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m (Past Meetings: finally mv'd sept 2010 to past from future :()
m (Future Meetings)
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== Future Meetings ==  
== Future Meetings ==  
<!-- TBD
We have had several people ask that our next chapter meeting be a walkthrough of the FROC2010 CTF.  We are looking at Wed, 21 July 2010 for this event in a new location near downtown Denver (though with free parking!).
[[Denver March 2011 meeting|March 17th 2011: Hands on "Hack a Thon"]]
We are also looking at doing a static analysis working group.  Due to the [ hype] surrounding the recent adoption of Drupal by the White House and the [ row] that ensued when an XSS flaw was found recently, OWASP is keen to help.
5 May 2011: SnowFROC 2011 followed by B-Sides "SkiSides"Details TBD
Our friends at [ Fortify Software] and a [ local] OWASP'er who is also a member of the Drupal Security team have proposed that our next meeting be a half day working session to perform static analysis and verification on Drupal.
Interested?  Let us knowTweet with hashtag #owasp303 or email us at -->
[[Denver September 2010 meeting|September 22nd 2010: Eric Duprey: Application Vulnerability Shooting Gallery]]
== Past Meetings ==
== Past Meetings ==

Revision as of 04:13, 8 February 2011

OWASP Denver

Welcome to the Denver chapter homepage. Chapter leaders are Eric Duprey and David Campbell.


OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.


Btn donate SM.gif to this chapter or become a local chapter supporter. Or consider the value of Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member? Join Now BlueIcon.JPG

Local News

Next Chapter Meeting: RSVP Now!

September 22nd 2010: Eric Duprey: Application Vulnerability Shooting Gallery

Next Denver meeting is scheduled for Wed, 22 Aug 2010 at an all new central Denver location. We've heard your gripes that Raytheon and Dish are too far south, and thanks to the fine folks at are pleased to be hosting our September meeting much closer to downtown, but with free parking! (and, for this meeting, free beer!)

Front Range OWASP Conference (FROC 2010)

FROC 2010 was a sellout success! Thanks for your support. The survey results are now posted.

OWASP Podcast

OWASP Podcast


Questions, Comments

Questions can be directed to

  • David Campbell, Denver OWASP: dcampbell 'at'
  • Eric Duprey, Denver OWASP: eduprey 'at'

Chapter Meetings

Future Meetings

March 17th 2011: Hands on "Hack a Thon"

5 May 2011: SnowFROC 2011 followed by B-Sides "SkiSides". Details TBD

Past Meetings

September 22nd 2010: Eric Duprey: Application Vulnerability Shooting Gallery

August 18th 2010: Clint Pollock: Protecting Your Applications from Backdoors

June 2nd 2010: Front Range OWASP Conference

January 20th 2010: John Evans: Securing Webapps: An Illustrative Overview

November 18th 2009: Anton Rager: Advanced XSS

August 27th 2009: Jon Rose: Security in the Clouds

May 2009: Dr. Joseph McComb & and Daniel Weiske: Compliance and application security testing

March 2009: Front Range OWASP Conference (SnowFROC)

January 2009: David Campbell & Eric Duprey: Guided Tour: AppSec NYC '08 CTF

October 2008: Alex Smolen: The OWASP ASP .NET ESAPI

September 2008: John Dickson: Black Box vs. White Box: Different App Testing Strategies

August 2008: Dan Cornell: Static Analysis

July 2008: David Byrne & Eric Duprey: Grendel-Scan

June 2008: Front Range OWASP Conference: Jeremiah Grossman, Robert Hansen, and more!

May 2008: David Campbell & Eric Duprey: XSS Attacks & Defenses

April 2008: Ryan Barnett: Virtual Patching with ModSecurity

February 2008: Michael Sutton: SQL Injection Revisited

June 2007

April 2007

February 2007

January 2007

November 2006

Local Organizations of Interest

Mailing List

Join the OWASP Denver Mailing List to receive meeting notifications via email

Twitter Feed @owasp303

Denver OWASP has created a Twitter feed @owasp303 to keep you in the loop. Whilst the mailing list is primarily intended to be low-traffic and only provide updates regarding the times, locations, and topics for chapter meetings, the Twitter feed will also provide noteworthy appsec updates.

@OWASP303 Twitter Feed (follow us on Twitter!) <twitter>55021150</twitter>


Denver OWASP Chapter Leaders
  • David Campbell, Denver OWASP: dcampbell 'at'
  • Eric Duprey, Denver OWASP: eduprey 'at'
Key OWASP Resources
Chapter Management Links

Best pizza in Centennial