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==OWASP Security Ninja ==
TEMPORARY NOTE: There is an existing project called the OWASP Security Ninjas Training Program, sponsored by OpenDNS. The project is a single module with labs training class. They used the Ninja metaphor, but not as the backdrop and marketing focus we would do with this new project. I am requesting that the existing Security Ninjas Training modify or relinquish their name.
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Instructions are in RED text and should be removed from your document by deleting the text with the span tags. This document is intended to serve as an example of what is required of an OWASP project wiki page. The text in red serves as instructions, while the text in black serves as an example. Text in black is expected to be replaced entirely with information specific to your OWASP project.
==The OWASP Security Principles==
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Inevitably applications are designed with security principles architects knew about, security folks included. However, as this project demonstrates there are far more than just a 'few' principles, most of which never make it into the design.
For example, security design happens with perhaps a handful of principles:
* Least Privilege
* Perimeter Security
* Defence in Depth
However, we regularly see designs without '''separation of privilege'''!
Think about that, most web applications today have all their eggs in a single basket. The business logic, the identities, passwords, products, policy enforcement, security rules are all found in the same application database that makes up the typical website! It is little wonder then, that attacks on the database have been so completely devastating, since there is no separation of privilege!
The aim of this project, is to identify and describe a minimum functional set of principles that must be present in a secure design.

Revision as of 23:25, 6 December 2015

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OWASP Security Ninja

This is where you need to add your more robust project description. A project description should outline the purpose of the project, and the value it provides to application security. Ideally, project descriptions should be written in such a way that there is no question what value the project provides to the software security community. This section will be seen and used in various places within the Projects Portal. Poorly written project descriptions therefore detract from a project’s visibility, and project leaders should ensure that the description is meaningful.


The OWASP Security Ninja Program exists to educate, empower, and recognize developers and testers in the field of web application security. Security belts measure domain specific knowledge and application, ranging from white to black belt.

This section must include a shorter description of what the project is, why the project was started, and what security issue is being helped by the project deliverable. This description will be used to promote the project so make sure the description represents your project in the best way possible.

Although this is a sample template, the project is real! Please contribute to this project.

Over the course of my career, I have come across and collected a number of security aphorisms. These aphorisms constitute the fundamental principles of information security.

None of the ideas or truths are mine, and unfortunately, I did not collect the citations. Initially, I would like to identify the correct citations for each aphorism.

Additionally, many are re-statements of the same idea; thus, the 'collection of ideas' defines a fundamental principle. As such, I would also like to reverse engineer the principles from the aphorisms where appropriate, as well.


OWASP Security Ninja is free to use. Its licensing is dependent on several factors:

  • OWASP Security Ninja created documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license, so you can distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon our work, even commercially, as long as you credit us for the original creation.
  • OWASP Security Ninja created software and tools are licensed under the GPLv3 or later license. You are free to use and modify this software as well as having the right to re-distribute this software as long as any changes you've made are contributed back to the project under the same license. For questions, see the GPL FAQ


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Code Repository

The OWASP Security Ninja code will be stored on GitHub shortly.

News and Events

  • [2015-12-06] Project site kicked off, and search for volunteers begins.


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