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{{Chapter Template|chaptername=Minneapolis St Paul|extra=The chapter leader is [Kuai]|mailinglistsite=|emailarchives=}}
__NOTOC__ {{Chapter Template|chaptername=Minneapolis-St. Paul (OWASP MSP)|extra=The chapter leadership [ Alex Bauert].<br>
<paypal>Minneapolis St Paul</paypal>
We use [] for announcements and sometimes, depending on the event [] for RSVP's to organize events and meetings.
=== Upcoming Meetings ===
== Corporate Sponsors  ==
<h3>June 29th OWASP Meeting – Cassio Goldschmidt<br />
Tracking the progress of an SDL program: lessons from the gym</h3>
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<div style="background:#FFFFFF;padding:10px;width:340px;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[Image:Advance it minnesota logo.png|120px|link=]] </div>
<div style="background:#FFFFFF;padding:10px; width:290px">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[Image:Best Buy logo.jpg|link=]]</div>
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<div style="background:#FFFFFF;padding:10px; width:290px">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FICO</div>
Monday, June 29th, 2009, 6:00 p.m.
= Upcoming Meetings and Events =
== OWASP-MSP Upcoming Chapter Meeting  ==
'''When:''' Reference [] for announcements.
Ewald Conference Center
1000 Westgate Drive #252
St. Paul, MN
Forcing muscle growth is a long process which requires high intensity weight training and high mental concentration. While the ultimate goal is often clear, one of the greatest mistakes bodybuilders consistently make is to overlook the importance of tracking their weight lifting progress.
'''Presentation:''' Red Team
'''Presenter:''' Ryan Manship
'''Not sure if you are a current member?''' [ Member Directory]
'''REGISTRATION LINK:''' [ Eventbrite Signup Link for Event]
== OWASP-MSP Upcoming Chapter meeting ==
Like a successful bodybuilding workout, a security development lifecycle program must consistently log simple to obtain, yet meaningful metrics throughout the entire process.  Good metrics must lack subjectivity and clearly aid decision makers to determine areas that need improvement. In this presentation we’ll discuss metrics used to classify and appropriately compare security vulnerabilities found in different phases of the SDL by different teams working in different locations and in different products. We’ll also discuss how to easily provide decision makers different views of the same data and verify whether the process is indeed catching critical vulnerabilities internally.
=== Speaker Bio ===
'''When:''' Wednesday, May 11th @ 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Cassio Goldschmidt is senior manager of the product security team under the Office of the CTO at Symantec Corporation.  In this role he leads efforts across the company to ensure the secure development of software products.  His responsibilities include managing Symantec’s internal secure software development process, training, threat modeling and penetration testing.  Cassio’s background includes over 12 years of technical and managerial experience in the software industry.  During the six years he has been with Symantec, he has helped to architect, design and develop several top selling product releases, conducted numerous security classes, and coordinated various penetration tests.
'''Title:''' Evil Twin Attack with Wifiphisher
Cassio represents Symantec on the SAFECode technical committee and (ISC)2 in the development of the CSSLP certification. He holds a bachelor degree in computer science from Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande Do Sul, a masters degree in software engineering from Santa Clara University, and a masters of business administration from the University of Southern California.
This presentation will revolve around Wifiphisher, a security tool which automates the process of Evil Twin attack in order to mount fast phishing attacks against Wi-Fi networks. It is an open-source software that is heavily used by the wireless hacking community and comes with
its community-built templates for different phishing scenarios.  
=== Where/When ===
Date: Monday, June 29th, 2009<br />
Time: 6:00 p.m.<br />
UAW-Ford-MnSCU Training Center<br />
Common defenses for reducing the associated risk will also be discussed, including Wireless Intrusion Detection & Prevention Systems, 802.1X Port Access Control for robust mutual authentication and security awareness
966 South Mississippi River Boulevard<br />
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116
=== Agenda ===
'''Speaker:''' George Chatzisofroniou (@_sophron) is a security engineer at CENSUS S.A. His research interests include cryptography, Wi-Fi hacking, network security and web security. He is the lead developer of the popular open-source wireless hacking tool "Wifiphisher".
5:30 pm – Room opens for Networking<br />
6:00pm - Welcome: OWASP chapter updates, Conference Announcement!<br />
6:30pm – Cassio Goldschmidt –  Tracking the progress of an SDL program: lessons from the gym<br />
8:00 pm - Upcoming Events reminder and meeting wrap-up
Email if you plan to attend so we can order enough refreshments.
'''Location:''' Best Buy - Headquarters 7601 Penn Ave S, Richfield, MN (Use the Visitor parking off Penn and the Visitor Entrance)
===Thank You===
[ Center for Strategic Information Technology and Security] for sponsoring our meeting location.
We currently are looking for a meeting sponsor for refreshments for the meeting and for the book give-away.
at Eventbrite []
== OWASP & FLOSS Application Security Mini-Conference 2008 - October 21, 2008  ==
'''Agenda:''' <br/>
Thanks to all who joined us on October 21, 2008 for a [ '''mini conference''' in October 2008] at University of Minnesota's Saint Paul campus. Our first conference was a great success, with around 150 people attending! We look forward to the next one.
5:30 PM Room opens for networking and CPE signup<br/>
6:00 PM Welcome: OWASP chapter update and Chapter Presentation<br/>
7:45 PM Wrap-up<br/>
<!-- Thank You OWASP Chapter Budget for sponsoring our meeting location. -->
== Videos ==
<!-- '''Follow''' OWASP MSP on your favorite social media sites:
Videos of several past meetings are available at
=== Most recent videos: ===
[[Image:Twitter_mini.png|link=]] [[Image:Facebook_mini.png|link=]]
<br> -->
[ Gunnar Peterson - OWASP Top Ten Web Services - OWASP (MSP) - 27 April 2009 (1 hour, 27 minutes) (MP4, 220 MB...please right click and save)] | Slides Forthcoming
[ Dan Cornell - Vulnerability Management in an Application Security World - OWASP (MSP) - 16 March 2009 (1 hour, 52 minutes)] | [ Slides (PDF)]
Rick Ensenbach - Proactive Lifecycle Security Management - OWASP (MSP) - 16 February 2009 ([ Part 1] of 2 - 35 minutes) ([ Part 2] of 2 - 34 minutes) | [ Slides (PPT)] | [ Handout: Service/System Security Plan template (DOC)]
<!-- = Media and Documents = -->
Videos of past meetings are available at the [[OWASPMSP Videos]] node, the [ OWASP MSP Vimeo Channel], and [].  
<!-- === Content  === -->
== Upcoming Events ==
=== Bruce Schneier - Special OWASP Chapter Meeting August 24th ===
Please join us to Welcome Bruce Schneier at the University of Minnesota's Bell Museum Auditorium August 24th
=== Secure360 ===
[ Secure360] is an annual
conference providing high quality educational sessions and networking
opportunities while working to identify developing trends in risk
management, physical security, governance, audit, information security,
contingency planning and human capital.
=== DC612 meetings ===
<!-- You can find our Chapter Videos at -->
DC612 meets the 2nd Thursday of the month<br />
== Minneapolis - Saint Paul OWASP Board Members ==
President: [mailto:kuai.hinojosa(at) Kuai Hinojosa]<br />
Vice President: [mailto:lorna.alamri(at) Lorna Alamri]<br />
Secretary: [ Sam Buchanan]
Igor Matlin - Warning: Security Storms are Brewing in Your JavaScript - OWASP (MSP) - May 2015
Gene Kim - Rugged DevOps - OWASP (MSP) - 7 November 2011 (61 minutes) [ Vimeo Video]
Michael Coates - Attack Aware Applications (AppSensor) - OWASP (MSP) - 18 April 2011 (75 minutes) [ WebEx Replay]
Dan Cornell - Smart Phones, Dumb Apps - OWASP (MSP) - 7 December 2010 (93 minutes) [ Vimeo Video]
Gunnar Peterson - Audit Logging Done Right - OWASP (MSP) - 20 September 2010 (55 minutes) [ Vimeo Video]
Dinis Cruz - How OWASP Works - OWASP (MSP) - 10 August 2010 (55 minutes) [ Vimeo Video]
Dinis Cruz - O2 - OWASP (MSP) - 10 August 2010 (110 minutes) [ Vimeo Video]
= Security Associates =
=== Secure360  ===
[ Secure360] is an annual conference providing high quality educational sessions and networking opportunities while working to identify developing trends in risk management, physical security, governance, audit, information security, contingency planning and human capital.
=== DC612 Meetings  ===
DC612 meets the 2nd Thursday of the month.<br> []
= Chapter Contacts =
[ Alex Bauert] and
  [ Todd Dahl].
'''Leadership Team:''' [ Lorna Alamri]
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{{Social Media Links}}

Latest revision as of 19:30, 5 December 2019

OWASP Minneapolis-St. Paul (OWASP MSP)

Welcome to the Minneapolis-St. Paul (OWASP MSP) chapter homepage. The chapter leadership Alex Bauert.

We use for announcements and sometimes, depending on the event for RSVP's to organize events and meetings. 


OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.


Btn donate SM.gif to this chapter or become a local chapter supporter. Or consider the value of Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member? Join Now BlueIcon.JPG

Corporate Sponsors


OWASP-MSP Upcoming Chapter Meeting

When: Reference for announcements.