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*20h00 - 20h10: break <br>  
*20h00 - 20h10: break <br>  
*20h10 - 21h00: '''TBD''' (by TBD)<br>
*20h10 - 21h00: '''Securing Containers on the High Seas''' (by Jack Mannino)<br>
:''Abstract:'' TBD
:''Abstract:'' It can be a difficult challenge for organizations to securely migrate to containers while shifting processes and security controls. Making the move from legacy virtualization and monolithic deployments to containers requires a solid strategy. Containers offer many inherent security benefits but it’s important to build controls in beyond the containers themselves. From development through container registries and deployment to a runtime environment, it’s important to enforce security and eliminate risks as they’re introduced.
:''Bio:'' TBD
This presentation will focus on scaling container security within an enterprise and building security controls into the way you build, ship, and run containerized services. We will discuss the modern container landscape including different container runtimes and isolation models. We will explore the container lifecycle from your developer’s laptop through your production environment and examine the key security problems to mitigate.
:''Bio:'' [ Jack Mannino] is the CEO of nVisium. Passionate about security and impossible to keep away from a keyboard, his expertise spans over 15 years of building, breaking, and securing software. Jack founded nVisium in 2009, and since has helped the world's largest software teams enhance security across their software portfolios. He has spoken at conferences globally on topics such as secure design, mobile application security, and cloud-native security.
*21h00 - 21h30: '''Networking drink''' <br>
*21h00 - 21h30: '''Networking drink''' <br>

Revision as of 14:55, 29 August 2018

These are the 2018 events of the OWASP Belgium Chapter.

Previous year: 2017.

17 September 2018 Meeting


Monday 17 September 2018


European Commission
Place Madou, 1
1210 - Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode
Pre-registration of the participants' ID is needed to enter the venue; see registration link below!!!


The agenda:

  • 18h15 - 19h00: Welcome & sandwiches
  • 19h00 - 19h10: OWASP Update (by Sebastien Deleersnyder, OWASP)
  • 19h10 - 20h00: Docker Threat Modeling and Top 10 (by Dirk Wetter)
Abstract: Docker containers offer several advantages for developers. Most notably they fit perfectly in software development processes, they enable fast, reproducible

deployments and when properly done, with little change the same container can run either in a test or production environment.

Despite threatening information out there Docker offers per se also several security advantages. However it is important to make use of them and as a minimum avoid several pitfalls. In a worst case scenario this can lead otherwise to less security or the security benefits which the containment technology offers are not being used at all.

To avoid this a proper fundamental approach is needed.

Thus this talk models first the most important threats to containerized environments out there. Based on that the speaker will present 10 security bullet points which covers

  • important Do's and Dont's,
  • for advanced needs how to tighten security further.

At the end the speaker gives advice how to check your Docker and Kubernetes security status yourself.

The talk is based on practical experiences at several costumers and on the speaker's solid network and systems security expertise.

Bio: Dirk Wetter (Ph.D.) is an independent security consultant with more than 20 years professional experience in information security with a broad technical

and information security management background.

His primary focus nowadays is around web application security. He has also a solid background on network and systems security.

He's also founder and maintainer of the open source project which checks the encryption of every SSL/TLS enabled service.

  • 20h00 - 20h10: break
  • 20h10 - 21h00: Securing Containers on the High Seas (by Jack Mannino)
Abstract: It can be a difficult challenge for organizations to securely migrate to containers while shifting processes and security controls. Making the move from legacy virtualization and monolithic deployments to containers requires a solid strategy. Containers offer many inherent security benefits but it’s important to build controls in beyond the containers themselves. From development through container registries and deployment to a runtime environment, it’s important to enforce security and eliminate risks as they’re introduced.

This presentation will focus on scaling container security within an enterprise and building security controls into the way you build, ship, and run containerized services. We will discuss the modern container landscape including different container runtimes and isolation models. We will explore the container lifecycle from your developer’s laptop through your production environment and examine the key security problems to mitigate.

Bio: Jack Mannino is the CEO of nVisium. Passionate about security and impossible to keep away from a keyboard, his expertise spans over 15 years of building, breaking, and securing software. Jack founded nVisium in 2009, and since has helped the world's largest software teams enhance security across their software portfolios. He has spoken at conferences globally on topics such as secure design, mobile application security, and cloud-native security.
  • 21h00 - 21h30: Networking drink


Pre-registration of the participants' ID will be needed to enter the security on site. 

Therefore, please register via this form at the European Commission: .

The registration deadline expires on Sunday, September 16th midnight. After this time the registration and admission to the event will not be possible.


19 March 2018 Meeting


Monday 19 March 2018


ING Belgium
Cours St Michel 60 - 1040 Brussel


The agenda:

  • 18h15 - 19h00: Welcome & sandwiches
  • 19h00 - 19h10: OWASP Update (by Sebastien Deleersnyder, OWASP)
  • 19h10 - 20h00: KRACKing WPA2 in Practice Using Key Reinstallation Attacks (by Mathy Vanhoef, imec-DistriNet-KU Leuven)
Abstract: This talk presents the key reinstallation attack against WPA2 (KRACK attack). It abuses design or implementation flaws in cryptographic protocols to reinstall an already-in-use key. This resets the key’s associated parameters such as transmit nonces and receive replay counters. Several cryptographic Wi-Fi handshakes are affected by the attack.
All protected Wi-Fi networks use the 4-way handshake to generate a fresh session key. So far, this 14-year-old handshake has remained free from attacks. However, we show that the 4-way handshake is vulnerable to a key reinstallation attack. Here, the adversary tricks a victim into reinstalling an already-in-use key. This is achieved by manipulating and replaying handshake messages. When reinstalling the key, associated parameters such as the incremental transmit packet number (nonce) and receive packet number (replay counter) are reset to their initial value.
Talk talk also discusses the vulnerability disclosure process that was followed. Since the discovery affected numerous vendors, coordinating the disclosure was non-trivial.
Bio: Mathy Vanhoef is a postdoctoral researcher at KU Leuven. He did his PhD on the security of WPA-TKIP, TLS, and RC4. His research interest is in computer security with a focus on wireless security (e.g. Wi-Fi), network protocols in general, the RC4 stream cipher (where is discovered the RC NOMORE attack), and software security (discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities). Currently his main research is about automatically discovering vulnerabilities in network protocol implementations, and proving the correctness of protocol implementations.
  • 20h00 - 20h10: break
  • 20h10 - 21h00: Making the web secure by design (by Glenn Ten Cate, ING Belgium, and Riccardo Ten Cate, Xebia)
Abstract: Education is the first step in the Secure Software Development Lifecycle. The free OWASP Security Knowledge Framework (SKF) is intended to be a tool that is used as a guide for building and verifying secure software. It can also be used to train developers about application security. This talk will help you as a developer to become THE Neo of your development team. We will show how you can do security by design and introduce other quality gates into your development pipeline to ensure high end quality and security of your project.
Bio: As a coder, hacker, speaker, trainer and security researcher employed at ING Belgium, Glenn Ten Cate has over 10 years experience in the field of security. One of the founders of defensive development [defdev] a security training and conference series dedicated to helping you build and maintain secure software and also speaking at multiple other security conferences in the world. His goals is to create an open-source software development life cycle with the tools and knowledge gathered over the years.
Bio: As a penetration tester from the Netherlands employed at Xebia, Riccardo Ten Cate specialises in web-application security and has extensive knowledge in securing web applications in multiple coding languages. He is also a specialist in setting up Secure Software Development Life Cycles.
  • 21h00 - 21h30: Networking drink


Please register via EventBrite:


20 February 2018 Meeting


Tuesday 20 February 2018


DistriNet Research Group (KU Leuven) (Both speakers are faculty of the Secure Application Development course held in Leuven from 2018-02-19 to 2018-02-23.)
Department of Computer Science (foyer at ground floor)
Celestijnenlaan 200 A
3001 Heverlee
(map, directions)


The agenda:

Abstract: Usability problems are a major cause of many of today's IT-security incidents. Security systems are often too complicated, time-consuming, and error prone. For more than a decade researchers in the domain of usable security (USEC) have attempted to combat these problems by conducting interdisciplinary research focusing on the root causes of the problems and on the creation of usable security mechanisms. While major improvements have been made, to date USEC research has focused almost entirely on the non-expert end-user. However, many of the most catastrophic security incidents were not caused by end-users, but by developers or administrators. Heartbleed and Shellshock were both caused by single developers yet had global consequences. The Sony hack in 2014 compromised an entire multi-national IT-infrastructure and misappropriated over 100 TB of data, unnoticed. Fundamentally, every software vulnerability and misconfigured system is caused by developers or administrators making mistakes, but very little research has been done into the underlying causalities and possible mitigation strategies. In this talk we will explore the transition from end-user to expert usable security research and look at several application areas, including TLS, passwords, malware analysis and vulnerability analysis.
Bio: Matthew Smith is a Professor for Usable Security and Privacy at the University of Bonn. His research is focused on human factors of security and privacy mechanisms with a wide range of application areas, including TLS and network security, authentication, mobile and app security and, most recently, usable security for developers and administrators. His work has been published at amongst others IEEE S&P, ACM CCS, USENIX Security, NDSS, ACM SIGCHI and SOUPS the Symposium on Usable Security and Privacy. In 2015 his ERC Starting Grant "Frontiers of Usable Security" was selected for funding.
Abstract: Everyone makes security mistakes, and that includes Microsoft (seriously!). Many developers can spot and prevent vulnerabilities listed in the OWASP top 10. But that narrative changes when we look beyond the scope of the OWASP top 10. Compared to some more recent attacks, fixing XSS or SQL injection almost seems easy. In this session, we dive into a couple of .NET core cases that have been reported to the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC). Mind you; these vulnerabilities are not just framework vulnerabilities. Instead, they are coding patterns that you may have introduced in your applications. Examples are issues with hash tables, compression, encryption, regular expressions and more. In this session, you will learn how to spot these vulnerabilities in your code. On top of that, you will walk away with the skills to fix them.
Bio: Barry Dorrans is the .NET Security Czar, which means he tries to tell everyone else how to code securely and taking the credit when it goes right, as well as running the .NET Core Bug Bounty. He also ends up triaging publicly and privately reported vulnerabilities when it goes wrong before getting someone else to fix the mistakes. This he gets all the fun and none of the real work, aside from the endless stress wondering when the next vulnerability will be discovered.


Please register via EventBrite:
