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= Road Map =
The OWASP Security Ninja program is a multi-phase, multi-year undertaking. The OWASP White and Yellow Belts require the creation of a series of video based learning modules. The Green, Brown, and Black belts require the creation of an activity submission process, including a tracking and review component.
== Phases ==
=== Identify Project Vision & Strategy (November 2015 - January 2016) ===
* Scope and Governance (January 2016)
* Initial project summit (January 2016)
=== OWASP White Belt (January 2016 - September 2016) ===
* Content creation (January - March 2016)
* Content recording (March 2016)
* Infrastructure code and build (January - September 2016)
* Alpha (July 2016)
* Second project summit @ AppSec EU (July 2016)
* Beta (August 2016)
* Launch of content at AppSec USA (September 2016)
=== OWASP Yellow Belt (October 2016 - September 2017) ===
* Content creation (October 2016 - March 2017)
* Content recording (April 2017)
* Infrastructure update (January - September 2017)
* Alpha (July 2017)
* Beta (August 2017)
* Launch of content at AppSec USA (September 2017)
=== OWASP Green Belt, OWASP Brown Belt, OWASP Black Belt (October 2017 - September 2018) ===
* Infrastructure update (January - July 2018)
* Finalize governance and oversight (January - March 2018)
* Alpha (July 2018)
* Beta (August 2018)
* Launch of concept and completion of initial scope (September 2018)
Then the cycle begins again, with a refresh of OWASP White Belt.
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* [ Chris Romeo]
* [ Chris Romeo]
= Road Map =
The OWASP Security Ninja program is a multi-phase, multi-year undertaking. The OWASP White and Yellow Belts require the creation of a series of video based learning modules. The Green, Brown, and Black belts require the creation of an activity submission process, including a tracking and review component.
== Phases ==
=== Identify Project Vision & Strategy (November 2015 - January 2016) ===
* Scope and Governance (January 2016)
* Initial project summit (January 2016)
=== OWASP White Belt (January 2016 - September 2016) ===
* Content creation (January - March 2016)
* Content recording (March 2016)
* Infrastructure code and build (January - September 2016)
* Alpha (July 2016)
* Second project summit @ AppSec EU (July 2016)
* Beta (August 2016)
* Launch of content at AppSec USA (September 2016)
=== OWASP Yellow Belt (October 2016 - September 2017) ===
* Content creation (October 2016 - March 2017)
* Content recording (April 2017)
* Infrastructure update (January - September 2017)
* Alpha (July 2017)
* Beta (August 2017)
* Launch of content at AppSec USA (September 2017)
=== OWASP Green Belt, OWASP Brown Belt, OWASP Black Belt (October 2017 - September 2018) ===
* Infrastructure update (January - July 2018)
* Finalize governance and oversight (January - March 2018)
* Alpha (July 2018)
* Beta (August 2018)
* Launch of concept and completion of initial scope (September 2018)
Then the cycle begins again, with a refresh of OWASP White Belt.
=Project About=
=Project About=

Revision as of 23:49, 6 December 2015

OWASP Project Header.jpg

OWASP Security Ninja

This is where you need to add your more robust project description. A project description should outline the purpose of the project, and the value it provides to application security. Ideally, project descriptions should be written in such a way that there is no question what value the project provides to the software security community. This section will be seen and used in various places within the Projects Portal. Poorly written project descriptions therefore detract from a project’s visibility, and project leaders should ensure that the description is meaningful.


OWASP Security Ninja educates, empowers, reaches, and recognizes builders and breakers in web application security.

  • Educates — providing the content to expand the application security knowledge of both the OWASP faithful and academia / industry
  • Empowers — opens doors and minds to new facets of application security
  • Reaches — connects with those who have had no historical appreciation or understanding of security
  • Recognizes — provides recognition for those that expand their minds and put forth effort to improve application security


OWASP Security Ninja is free to use. Its licensing is dependent on several factors:

  • OWASP Security Ninja created documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license, so you can distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon our work, even commercially, as long as you credit us for the original creation.
  • OWASP Security Ninja created software and tools are licensed under the GPLv3 or later license. You are free to use and modify this software as well as having the right to re-distribute this software as long as any changes you've made are contributed back to the project under the same license. For questions, see the GPL FAQ


Coming Soon.

Project Leader

Related Projects

Code Repository

The OWASP Security Ninja code will be stored on GitHub shortly.

News and Events

  • [2015-12-06] Project site kicked off, and search for volunteers begins.


New projects.png Owasp-builders-small.png