the conference room that we will be using.

Here is the address:

SRA Locations

Arlington Center (NEW! Opened 7/17/06)
3434 Washington Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201-4508
Phone: (703) 284-5000