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== Modelo de Auditoría de sistemas:  ==
==== Home ====
Éste es un modelo universal para securizar en un alto grado de seguridad al sistema operativo.
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#Sistema de cifrado congelado: Mantiene en secreto la ubicación del archivo del sistema, previniendo ataques de tipo monitoreo de redes.
#OpenVAS: Línea de comandos para cifrar- descifrar el protocolo TCP/Ip
#Filtro Web: Previene intrusiones a través de puertos inseguros
#Clam Antivirus: Previene, detecta y corrige virus informático
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| Clam Antivirus
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| Filtro Web
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The goal of the '''OWASP Legal Project''' is to ensure, at each stage of the life cycle, that appropriate attention has been paid to security. The cornerstone of the Legal Project is its Secure Software Development Contract Annex. The Contract Annex  helps software developers and their clients negotiate and capture important contractual terms and conditions related to the security of the software to be developed or delivered. Here are two examples:
| OpenVAS
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| Sistema de Cifrado Congelado
* '''Implementation.''' Developer agrees to provide and follow a set of secure coding guidelines and to use a set of common security control programming interfaces (such as the [ OWASP ESAPI]). Guidelines will indicate how code should be formatted, structured, and commented. Common security control programming interfaces will define how security controls must be called and how security controls shall function. All security-relevant code shall be thoroughly commented. Specific guidance on avoiding common security vulnerabilities shall be included. Also, all code shall be reviewed by at least one other Developer against the security requirements and coding guideline before it is considered ready for unit test.
* '''Security Analysis and Testing.''' Developer will perform application security analysis and testing (also called "verification") according to the verification requirements of an agreed-upon standard (such as the [ OWASP ASVS]). The Developer shall document verification findings according to the reporting requirements of the standard. The Developer shall provide the verification findings to Client.
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== Let's talk here  ==
== Descripción softwares de auditoría  ==
[[Image:Asvs-bulb.jpg]]'''Legal Communities'''
*El sistema de cifrado cifra el núcleo del sistema operativo y los discos lógicos impidiendo ataques espía.
Further development of Legal Project documents occurs through mailing list discussions and occasional workshops, and suggestions for improvement are welcome. For more information, please [ contact us].  
*Los comandos shell sirven para analizar protocolos de red, detección de virus y cifrado del protocolo IpV4-6
*[ owasp-legal mailing list (this is the main list)]
*El filtro web es una técnica que reemplaza al Firewall, discriminando puertos inseguros, ahorrando tiempo de procesamiento en el núcleo del sistema.
== Got translation cycles?  ==
* es un software de código abierto, no usa computación en la nube y tiene una GUI que detecta virus en línea
[[Image:Asvs-writing.JPG]]'''Legal Project Translations'''
== Macroinformática  ==
The Legal Project project is always on the lookout for volunteers who are interested in translating Legal Project documents into another language.
La macroinformática comprende eficiencia, seguridad y naturaleza. La eficacia de un sistema operativo se mide por la interacción hombre-máquina, sintetizando aplicaciones minimalistas y ejecutándolas nuestro sistema operativo procesará los datos eficientemente, ejemplos:
*Translation Onboarding Instructions -- Coming soon!
*Transmisión cifrada: Cliente e-mail con GnuPG
== Related resources ==
[[Image:Asvs-satellite.jpg]]'''OWASP Resources'''
*Sistema de cifrado: Cifra y descifra texto plano, imágenes, etc..
* [[Top Ten|OWASP Top Ten]]
* [[ASVS|OWASP Application Security Verification Standard]]
*[ OWASP Press Releases]
==== Downloads ====
*Ruby: Lenguaje de programación experimental
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[[Image:Asvs-step1.jpg]]'''1. About Legal Project Documents'''  
* One Page Datasheet ([ Word], [ PDF])
*J2re1.3.1_20: Ejecutable de objetos interactivos o applets
[[Image:Asvs-step2.jpg]]'''2. Get Legal Project Documents'''
* Contract Annex in English ([ Word], [ HTML])
* Contract Annex in Spanish ([ HTML])
* Verification schedule in English ([ Excel])
*Escritorio: Gestor de ventanas X11
{{OWASP Book|4037498}}
[[Image:Asvs-step3.jpg]]'''3. Learn About Legal Project Documents'''
*Gnuzilla: Navegador seguro y de uso libre
* Coming soon!
*Gnupdf: Visor de formato de texto universal pdf
*Gnuflash: Jugador alternativo a flash player
*Zinf: Reproductor de audio
*Informática forense: Análisis de datos ocultos en el disco duro
*Compresor: Comprime datos sobreescribiendo bytes repetidos
*Ftp: Gestor de descarga de archivos
*AntiKeylogger: Neutraliza el seguimiento de escritorios remotos (Monitoring)
*Password manager: Gestión de contraseñas
*Limpiador de disco: Borra archivos innecesrios del sistema
*Desfragmentador: Reordena los archivos del disco duro, generando espacio virtual
*X11: Gestor de ventanas, reemplazo de escritorio Xwindow's
*Open Hardware: Hardware construído por la comunidad Linux
*Open WRT: Firmware libre para configurar transmisión de Internet
*Gnu- Linux: Sistema operativo universal
== Biocriptoseguridad ==: Es la unión de la biología, criptografía y hacking ético para formar una defensa stándar contra virus complejos.
Implementación de la biocriptoseguridad informática:
#Amplificar la banda ancha
#Optimizar (limpiar- modificar) el sistema operativo
#Desfragmentar los discos lógicos
#Ocultar el sistema operativo
#Configurar antivirus
#Limpiar y desfragmentar
*Sistema inmune._ Defensa biológica natural contra infecciones como virus
*Criptografía._ Método de escritura oculta por caractes, números y letras:—{H}/gJa¢K¡Ng÷752%\*)A>¡#(W|a—
*Hacking ético._ Auditoría de sistemas informáticos que preserva la integridad de los datos.
Congelador: Mantiene el equilibrio en la integridad de los datos, el sistema operativo, red , memoria ram, ciclos de CPU, espacio en disco duro e incidencias de malware
*;can=2&amp;q= (para Window's)
* (para GNU/Linux)
<br>Auditoría de virus cifrado._ Un criptovirus se oculta tras un algoritmo de criptografía, generalmente es híbrido simétrico-asimétrico con una extensión de 1700bit's, burla los escáneres antivirus con la aleatoriedad de cifrado, facilitando la expansión de las botnet's. La solución es crear un sistema operativo transparente, anonimizarlo y usar herramientas de cifrado stándar de uso libre:
*Gnupg: Sirve para cifrar mensajes de correo electrónico
*Open Secure Shell: Ofuscador TcpIp, protege el túnel de comunicación digital cifrando la Ip.
==== Glossary ====
*Red protegida: DNS libre
[[Image:Asvs-letters.jpg]]'''Legal Project Terminology'''
*Criptosistema simétrico: Encapsula el disco duro, incluyendo el sistema operativo,usando algoritmo Twofish
* Coming soon!
*Proxy cifrado: Autenticación de usuario anónimo
==== Project Details  ====
{{:GPC_Project_Details/OWASP_Legal_Project | OWASP Project Identification Tab}}
Energías renovables._ Son energías adquiridas por medios naturales: hidrógeno, aire, sol que disminuyen la toxicidad de las emisiones de Co2 en el medio ambiente, impulsando políticas ecologistas contribuímos a preservar el ecosistema. Ejm: Usando paneles solares fotovoltaicos.
__NOTOC__ <headertabs /> ''This project licensed under the [ Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0].'' <br>

Revision as of 23:05, 7 February 2011


The goal of the OWASP Legal Project is to ensure, at each stage of the life cycle, that appropriate attention has been paid to security. The cornerstone of the Legal Project is its Secure Software Development Contract Annex. The Contract Annex helps software developers and their clients negotiate and capture important contractual terms and conditions related to the security of the software to be developed or delivered. Here are two examples:

  • Implementation. Developer agrees to provide and follow a set of secure coding guidelines and to use a set of common security control programming interfaces (such as the OWASP ESAPI). Guidelines will indicate how code should be formatted, structured, and commented. Common security control programming interfaces will define how security controls must be called and how security controls shall function. All security-relevant code shall be thoroughly commented. Specific guidance on avoiding common security vulnerabilities shall be included. Also, all code shall be reviewed by at least one other Developer against the security requirements and coding guideline before it is considered ready for unit test.
  • Security Analysis and Testing. Developer will perform application security analysis and testing (also called "verification") according to the verification requirements of an agreed-upon standard (such as the OWASP ASVS). The Developer shall document verification findings according to the reporting requirements of the standard. The Developer shall provide the verification findings to Client.


Let's talk here

Asvs-bulb.jpgLegal Communities

Further development of Legal Project documents occurs through mailing list discussions and occasional workshops, and suggestions for improvement are welcome. For more information, please contact us.

Got translation cycles?

Asvs-writing.JPGLegal Project Translations

The Legal Project project is always on the lookout for volunteers who are interested in translating Legal Project documents into another language.

  • Translation Onboarding Instructions -- Coming soon!

Related resources

Asvs-satellite.jpgOWASP Resources


Asvs-step1.jpg1. About Legal Project Documents

Asvs-step2.jpg2. Get Legal Project Documents

  • Contract Annex in English (Word, HTML)
  • Contract Annex in Spanish (HTML)
  • Verification schedule in English (Excel)
OWASP Books logo.png This project has produced a book that can be downloaded or purchased.
Feel free to browse the full catalog of available OWASP books.
Asvs-step3.jpg3. Learn About Legal Project Documents
  • Coming soon!


Asvs-letters.jpgLegal Project Terminology

  • Coming soon!

Project Details

What does this OWASP project offer you?
What does this OWASP project release offer you?
what is this project?
OWASP Legal Project

Purpose: The goal of the OWASP Legal Project is to ensure, at each stage of the life cycle, that appropriate attention has been paid to security. The cornerstone of the Legal Project is its Secure Software Development Contract Annex. The Contract Annex helps software developers and their clients negotiate and capture important contractual terms and conditions related to the security of the software to be developed or delivered.

License: N/A

who is working on this project?
Project Leader: Jeff Williams @

Project Maintainer:

Project Contributor(s): N/A

how can you learn more?
Project Pamphlet: N/A

3x slide Project Presentation: N/A

Mailing list: Subscribe or read the archives

Project Roadmap: To view, click here

Main links:

Project Health: Greenlight.pngGreenlight.pngGreenlight.png Level 3 Project (Provisional)
To be reviewed under Assessment Criteria v2.0

Key Contacts
  • Contact Jeff Williams @ to contribute, review or sponsor this project
  • Contact the GPC to report a problem or concern about this project or to update information.
current release
First Release - Unknown Date - (download)

Release Leader: N/A

Release details: Main links, release roadmap and assessment

Rating: Greenlight.pngGreenlight.pngGreenlight.png Stable Release
To be reviewed under Assessment Criteria v2.0

This project licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0.