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Note that in addition to defeating all forms of parameter tampering attacks, there is a side benefit of the AccessReferenceMap. Using random strings as indirect object references, as opposed to simple integers makes it impossible for an attacker to guess valid identifiers. So if per-user AccessReferenceMaps are used, then request forgery (CSRF) attacks will also be prevented.
Note that in addition to defeating all forms of parameter tampering attacks, there is a side benefit of the AccessReferenceMap. Using random strings as indirect object references, as opposed to simple integers makes it impossible for an attacker to guess valid identifiers. So if per-user AccessReferenceMaps are used, then request forgery (CSRF) attacks will also be prevented.
=== StereoTypes ===
{| style="background-color: #9AD7F5; border: 1px solid black; text-align: left;" cellpadding="1"
! Parameter
! Description
| Key
| The type of object to use for a key in the AccessReferenceMap
=== Methods ===
=== Methods ===
==== <Type> Key addDirectReference(Type direct) ====
==== <Type> Key addDirectReference(Type direct) ====
Adds a direct reference to the AccessReferenceMap, then generates and returns an associated indirect reference.
===== StereoTypes =====
{| style="background-color: #9AD7F5; border: 1px solid black; text-align: left;" cellpadding="1"
! Parameter
! Description
| Type
| The type for the direct reference
===== Parameters =====
{| style="background-color: #9AD7F5; border: 1px solid black; text-align: left;" cellpadding="1"
! Parameter
! Default Value
! Description
| direct
| The direct reference
===== Return =====
The key for the added Direct Reference
==== <Type> Type getDirectReference(Key key) ====
==== <Type> Type getDirectReference(Key key) ====
Get the original direct object reference from an indirect reference. Developers should use this when they get an indirect reference from a request to translate it back into the real direct reference. If an invalid indirect reference is requested, then an AccessControlException is thrown. If a type is implied the requested object will be cast to that type, if the object is not of the requested type, a AccessControlException will be thrown to the caller.
===== StereoTypes =====
{| style="background-color: #9AD7F5; border: 1px solid black; text-align: left;" cellpadding="1"
! Parameter
! Description
| Type
| The type for the direct reference
===== Parameters =====
{| style="background-color: #9AD7F5; border: 1px solid black; text-align: left;" cellpadding="1"
! Parameter
! Default Value
! Description
| key
| The indirect reference
===== Return =====
The direct reference
===== Exceptions =====
{| style="background-color: #9AD7F5; border: 1px solid black; text-align: left;" cellpadding="1"
! Exception
! Description
| [[#AccessDeniedException|AccessDeniedException]]
| If the requested reference does not exist or the implied type is incorrect.
==== <Type> Key getIndirectReference(Type directReference) ====
==== <Type> Key getIndirectReference(Type directReference) ====
Get a safe indirect reference to use in place of a potentially sensitive direct object reference.
===== StereoTypes =====
{| style="background-color: #9AD7F5; border: 1px solid black; text-align: left;" cellpadding="1"
! Parameter
! Description
| Type
| The type for the direct reference
===== Parameters =====
{| style="background-color: #9AD7F5; border: 1px solid black; text-align: left;" cellpadding="1"
! Parameter
! Default Value
! Description
| direct
| The direct reference
===== Return =====
The indirect reference
==== <Type> Key removeDirectReference(Type directReference) ====
==== <Type> Key removeDirectReference(Type directReference) ====
Removes a direct reference and its associated indirect reference from the AccessReferenceMap.
==== <Type> void update(Set<Type> directReferences)  ====
==== <Type> void update(Set<Type> directReferences)  ====
Updates the access reference map with a new set of direct references, maintaining any existing indirect references associated with items that are in the new list.
== Authenticator ==
== Authenticator ==

Latest revision as of 03:52, 18 June 2011

This document is currently under development - Please use the Discussion page for threaded conversation

Proposed Migration Roadmap

  • ESAPI 2.1
    • Create new package org.owasp.esapi.core
    • Create new set of Interfaces in new package with each extending it's org.owasp.esapi counterpart
    • Deprecate methods in org.owasp.esapi Interfaces
  • ESAPI 2.5
    • Remove deprecated methods that were deprecated at or before ESAPI 2.0
    • Introduce new ServiceLocator API
  • ESAPI 3.0
    • Seperate Core API into it's own artifact/project called ESAPI-Core
    • Create new set of artifacts as outlined in ESAPI_Project_Structure
    • Introduce Core API Testing Suite

Core API Specification


The AccessController is responsible for determining if the currently logged in user has access to a given resource. The resource can be anything that implements the Resource Interface.

Changes from ESAPI 2.0

  • Removed deprecated methods
  • Added Generic Stereotypes to the Resource and Context parameters)


Parameter Description
R A class that implements the Resource Interface and represents the Resource the user is requesting access to
Context Any object that represents the current context of the Authorization request - this is generally a Key-Value map


<R extends Resource,Context> void assertAuthorized(Resource resource, Context context) throws AccessDeniedException

Assert that the currently logged in user can access the given Resource with the given Context parameters

Parameter Default Value Description
resource The resource that the user is attempting to access
context The context of the request. This could be any type of object - for instance if requesting access to data, the context may be the resource identifier for the identified resource.
Exception Description
AccessDeniedException If the assertion evaluates to false, an AccessControlException will be thrown with contextual information as to the reason for the failure

<R extends Resource,Context> boolean isAuthorized(Resource resource, Context context)

Determine if the given resource is accessible by the currently logged in User

Parameter Default Value Description
resource The resource that the user is attempting to access
context The context of the request. This could be any type of object - for instance if requesting access to data, the context may be the resource identifier for the identified resource.

Returns true if the resource is accessible to the currently logged in user and false if it is not.


The AccessReferenceMap interface is used to map from a set of internal direct object references to a set of indirect references that are safe to disclose publicly. This can be used to help protect database keys, filenames, and other types of direct object references. As a rule, developers should not expose their direct object references as it enables attackers to attempt to manipulate them.

Indirect references are handled as strings, to facilitate their use in HTML. Implementations can generate simple integers or more complicated random character strings as indirect references. Implementations should probably add a constructor that takes a list of direct references.

Note that in addition to defeating all forms of parameter tampering attacks, there is a side benefit of the AccessReferenceMap. Using random strings as indirect object references, as opposed to simple integers makes it impossible for an attacker to guess valid identifiers. So if per-user AccessReferenceMaps are used, then request forgery (CSRF) attacks will also be prevented.


Parameter Description
Key The type of object to use for a key in the AccessReferenceMap


<Type> Key addDirectReference(Type direct)

Adds a direct reference to the AccessReferenceMap, then generates and returns an associated indirect reference.

Parameter Description
Type The type for the direct reference
Parameter Default Value Description
direct The direct reference

The key for the added Direct Reference

<Type> Type getDirectReference(Key key)

Get the original direct object reference from an indirect reference. Developers should use this when they get an indirect reference from a request to translate it back into the real direct reference. If an invalid indirect reference is requested, then an AccessControlException is thrown. If a type is implied the requested object will be cast to that type, if the object is not of the requested type, a AccessControlException will be thrown to the caller.

Parameter Description
Type The type for the direct reference
Parameter Default Value Description
key The indirect reference

The direct reference

Exception Description
AccessDeniedException If the requested reference does not exist or the implied type is incorrect.

<Type> Key getIndirectReference(Type directReference)

Get a safe indirect reference to use in place of a potentially sensitive direct object reference.

Parameter Description
Type The type for the direct reference
Parameter Default Value Description
direct The direct reference

The indirect reference

<Type> Key removeDirectReference(Type directReference)

Removes a direct reference and its associated indirect reference from the AccessReferenceMap.

<Type> void update(Set<Type> directReferences)

Updates the access reference map with a new set of direct references, maintaining any existing indirect references associated with items that are in the new list.



User login() throws AuthenticationException

void logout() throws AuthenticationException



String encode(char c)

String decode(String s)



String encode(String s)

String decode(String s)

void addCodec(Codec c)

Set<Codec> getCodecs()

void setCodecs(Set<Codec> codecs)



PlainText decrypt(CipherText cipherText, SecretKey secretKey) throws EncryptionException

CipherText encrypt(PlainText plainText, SecretKey secretKey) throws EncryptionException

MessageDigest hash(PlainText plainText, Salt salt, Integer iterations) throws EncryptionException

String seal(String data, Long timestamp) throws EncryptionException

String sign(String data) throws EncryptionException

String unseal(String sealedData) throws EncryptionException

void verifySeal(String sealedData) throws DataIntegrityException

void verifySignature(String signature, String data) throws InvalidSignatureException



ExecutorResult executeSystemCommand(ExecutorTarget target, Encoder encoder) throws ExecutionException



String getErrorOutput()

String getStandardOutput()

Integer getExitValue()



native FileHandle getExecutable()

native Handle getWorkingDirectory()

OrderedMap<String,String> getParameters()



void addEvent(String eventName, String message)

void addException(Throwable exception)


Still thinking this one through


Still thinking this one through



Boolean getRandomBoolean()

Byte[] getRandomBytes(Integer len)

String getRandomFilename(String extension)

String getRandomUUID()

Integer getRandomInteger(Integer min, Integer max)

Long getRandomLong(Long min, Long max)

Float getRandomReal(Float min, Float max)

= String getRandomString(Integer len, char[] charSet=)


Marker Interface for Resources that a user can request access to.




<Type> Type getAccountID()

String getAccountName()

Long getExpirationTime()

Integer getFailedLoginCount()

Long getLastFailedLoginTime()

String getLastHostAddress()

Long getLastLoginTime()

Long getLastPasswordChangeTime()

String getLocale()

Set<String> getRoles()

String getScreenName()

Boolean isAnonymous()

Boolean isEnabled()

Boolean isExpired()

Boolean isInRole(String role)

Boolean isLocked()

Boolean isLoggedIn()



<Type> Boolean isValid(Type data)

<Type> void assertValid(Type data)












Web API Specification

This API describes the components that can be used in the context of a Web Application.



String getName()

void setName(String name)

String getValue()

void setValue(String value)

Integer getMaxAge()

void setMaxAge(Integer maxAge)

String getDomain()

void setDomain(String domain)

String getPath()

void setPath(String path)

Boolean isHttpOnly()

void setHttpOnly(Boolean httpOnly)

Boolean isSecure()

void setSecure(Boolean secure)



void assertSecureChannel()

void assertSecureRequest()

ClientCookie getCookie(String name)

List<FileHandle> getFileUploads()

<T> T getAttribute(String name)

String getHeader(String header)

String getParameter(String name)

void sendForward(String url)

void verifyCsrfToken() throws CsrfException



void addCookie(ClientCookie cookie)

void addHeader(String key, String value)

void killCookies()

void sendRedirect(String url)

void setContentType(String contentType)

void setNoCacheHeaders()



<T> T getAttribute(String key)






String getCsrfToken()

void resetCsrfToken()

void addSession(SecureHttpSession session)

void removeSession(SecureHttpSession session)

Mobile API Specification

Desktop API Specification