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<center>'''OWASP New Zealand Day 2010<br>15th July - Auckland'''
= Introduction =
= Introduction =
The OWASP New Zealand Day has been the first all day security conference dedicated to web application security in New Zealand.  
Following the success of the [ OWASP New Zealand 2009] security conference which attracted more than 150 attendees, the [ OWASP New Zealand Chapter] decided to organise the <b>OWASP New Zealand Day 2010</b>. The event was held on the <b>15th July 2010</b> in <b>Auckland</b> and was a great conference day. The event gathered an audience of 160 delegates including security professionals, developers, managers and students.<br>
The event attracted more than 150 attendees from all over the country. The conference has been structured in a single stream with seven talks covering multiple topics in the web application security area.
For those people who missed the event or are interested in the conference material, some of the [ presentations] have been published and can be downloaded from the presentations page.<br>
For any comments, feedback or observations, please don't hesitate to contact [mailto:[email protected] us].<br>
Again, big thanks to the sponsors <b></b> and <b>Lateral Security</b>, the speakers and the conference committee for their contributions and support to the organisation of the event.
For those people who missed the event or are interested in the conference material, the presentations have been published and can be downloaded from the [ presentations] page.
For any comments, feedback or observations, please don't hesitate to contact [ us].
Some blog coverage from Kirk Jackson:
Again, big thanks to the sponsors, the speakers and the conference committee for their contributions and support to the organisation of the event.
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<td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">09:00</div></td>  
<td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">09:00</div></td>  
<td bgcolor="#eeeeee" class="tcell"><div align="center">Welcome to OWASP New Zealand Day 2009<b><br />   
<td bgcolor="#eeeeee" class="tcell"><div align="center"><b>Welcome to OWASP New Zealand Day 2010</b><br />   
      </b><em>Roberto Suggi Liverani / Lech Janczewski - / The University of Auckland</em></div></td>
      <em>Roberto Suggi Liverani / Lech Janczewski - / The University of Auckland</em></div></td>
<td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">09:15</div></td>  
<td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">09:15</div></td>  
<td bgcolor="#b9c2dc" class="tcell"><div align="center">Keynote: [ Insecurity and the Internet] - pptx<br/>
<td bgcolor="#b9c2dc" class="tcell"><div align="center"><b>[ Don't Try This At Home]</b> - pptx<br/>
    <em>Paul Craig -</em></div></td>
    <em>Brett Moore - Insomnia Security</em></div></td>
<td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">9:50</div></td>  
<td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">9:50</div></td>  
<td bgcolor="#EEEEEE" class="tcell"><div align="center">Vulnerabilities In Action<br/>
<td bgcolor="#EEEEEE" class="tcell"><div align="center"><b>[ Defending Against Application Level DoS Attacks]</b> - pdf<br/>
    <em>Brett Moore - Insomnia Security</em></div></td>
    <em>Roberto Suggi Liverani -</em></div></td>
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  <td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">11:10</div></td>
  <td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">11:10</div></td>
  <td bgcolor="#B9C2DC" class="tcell"><div align="center">[ Testing Web Services] - pdf<br/>
  <td bgcolor="#B9C2DC" class="tcell"><div align="center"><b>"Oh F#!K": What To Do When You Get Pwned</b><br/>
               <em>Nick von Dadelszen Lateral Security</em></div></td>
               <em>Paul Craig –</em></div></td>
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<td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">13:30</div></td>  
<td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">13:30</div></td>  
<td bgcolor="#EEEEEE" class="tcell"><div align="center"><b></b>[ Exploiting Firefox Extensions] - pptx<br />
<td bgcolor="#EEEEEE" class="tcell"><div align="center"><b>Low Scuttling Chilli Crab:Network Recon 2010AD **</b><br />
                 <em>Roberto Suggi Liverani / Nick Freeman -</em></div></td>
<td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">14:15</div></td>  
<td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">14:15</div></td>  
<td bgcolor="#B9C2DC" class="tcell"><div align="center"><b></b>[ Application Bug Chaining] - pdf<br/>
<td bgcolor="#B9C2DC" class="tcell"><div align="center"><b>[ Tales from the Crypt0]</b> - pdf<br/>
                 <em>Mark Piper - Catalyst IT Ltd</em></div></td>
                 <em>Graeme Neilson / Kirk Jackson - Aura Software Security / Xero</em></div></td>
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  <td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">15:30</div></td>
  <td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">15:30</div></td>
  <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE" class="tcell"><div align="center">[ &quot;Where Worlds Collide&quot; - PCI-DSS for OWASP practioners] - ppt<br/>
  <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE" class="tcell"><div align="center"><b>[ Hosting and Web Apps - The Obscurity of Security]</b> - pdf<br/>
               <em>Dean Carter -</em></div></td>
               <em>Quintin Russ / Mike Jager - SiteHost / Web Drive</em></div></td>
<td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">16:15</div></td>  
<td class="tcell2" valign="top"><div align="right">16:15</div></td>  
<td bgcolor="#B9C2DC" class="tcell"><div align="center"><b></b>[ XSS – The Gloves are Off] - pptx<br />
<td bgcolor="#B9C2DC" class="tcell"><div align="center"><b>The Ramblings of an ex-QSA</b><br />
                 <em>Andy Prow / Kirk Jackson - Aura Software Security / Xero</em></div></td>
                 <em>Dean Carter</em></div></td>
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<b>**</b> <i>replaced Scott Bell's "Web Application Vulnerabilities: How far does the rabbit hole go?" talk.</i>
==Dean Carter - - "Where Worlds Collide" - PCI-DSS for OWASP practioners==
==Low Scuttling Chilli Crab:NETWORK RECON 2010AD  **==
Network reconnaissance is an art as old as hacking, but the days of dumpster diving and fingering your away around the 'net are long in our past. In the world of Google, Wolfram|Alpha and Shodan, target acquisition is king: there's a new exploit every day, who's going down after you've finished your first cup of coffee tomorrow?
In this presentation, Metlstorm examines the practicality, implementation and effect of datamining country-scale network targeting databases. Building on the experience of spending the previous year mapping the New Zealand internet for his Kiwicon 2009 talk "Do Your Fruit Hang Low", Metlstorm deploys the Low Hanging Kiwifruit toolchain against its newest target: Singapore.
So, Singapore, are your networks open? How many open DSL routers are there in Singapore? Which ISP has their blade switches open for you to telnet to? Just how useful is it to full text search every SSL certificate name, 302 Redirect target and DNS entry?
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) has become a compliance requirement for many organisations. Due to its width and breadth the PCI-DSS poses many and varied challenges to an organisation. Achieving and maintaining compliance is not simply a technical issue – it relies heavily on people, policy and processes. This session aims to look at OWASP initiatives that can be related directly to the PCI-DSS.
The session will start with a very brief, high level overview of the PCI-DSS and then look closely how various OWASP initiatives can be leveraged in organisational compliance programs.
Metlstorm is an independent unix hacker from New Zealand, where he milks both sheep and hobbits. In the brief gaps in this bucolic schedule, he finds time to organise Kiwicon - the NZ hacker con, co-host the award-winning weekly infosec podcast and hold down a day job as a whitehat security consultant. In true sellout style, Metl has worked the floor at Blackhat, Defcon, Kiwicon & Ruxcon, achieving minor notoriety at the latter for being the only speaker ever punched out by a member of the audience at the end of his talk. Metlstorm loves bugs that are features, carrier networks and "enterprise" unix software, because we all know that "enterprise" means "the 80s called, they want their long environment variables back".
<b>Dean Carter</b>
- <i>replaced Scott Bell's "Web Application Vulnerabilities: How far does the rabbit hole go?" talk</i>.
Dean Carter leads the Security Advisory Services team within .
==Dean Carter - The Ramblings of an ex-QSA==
Dean has been in the IT industry for 17 years during which time he has worked with a wide range of technologies, industries and companies.
As a QSA there were a bunch of things Dean was forbidden from discussing.
For the past 7 of those 17 years Dean has spent the majority of his time specializing in information security consulting for financial organizations and telcos.
As an ex QSA some of these matters will remain firmly sequestered inside his kimono - but others things, more general things, can now be shared.
==Paul Craig – - “Insecurity and the Internet”==
Dean has 30 minutes worth of handy tips, hints, lessons and some brickbats relating to PCI and secure system development that he can now share with the community.
For the last 5 years I have spent 10 hours a day successfully breaking the internet. Networks, applications, services, it’s all insecure, hack-able and often completely vulnerable. Through my work at I have pointed out critical security flaws in the majority of New Zealand organizations.  Hacking a multi-billion dollar New Zealand organization is actually not that hard.
<b>Dean Carter</b>
This fact really troubles me, and I find myself asking the question: “Why is the internet insecure?”  It is after all 2009, not 1999.
Today I hope to answer that question and find out why the internet is, and will likely always remain insecure.
<b>Paul Craig</b>
Dean still remembers the day he first heard about the PCI DSS - he then spent several years trying to convince everyone that the PCI DSS was the bestest thing since the Beatles… not many people listened… they had projects to finish and settings to tweak…
Paul Craig is a principal security consultant at in Auckland New Zealand, where he leads the penetration testing team. Paul is an active security researcher, published author, and a devoted hacker. Paul specializes in application penetration testing, and regularly speaks at security conferences around the globe.
Then Dean joined and became a QSA (PCI power-up!)… people listened! Organisations even paid to listen! A few organisations went so far as to demonstrate their security posture to Dean The QSA. In return he signed their Reports on Compliance. Most made great progress towards compliance… while some simply went in political circles and denied the need to make any effort.
==Brett Moore – Insomnia Security - “Vulnerabilities In Action”==
Two years on Dean, the ex-QSA, now works for financial institution where, in between other tasks, he regularly sticks his nose into PCI matters and  still firmly believes that the PCI DSS is a positive thing.
Common application vulnerabilities have been known  for years now, and developers have been  told about
the  threats  and  how  to  prevent  these  flaws.  Even  so, web  applications  are  still  been  developed  that  are
vulnerable to some of the oldest and most well known security flaws.
The aim of this presentation is to show the attendees how vulnerabilities are discovered and exploited in real
world  situations,  and  the  devastating  effect  that  a  flaw  can  have  on  the  security  of  an  application.  The
presentation  will  demonstrate  multiple  different  application  vulnerabilities  across  various  development
languages  and  operating  systems.  All  of  the  commonly  seen  vulnerabilities will  be  demonstrated,  aligned
with the OWASP top 10 rating system.
Attendees will be able  to  learn about  the  real dangers  that application vulnerabilities pose, by seeing  them
been exploited as they would in a real compromise situation. The demonstration will be done again a ‘virtual’
network of vulnerable systems  that will contain both  server and application  level  flaws, giving a  real world
insight to an application compromise.
<b>Brett Moore</b>
==Paul Craig – - "Oh F#!K" : What To Do When You Get Pwned==
Having conducted vulnerability assessments, network reviews, and penetration  tests  for  the majority of  the  
If your company’s website were hacked tomorrow, would you know what to do?
large companies in New Zealand, Insomnia founder Brett Moore brings with him over six years experience in
Forensics is not what you see on CSI, and most people have no idea what they should do in the event of a compromise. What is an appropriate incident response for a company, what do you say to your CEO, when do you involve law enforcement? Do you attempt to solve the forensic case yourself; keeping in mind any action you take may directly affect the evidence, or compromise legal judicial requirements.
information  security. During  this  time, Brett has  also worked with  companies  such as SUN Microsystems,
This presentation will demonstrate the forensic process for a compromised website, and what an organization should do when they find out they have been compromised. I will use case studies from previous incidents and demonstrate what you should and shouldn’t do when you get pwned.
Skype  Limited  and  Microsoft  Corporation  by  reporting  and helping  to  fix  security  vulnerabilities  in  their
products. Brett has released numerous whitepapers and technical postings related to security  issues and has spoken
at  security  conferences  both  locally  and overseas,  including BlackHat, Defcon,  Syscan,  Kiwicon, Ruxcon,
and the invitation only Microsoft internal security conference called BlueHat.
<b>Paul Craig</b>
==Roberto Suggi Liverani / Nick Freeman – - “Exploiting Firefox Extensions”==
My name is Paul Craig, I work as the lead forensic incident responder at and I work with many New Zealand companies who have been compromised. From small websites to large corporations and government agencies, our nation is regularly being defaced and defrauded.  IT Forensics is here to pick up the pieces, and it’s my job to spend long nights trying to provide answers to businesses regarding what really happened.
Firefox extensions are popular, well-established and used by millions of people around the world. Some of
these extensions are recommended by the Mozilla community, and are implicitly trusted by the masses.
Little is known about Firefox extensions from a security perspective and our research intends to fill this gap.
The talk is divided in two parts: theory and practice. First, we will explore the security model of Firefox
extensions and present a security testing methodology. Next, we will illustrate how we applied the theory and
discovered severe vulnerabilities in the most popular and recommended Firefox extensions. Examples of
exploits will also be demonstrated.
After this talk, attendees will have gained a better understanding of the security implications, threats and
risks of using and deploying Firefox extensions. Security professionals and auditors will be able to use our
material as a security testing framework when auditing Firefox extensions.
<b>Roberto Suggi Liverani</b> 
==Brett Moore - Insomnia Security - "Don't Try This At Home"==
Roberto Suggi Liverani is a senior security consultant for He is the founder and  
During source code and application reviews a number of common issues are
leader of the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) in New Zealand.  Roberto has worked with
often seen. Developers making the same mistakes time and time again. There
companies such as Google, Oracle and Opera by reporting and helping to fix security vulnerabilities in their
are also those 'unique' issues that only come up once in a while, when
products. Roberto is the co-author of the most recent OWASP Testing Guide and has spoken at various
people handroll their own methods to solve a particular problem.
security conferences around the globe.
<b>Nick Freeman</b> 
Over the course of this talk, the speaker will explain and describe a number
of issues that he has seen over the last 24 months in locally developed
code. This is an opportunity to see what local developers are doing wrong,
and why you shouldn't try this at home.
Nick Freeman is a security consultant at, based in Auckland, New Zealand. After
<b>Brett Moore</b>
a couple of years of building systems for companies he has turned to breaking them instead, and spends his
spare time searching for shells and the ultimate combination of whisky and bacon.
Having conducted vulnerability assessments, network reviews, and penetration tests for the majority of the large companies in New Zealand, Insomnia founder Brett Moore brings with him over eight years experience in information security. During this time, Brett has also worked with companies such as SUN Microsystems, Skype Limited and Microsoft Corporation by reporting and helping to fix security vulnerabilities in their products. Brett has released numerous whitepapers and technical postings related to security issues and has spoken at security conferences both locally and overseas, including BlackHat, Defcon, Syscan, Kiwicon, Ruxcon, and the invitation only Microsoft internal security conference called BlueHat.
==Nick von Dadelszen – Lateral Security - “Testing Web Services”==
Web Services are now a major component of many organisation's online presence.  This could be in the form of AJAX-type consumer websites where more processing is being passed to the browser, or in corporate/governemtn b2b information-sharing environments.  This talk will focus on how to properly test web services, what to look for, and some of the tips and tricks picked up through my testing of these types of systems.
==Graeme Neilson / Kirk Jackson - Aura Software Security / Xero - Tales from the Crypt0==
<b>Nick von Dadelszen</b>
Does the thought of SSL, HTTPS and S/MIME make you squeamish?
Does PKI make you want to scream?
Does encrypting data at rest make you want to bury yourself alive?
Nick von Dadelszen has managed successful security teams for two previous employers and is now a co-founder and director of Lateral Security, responsible for technical delivery of projects.  Nick has been performing penetration testing in New Zealand for the last 10 years and in that time he has worked with the majority of New Zealand's largest organisations including government, financial and telecommunications sectors.
Cryptography is an important part of most web applications these days,
and developers and admins need to understand how, why and when to
employ the best and appropriate techniques to secure their servers,
applications, data and the livelihoods of their users.
Join Graeme Neilson (Aura Software Security) and Kirk Jackson (Xero)
for a series of scary stories in "Tales from the Crypt0".
==Mark Piper - Catalyst IT Ltd - “Application Bug Chaining”==
<b>Graeme Neilson</b>
As the number of useful, un-authenticated application bugs dwindles in 2009, the number of practical 'chained' exploits is growing.
Graeme Neilson is lead security researcher at Aura Software Security,
a security consultancy based in Wellington with clients across the globe.
Often, during development, it is very easy for developers (and penetration testers) to focus on individual bugs within an application. While these bugs may be serious, they are often difficult to exploit practically. This talk will explore various conditions that may be found within web applications to allow the 'chaining' of application bugs to produce reliable and practical exploits.
<b>Kirk Jackson</b>
A real world case study of how exploiting chaining can work will be discussed, dissected and demonstrated to the audience.  
Kirk Jackson is a developer at Xero, makers of the world's easiest
accounting system.
<b>Mark Piper</b>
Currently working as a Linux Guy for Catalyst IT Ltd. Mark has a passion for all things related to caffeine, UNIX and security.
==Quintin Russ / Mike Jager - SiteHost / Web Drive - Hosting and Web Apps - The Obscurity of Security==
In the past Mark has been both a UNIX Administrator and Principal Security Consultant assisting and advising a large number of organizations across New Zealand with regards to security. He has also presented at a number of conferences including the OWASP conference in Australia and OWASP evenings in New Zealand.
The security of web applications has traditionally been considered to be
the problem of the company whose servers they were hosted upon. However,
while you can outsource the hosting of web apps, you cannot outsource
the responsibility of ensuring that those apps are secure. Mike and
Quintin set aside their corporate rivalry to demonstrate the gap between
the way things are and the way things should be.
Mark is often called upon as a trusted advisor to various public and private sector organizations regarding the practical, real world threats they face.
<b>Quintin Russ</b>
Quintin has carved out his own niche in the .nz hosting industry, having
spent a large proportion of the last few years becoming an expert in
both building and defending systems. He now runs enough infrastructure
to ensure he never, ever gets a good night's sleep, and sometimes
doesn't even get to snooze through Sunday mornings. Quintin has a keen
interest in security, especially as it relates to web hosting. This has
ranged from the vicissitudes of shared hosting to code reviews of
popular blogging applications. He has previously presented at ISIG and
Kiwicon 2009.
==Andy Prow / Kirk Jackson - Aura Software Security / Xero - “XSS – The Gloves are Off”==
<b>Mike Jager</b>
XSS (Cross-site Scripting) is still one of the most common web-attacks used today.  
Since his arrival at Web Drive in 2004, Mike has been sticking his
Whether hidden in websites that have been vulnerable like Twitter, Facebook, MSN,
fingers into the wall sockets of web hosting. Currently, he herds
Hotmail and Amazon, or in PDFs or Flash, XSS attacks are out in the wild. Just in
packets, mutters at clouds, and sneaks up on web applications, tricking
May of this year we saw Gumblar (a.k.a. Grumblar, Martuz, JSRedir) which hit the
them into scaling horizontally when they least expect it. Mike holds a
top-web-infections lists around the globe – one of its growth techniques was good
BE in Computer Systems Engineering from the University of Auckland, and
old XSS.
has been spotted presenting recently at NZNOG, APRICOT and the
occasional ISIG meeting.
The key message of this presentation -“You’ve heard of XSS and you’ve followed
the “OWASP XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet” to protect your code, but do you really
understand each protection step, and does it really matter if you miss one?”
To help answer this question in an easily understandable way this presentation is
not just another “XSS talk”, but more of a “Gloves are Off” battle between good
and bad. Andy takes the “bad-guy” role with XSS attacks, Kirk is the “good-guy”
defender, locking down his .Net website. Who will win?
<b>Andy Prow</b>
Andy has15 years commercial experience in Software Development from
==Roberto Suggi Liverani - - Defending Against Application Level DoS Attacks==
companies including IBM, Vodafone, Telecom and Ericssons, in roles including
lead software developer, technical architect and development manager. Andy is
the Managing Director of the Aura group which he started in 2001. Aura Software
Security Ltd provides IT Security Consulting and Penetration Testing to major NZ
companies and agencies including the NZ Police, MFAT, Fidelity Life, Xero, TAB and
several banks. Aura provides overseas pen-testing to both Ausy and UK companies.
<b>Kirk Jackson</b>
Secure code practices, system hardening, due diligence and due care principles are paramount in mitigating application level DoS attacks.
These attacks often result in significant damage against unprepared and vulnerable organisations.
Kirk Jackson is a Senior Developer and is the IT Security Officer at Xero
The intent of this talk is to help organisations in strengthening their security posture against such attacks. The talk will explore most common application level DoS attacks and will provide recommendations for protecting applications, detecting attacks and how to react under stressful conditions.
( Kirks is also involved in the Microsoft development community,
runs the Wellington .NET Users Group, presents nationwide and has presented at
<b>Roberto Suggi Liverani</b>
Microsoft TechEd the past 4 years. Kirk is an ASP.NET MVP, and occasionally blogs
Roberto Suggi Liverani is a senior security consultant for He is the founder and
leader of the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) in New Zealand. Roberto has worked with
companies such as Google, Adobe and Opera by reporting and helping to fix security vulnerabilities in their
products. Roberto is the co-author of the most recent OWASP Testing Guide and has spoken at various
security conferences around the globe.
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The aims of OWASP - New Zealand community is to guarantee access to the conference for free in order to allow for wide participation and empower the community itself. As so the OWASP - New Zealand community encourages Industries, Research Institutions and Individuals to sponsor their activities and events.
The aims of OWASP - New Zealand community is to guarantee access to the conference for free in order to allow for wide participation and empower the community itself. As so the OWASP - New Zealand community encourages Industries, Research Institutions and Individuals to sponsor their activities and events.
Two types of sponsorships are available:
Three types of sponsorships are available:
* Silver sponsorship: 1500 NZD
* <b>Support Sponsorships</b>: n/a - company covers expenses for international speaker / media company that provides article/coverage on the event
- Publication of the sponsor logo on the event web site (top of this page)
- Publication of the sponsor logo on the event web site.
* Gold Sponsorship: 3500 NZD
* <b>Silver sponsorship</b>: 1500 NZD
- The publication of the sponsor logo in the event site, in the agenda, on the flyers, brochure and in all the official communications with the attendees at the conference.<br>
- The publication of the sponsor logo in the event site, in the agenda, on the flyers, brochure and in all the official communications with the attendees at the conference.<br>
- The possibility to distribute the company brochures, CDs or other materials to the participants during the event.<br>
* <b>Gold Sponsorship</b>: 3500 NZD
- Publication of the sponsor logo on the event web site;<br>
- Publication of the sponsor logo on the OWASP New Zealand Chapter page;<br>
- The publication of the sponsor logo in the event site, in the agenda, on the flyers, brochure and in all the official communications with the attendees at the conference;<br>
- The possibility to distribute the company brochures, CDs or other materials to the participants during the event;<br>
- Sponsor dedicated space at the conference (sponsor booth) to show products/services to the attendees during coffee breaks, lunch and snack breaks.<br>
- Sponsor dedicated space at the conference (sponsor booth) to show products/services to the attendees during coffee breaks, lunch and snack breaks.<br>
Those who are interested in sponsoring OWASP New Zealand 2010 Conference can contact the [mailto:[email protected] OWASP New Zealand Board].<br>
Those who are interested in sponsoring OWASP New Zealand 2009 Conference can contact the [mailto:[email protected] OWASP New Zealand Board].<br>
Sponsors can also make us of the following PayPal button to make payments. Donations are also more than welcome from the NZ community.
Sponsors can also make us of the following PayPal button to make payments. Donations are also more than welcome from the NZ community.
<table width="100%" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<table width="100%" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
     <td bordercolor="#FF6600" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="top"><div align="center"><paypal>OWASP New Zealand Day 2009</paypal></div></td>
     <td bordercolor="#FF6600" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="top"><div align="center"><paypal>OWASP New Zealand Day 2010</paypal></div></td>
====Call for Paper (OPEN) and review process====
====Call for Paper (CLOSED) and review process====
OWASP solicit contributions on the above topics, or general matters of interest to the community. Those who are interested in participating as speakers to the conference can submit an abstract of the speech to the [mailto:[email protected] OWASP New Zealand Board].<br>
OWASP solicit contributions on the above topics, or general matters of interest to the community. Those who are interested in participating as speakers to the conference can submit an abstract of the speech to the [mailto:[email protected] OWASP New Zealand Board].<br>
The email subject must be “OWASP New Zealand 2009: CFP” and  the email body must contains the following information/sections:
The email subject must be “OWASP New Zealand 2010: CFP” and  the email body must contains the following information/sections:
* Name and Surname
* Name and Surname
Line 282: Line 285:
* Type of contribution: Technical or Informative   
* Type of contribution: Technical or Informative   
* Abstract (max one A4 style page)
* Abstract (max one A4 style page)
* Why the contribution is relevant for OWASP New Zealand 2009
* Why the contribution is relevant for OWASP New Zealand 2010
* If you are not from New Zealand, will your company support your expenses - Yes/No
The submission will be reviewed by the OWASP New Zealand Board and the most interesting ones will be selected and invited for presentation.
The submission will be reviewed by the OWASP New Zealand Board and the most interesting ones will be selected and invited for presentation.
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==Conference Venue==
==Conference Venue==
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Conference topics include, but are not limited to:
Conference topics include, but are not limited to:
* OWASP Project Presentation (i.e Tool Updates/Project Status etc)
* OWASP Project presentation (i.e Tool Updates/Project Status etc);
* Threat modelling of web applications
* Threat modelling of web applications;
* Privacy Concerns with Applications and Data Storage
* Privacy concerns with applications and data storage;
* Vulnerability analysis of web applications (code review, pentest, static analysis, scanning)
* Vulnerability analysis of web applications (code review, pentest, static analysis, scanning);
* Baseline or Metrics for Application Security
* Baseline or metrics for web application security;
* Countermeasures for web application vulnerabilities
* Countermeasures for web application vulnerabilities;
* Web application security
* Web application security;
* Platform or language (e.g. Java, .NET) security features that help secure web applications
* Platform or language (e.g. Java, .NET) security features that help secure web applications;
* Secure application development
* Secure application development;
* How to use databases securely in web applications
* How to use databases securely in web applications;
* Security of Service Oriented Architectures
* Security of Service Oriented Architectures;
* Access control in web applications
* Access control in web applications;
* Web services security
* Web services security;
* Browser security
* Browser security;
* PCI.
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===Conference structure and schedule===
===Conference structure and schedule===
OWASP New Zealand Day 2010 will be all day Conference. The conference aims to provide a workshop-like atmosphere in which contributions can be presented and then time is allowed for constructive discussion of their results and processes.
OWASP New Zealand Day 2010 will be all day Conference. The conference aims to provide a workshop-like atmosphere in which contributions can be presented and then time is allowed for constructive discussion of their results and processes. It will be structured in a single stream. During the conference two coffee breaks (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) and the lunch are in program. These might be offered by the sponsors.  The detailed agenda of the conference will be available on the web site before the event.
It will be structured in a single stream. During the conference two coffee breaks (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) and the lunch are in program. These might be offered by the sponsors.   
The detailed agenda of the conference will be available on the web site before the event.
====Conference dates====
====Conference dates====
* CFP close:  15th June 2010
* CFP close:  30th June 2010
* Contributions submission deadline: 25th June 2010  
* Contributions submission deadline: 10th July 2010  
* Registration deadline: 20th June 2010
* Registration deadline: 30th June 2010
* Conference Agenda due: 20th June 2010  
* Conference Agenda due: 2nd July 2010  
* Conference date: 13th July 2010  
* Conference date: 15th July 2010  
====Conference Committee====
====Conference Committee====
'''OWASP New Zealand Day 2009 Organising Committees:'''
'''OWASP New Zealand Day 2010 Organising Committee:'''
* Roberto Suggi Liverani – OWASP New Zealand Leader
* Roberto Suggi Liverani – OWASP New Zealand Leader
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==Conference Sponsors==
==Conference Sponsors==
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<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
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     <td valign="top" width="50%"><center>Department of Computer Science<br>ICT and Department of Information Systems and Operations Management</center></td>
     <td valign="top" width="50%"><center>ICT and Department of Information Systems and Operations Management</center></td>
     <td valign="top" width="50%">&nbsp;</td>
     <td valign="top" width="50%">&nbsp;</td>
'''Gold Sponsors:'''
'''Gold Sponsors:'''
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
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<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
'''Support Sponsors:'''
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
[[Category:OWASP AppSec Conference]]
[[Category:OWASP AppSec Conference]]

Latest revision as of 01:47, 22 July 2010


OWASP New Zealand Day 2010
15th July - Auckland



Following the success of the OWASP New Zealand 2009 security conference which attracted more than 150 attendees, the OWASP New Zealand Chapter decided to organise the OWASP New Zealand Day 2010. The event was held on the 15th July 2010 in Auckland and was a great conference day. The event gathered an audience of 160 delegates including security professionals, developers, managers and students.
For those people who missed the event or are interested in the conference material, some of the presentations have been published and can be downloaded from the presentations page.
For any comments, feedback or observations, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Again, big thanks to the sponsors and Lateral Security, the speakers and the conference committee for their contributions and support to the organisation of the event.


Some blog coverage from Kirk Jackson:,category,OWASP.aspx


Welcome to OWASP New Zealand Day 2010
Roberto Suggi Liverani / Lech Janczewski - / The University of Auckland
Don't Try This At Home - pptx
Brett Moore - Insomnia Security
Defending Against Application Level DoS Attacks - pdf
Roberto Suggi Liverani -
Coffee Break

"Oh F#!K": What To Do When You Get Pwned
Paul Craig –
Lunch Break

Low Scuttling Chilli Crab:Network Recon 2010AD **
Tales from the Crypt0 - pdf
Graeme Neilson / Kirk Jackson - Aura Software Security / Xero
Snackie Break

Hosting and Web Apps - The Obscurity of Security - pdf
Quintin Russ / Mike Jager - SiteHost / Web Drive
The Ramblings of an ex-QSA
Dean Carter
Panel Discussion/Conclusion

** replaced Scott Bell's "Web Application Vulnerabilities: How far does the rabbit hole go?" talk.


Low Scuttling Chilli Crab:NETWORK RECON 2010AD **

Network reconnaissance is an art as old as hacking, but the days of dumpster diving and fingering your away around the 'net are long in our past. In the world of Google, Wolfram|Alpha and Shodan, target acquisition is king: there's a new exploit every day, who's going down after you've finished your first cup of coffee tomorrow?

In this presentation, Metlstorm examines the practicality, implementation and effect of datamining country-scale network targeting databases. Building on the experience of spending the previous year mapping the New Zealand internet for his Kiwicon 2009 talk "Do Your Fruit Hang Low", Metlstorm deploys the Low Hanging Kiwifruit toolchain against its newest target: Singapore.

So, Singapore, are your networks open? How many open DSL routers are there in Singapore? Which ISP has their blade switches open for you to telnet to? Just how useful is it to full text search every SSL certificate name, 302 Redirect target and DNS entry?


Metlstorm is an independent unix hacker from New Zealand, where he milks both sheep and hobbits. In the brief gaps in this bucolic schedule, he finds time to organise Kiwicon - the NZ hacker con, co-host the award-winning weekly infosec podcast and hold down a day job as a whitehat security consultant. In true sellout style, Metl has worked the floor at Blackhat, Defcon, Kiwicon & Ruxcon, achieving minor notoriety at the latter for being the only speaker ever punched out by a member of the audience at the end of his talk. Metlstorm loves bugs that are features, carrier networks and "enterprise" unix software, because we all know that "enterprise" means "the 80s called, they want their long environment variables back".

- replaced Scott Bell's "Web Application Vulnerabilities: How far does the rabbit hole go?" talk.

Dean Carter - The Ramblings of an ex-QSA

As a QSA there were a bunch of things Dean was forbidden from discussing.

As an ex QSA some of these matters will remain firmly sequestered inside his kimono - but others things, more general things, can now be shared.

Dean has 30 minutes worth of handy tips, hints, lessons and some brickbats relating to PCI and secure system development that he can now share with the community.

Dean Carter

Dean still remembers the day he first heard about the PCI DSS - he then spent several years trying to convince everyone that the PCI DSS was the bestest thing since the Beatles… not many people listened… they had projects to finish and settings to tweak…

Then Dean joined and became a QSA (PCI power-up!)… people listened! Organisations even paid to listen! A few organisations went so far as to demonstrate their security posture to Dean The QSA. In return he signed their Reports on Compliance. Most made great progress towards compliance… while some simply went in political circles and denied the need to make any effort.

Two years on Dean, the ex-QSA, now works for financial institution where, in between other tasks, he regularly sticks his nose into PCI matters and still firmly believes that the PCI DSS is a positive thing.

Paul Craig – - "Oh F#!K" : What To Do When You Get Pwned

If your company’s website were hacked tomorrow, would you know what to do? Forensics is not what you see on CSI, and most people have no idea what they should do in the event of a compromise. What is an appropriate incident response for a company, what do you say to your CEO, when do you involve law enforcement? Do you attempt to solve the forensic case yourself; keeping in mind any action you take may directly affect the evidence, or compromise legal judicial requirements. This presentation will demonstrate the forensic process for a compromised website, and what an organization should do when they find out they have been compromised. I will use case studies from previous incidents and demonstrate what you should and shouldn’t do when you get pwned.

Paul Craig

My name is Paul Craig, I work as the lead forensic incident responder at and I work with many New Zealand companies who have been compromised. From small websites to large corporations and government agencies, our nation is regularly being defaced and defrauded. IT Forensics is here to pick up the pieces, and it’s my job to spend long nights trying to provide answers to businesses regarding what really happened.

Brett Moore - Insomnia Security - "Don't Try This At Home"

During source code and application reviews a number of common issues are often seen. Developers making the same mistakes time and time again. There are also those 'unique' issues that only come up once in a while, when people handroll their own methods to solve a particular problem.

Over the course of this talk, the speaker will explain and describe a number of issues that he has seen over the last 24 months in locally developed code. This is an opportunity to see what local developers are doing wrong, and why you shouldn't try this at home.

Brett Moore

Having conducted vulnerability assessments, network reviews, and penetration tests for the majority of the large companies in New Zealand, Insomnia founder Brett Moore brings with him over eight years experience in information security. During this time, Brett has also worked with companies such as SUN Microsystems, Skype Limited and Microsoft Corporation by reporting and helping to fix security vulnerabilities in their products. Brett has released numerous whitepapers and technical postings related to security issues and has spoken at security conferences both locally and overseas, including BlackHat, Defcon, Syscan, Kiwicon, Ruxcon, and the invitation only Microsoft internal security conference called BlueHat.

Graeme Neilson / Kirk Jackson - Aura Software Security / Xero - Tales from the Crypt0

Does the thought of SSL, HTTPS and S/MIME make you squeamish? Does PKI make you want to scream? Does encrypting data at rest make you want to bury yourself alive?

Cryptography is an important part of most web applications these days, and developers and admins need to understand how, why and when to employ the best and appropriate techniques to secure their servers, applications, data and the livelihoods of their users.

Join Graeme Neilson (Aura Software Security) and Kirk Jackson (Xero) for a series of scary stories in "Tales from the Crypt0".

Graeme Neilson

Graeme Neilson is lead security researcher at Aura Software Security, a security consultancy based in Wellington with clients across the globe.

Kirk Jackson

Kirk Jackson is a developer at Xero, makers of the world's easiest accounting system.

Quintin Russ / Mike Jager - SiteHost / Web Drive - Hosting and Web Apps - The Obscurity of Security

The security of web applications has traditionally been considered to be the problem of the company whose servers they were hosted upon. However, while you can outsource the hosting of web apps, you cannot outsource the responsibility of ensuring that those apps are secure. Mike and Quintin set aside their corporate rivalry to demonstrate the gap between the way things are and the way things should be.

Quintin Russ

Quintin has carved out his own niche in the .nz hosting industry, having spent a large proportion of the last few years becoming an expert in both building and defending systems. He now runs enough infrastructure to ensure he never, ever gets a good night's sleep, and sometimes doesn't even get to snooze through Sunday mornings. Quintin has a keen interest in security, especially as it relates to web hosting. This has ranged from the vicissitudes of shared hosting to code reviews of popular blogging applications. He has previously presented at ISIG and Kiwicon 2009.

Mike Jager

Since his arrival at Web Drive in 2004, Mike has been sticking his fingers into the wall sockets of web hosting. Currently, he herds packets, mutters at clouds, and sneaks up on web applications, tricking them into scaling horizontally when they least expect it. Mike holds a BE in Computer Systems Engineering from the University of Auckland, and has been spotted presenting recently at NZNOG, APRICOT and the occasional ISIG meeting.

Roberto Suggi Liverani - - Defending Against Application Level DoS Attacks

Secure code practices, system hardening, due diligence and due care principles are paramount in mitigating application level DoS attacks. These attacks often result in significant damage against unprepared and vulnerable organisations.

The intent of this talk is to help organisations in strengthening their security posture against such attacks. The talk will explore most common application level DoS attacks and will provide recommendations for protecting applications, detecting attacks and how to react under stressful conditions.

Roberto Suggi Liverani

Roberto Suggi Liverani is a senior security consultant for He is the founder and leader of the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) in New Zealand. Roberto has worked with companies such as Google, Adobe and Opera by reporting and helping to fix security vulnerabilities in their products. Roberto is the co-author of the most recent OWASP Testing Guide and has spoken at various security conferences around the globe.

Please note that CFP is now closed.

Call For Sponsorships (CLOSED)

The aims of OWASP - New Zealand community is to guarantee access to the conference for free in order to allow for wide participation and empower the community itself. As so the OWASP - New Zealand community encourages Industries, Research Institutions and Individuals to sponsor their activities and events.

Three types of sponsorships are available:

  • Support Sponsorships: n/a - company covers expenses for international speaker / media company that provides article/coverage on the event

- Publication of the sponsor logo on the event web site.

  • Silver sponsorship: 1500 NZD

- The publication of the sponsor logo in the event site, in the agenda, on the flyers, brochure and in all the official communications with the attendees at the conference.

  • Gold Sponsorship: 3500 NZD

- Publication of the sponsor logo on the event web site;
- Publication of the sponsor logo on the OWASP New Zealand Chapter page;
- The publication of the sponsor logo in the event site, in the agenda, on the flyers, brochure and in all the official communications with the attendees at the conference;
- The possibility to distribute the company brochures, CDs or other materials to the participants during the event;
- Sponsor dedicated space at the conference (sponsor booth) to show products/services to the attendees during coffee breaks, lunch and snack breaks.

Those who are interested in sponsoring OWASP New Zealand 2010 Conference can contact the OWASP New Zealand Board.
Sponsors can also make us of the following PayPal button to make payments. Donations are also more than welcome from the NZ community.

<paypal>OWASP New Zealand Day 2010</paypal>

Call for Paper (CLOSED) and review process

OWASP solicit contributions on the above topics, or general matters of interest to the community. Those who are interested in participating as speakers to the conference can submit an abstract of the speech to the OWASP New Zealand Board.
The email subject must be “OWASP New Zealand 2010: CFP” and the email body must contains the following information/sections:

  • Name and Surname
  • Affiliation
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • List of the author’s previous papers/articles/speeches on the same topics
  • Title of the contribution
  • Type of contribution: Technical or Informative
  • Abstract (max one A4 style page)
  • Why the contribution is relevant for OWASP New Zealand 2010
  • If you are not from New Zealand, will your company support your expenses - Yes/No

The submission will be reviewed by the OWASP New Zealand Board and the most interesting ones will be selected and invited for presentation.

Due to limited budget available, expenses for international speakers cannot be covered. If your company is willing to cover travel and accomodation costs, the company will become "Support Sponsor" of the event.


Conference Venue

The University of Auckland Business School
Owen G Glenn Building
Room: OGGB 260-073 (OGGB4)
Address: 12 Grafton Road
New Zealand

Auckland business school small2.jpg Room hall.jpg


The OWASP Days have always offered a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas among researchers and practitioners who present their experiences and discuss issues related to Web Application Security from a higher level to a technical point of view.

Conference topics include, but are not limited to:

  • OWASP Project presentation (i.e Tool Updates/Project Status etc);
  • Threat modelling of web applications;
  • Privacy concerns with applications and data storage;
  • Vulnerability analysis of web applications (code review, pentest, static analysis, scanning);
  • Baseline or metrics for web application security;
  • Countermeasures for web application vulnerabilities;
  • Web application security;
  • Platform or language (e.g. Java, .NET) security features that help secure web applications;
  • Secure application development;
  • How to use databases securely in web applications;
  • Security of Service Oriented Architectures;
  • Access control in web applications;
  • Web services security;
  • Browser security;
  • PCI.

Conference structure and schedule

OWASP New Zealand Day 2010 will be all day Conference. The conference aims to provide a workshop-like atmosphere in which contributions can be presented and then time is allowed for constructive discussion of their results and processes. It will be structured in a single stream. During the conference two coffee breaks (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) and the lunch are in program. These might be offered by the sponsors. The detailed agenda of the conference will be available on the web site before the event.

Conference dates

  • CFP close: 30th June 2010
  • Contributions submission deadline: 10th July 2010
  • Registration deadline: 30th June 2010
  • Conference Agenda due: 2nd July 2010
  • Conference date: 15th July 2010

Conference Committee

OWASP New Zealand Day 2010 Organising Committee:

  • Roberto Suggi Liverani – OWASP New Zealand Leader
  • Rob Munro – OWASP New Zealand Evangelist
  • Lech Janczewski - Associate Professor - University of Auckland

Conference Sponsors

ICT and Department of Information Systems and Operations Management

Gold Sponsors:


Silver Sponsors:


Support Sponsors:
