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{{Template:OWASP Secure Configuration Guide}}
{{Template:OWASP Secure Configuration Guide}}
== Summary ==
== Summary ==
The Apache HTTP Server Project is a collaborative software development effort aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and freely-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server. The project is jointly managed by a group of volunteers located around the world, using the Internet and the Web to communicate, plan, and develop the server and its related documentation. This project is part of the Apache Software Foundation. In addition, hundreds of users have contributed ideas, code, and documentation to the project. This file is intended to briefly describe the history of the Apache HTTP Server and recognize the many contributors.
The Apache HTTP Server Project is a collaborative software development effort aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and freely-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server. The project is jointly managed by a group of volunteers located around the world, using the Internet and the Web to communicate, plan, and develop the server and its related documentation. This project is part of the Apache Software Foundation. In addition, hundreds of users have contributed ideas, code, and documentation to the project. This file is intended to briefly describe the history of the Apache HTTP Server and recognize the many contributors.
== Important Files of Apache Server ==
=== Apache Global Server Configuration Files ===
RHEL / Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora Linux
Note:X represents the version number
=== Apache Module Files ===
RHEL / Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora Linux<pre>/etc/httpd/conf/conf.d</pre>
=== Apache Port Configuration File ===
RHEL / Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora Linux<pre>/etc/httpd/conf/conf.d</pre>
=== Apache Error Files ===
RHEL / Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora Linux<pre>var/log/httpd/error_log</pre>
== Apache Server Information Leakage ==
=== Server Token Directive===
==== Description ====
This Directive Controls wheather Server response field is sent back to clients includes a description of Generic OS Type of the Server.
Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5
This allows attackers to identify web servers details greatly and increases the efficiency of any attack,as security vulnerabilities
are dependent upon specific software versions.
==== How to test ====
In order to test for ServerToken configuration, one should check the Apache configuration file.
==== Misconfiguration ====
ServerTokens Full
==== Remediation ====
Configure the ServerTokens directive in the Apache configuration to value of Prod or ProductOnly.
This tells Apache to only return "Apache" in the Server header, returned on every page request.
ServerTokens Prod
ServerTokens ProductOnly
=== Server Signature ===
==== Description ====
This Apache directive allows the configuration of a trailing footer line under server-generated documents.
==== How to test ====
In order to test for ServerSignature configuration, one should check the Apache configuration file.
==== Misconfiguration ====
<pre>ServerSignature On</pre>
==== Remediation ====
Configure the ServerSingature directive in the Apache configuration to value of "Off".
This tell Apache not to display the server version on error pages, or other pages it generates.
<pre> ServerSignature Off</pre>
== Operating System Privileges for Apache ==
=== Run Apache with least privilege user ===
==== Description ====
Apache typically is started with root privileges in order to listen on port 80 and 443.
One of the best ways to reduce your exposure to attack when running a web server is to create a unique, unprivileged userid and group for the web daemon to execute.
The “nobody” or “daemon” userid & group that come default on Unix variants should NOT be used to run the web server as these principals are commonly used by other daemon services.
Instead, create a user and group that are exclusively used by the web service so as to not give unnecessary access to other services.
The userid used for the apache user should be a unique value between 1 and 499 as these lower values are reserved for the special system accounts.
A more secure alternative is to bind Apache web service to an unprivileged port so it is not
necessary to start Apache as root.
==== How to test ====
Ensure the apache account is unique and has been created with a UID between1-499 with the apache group and configured in the Apache Configuration File.
==== Misconfiguration ====
==== Remediation ====
If the Apache user and group does exist, create the account and group as a unique system account.
# groupadd –r apache
# useradd apache -r -g apache -d /var/www -s /sbin/nologin
2. Configure the Apache user and group in the Apache configuration file.
User apache
Group apache
=== Restrict Shell Access for Apache User===
==== Description ====
The Apache account must not be used as a regular login account, and should be assigned an
invalid or nologin shell to ensure that the account cannot be used to login.
==== How to test ====
==== Misconfiguration ====
Check the apache login shell in the /etc/password file for Linux Systems.
<pre># grep apache /etc/passwd</pre>
==== Remediation ====
The below command will configure the apache user with "nologin" restrictions.
<pre>#chsh -s /usr/sbin/nologin apache</pre>
Expected Output
Command to chec:
Expected Output:
=== Lock Apache user account===
==== Description ====
The user account under which Apache runs, should have a valid password, but should be locked.
==== How to test ====
==== Misconfiguration ====
The below is the misconfiguration for an Apache user.
<pre># passwd -S apache</pre>
Expected Output:
<pre>apache P 09/07/2015 0 99999 7 -1</pre>
==== Remediation ====
<pre># passwd -l apache </pre>
Validate the Configuration using the below command in Linux.
<pre>#passwd -S apache</pre>
Expected Output:
<pre>apache LK 2015-09-09 0 99999 7 -1 </pre>
=== Apache Directory Ownership and Permissions ===
==== Description ====
All of the Apache Software directories and files installed should be owned by root user and root group.This will help in mitigate
exploration severity and information disclosure.
Apache Web Document folders like "/var/www/html" need a designated group to allow web content to be updated.
==== How to test ====
Type the below command to check the User and Group associated with a file.The file varies in Between Debian,RHEL/CentOS/Fedora,FreeBSD.
# ls -l /usr/share/apache2
==== Misconfiguration ====
In the Below example the apache2 folder is owned by a user name "alice" and group "sysadmin" which can be considered as a misconfiguration.
drwxr-xr-x    6 alice sysadmin 4096 Sep  7 13:20 apache2
==== Remediation ====
The below command will set a Directory named "apache2" with root user and root group recursively.
#chown –R root:root /usr/local/apache2
=== Apache File Ownership and Permissions ===
==== Description ====
Setting the appropriate permissions on the Apache files and directories can help to prevent/mitigate exploitation severity and information disclosure.
Preventing execution of Apache binaries with limited permission will decrease the attack surface.
Permission of the Apache directories and files should be  rwxr-xr-x and they can change if it is Apache binary or executable file.
==== How to test ====
Run the below command to check the file permissions.
<pre>#ls -l /var/www/html</pre>
==== Misconfiguration ====
Other than rwxr-xr-x would be considered as a mis configuration.
==== Remediation ====
Permission of the Apache directories and files should be  rwxr-xr-x and they can change if it is Apache binary or executable file.
== Access Control List in Apache ==
=== Restrict OS Root directory access using Allow,Deny Directive ===
==== Description ====
Apache will serve any file mapped from an URL to clients with efault configuration.
It is better to create a deny policy that will not allow access to Operating system directoories or files.
A small modification in the configuration will allow access to tthe required files.
The order of the directive is important as it provides for otherr Allow diectives to override the default deny.
==== How to test ====
1. Find the appropriate Apache configuration file in your Server.
2. Ensure there is a single Order directive and set the value to deny, allow
3. Ensure there is a Deny directive, and set the value to "from all".
4. Remove any Allow directives from the root <Directory> element. 
==== Misconfiguration ====
<Directory />
. . .
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
. . .
==== Remediation ====
<Directory />
. . .
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
. . .
=== Restrict WebSite Content using Allow,Deny Directive ===
==== Description ====
Appropriate access to various files,directories, locations and virtual hosts that contains web site content can make attack surface strong.
Based up on the requirement you can provide allow access or you can deny.
==== How to test ====
1. Find the appropriate Apache configuration file in your Server. <br>
2. Ensure there is a single Order directive and set the value to deny, allow<br>
3. Ensure there is a Deny directive, and set the value to "from all". <br>
4. Remove any Allow directives from the root <Directory> element. <br>
==== MisConfiguration ====
<Directory "/var/www/html">
. . .
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
==== Remediation ====
<Directory "/var/www/html/">
Order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
=== AllowOverride Directive ===
==== Description ====
==== How to test ====
==== Misconfiguration ====
<Directory /var/www/html>
AllowOverride All
==== Remediation ====
<Directory /var/www/html>
AllowOverride None
== Common Misconfigurations ==
== Apache Features ==
=== Misconfiguration 1 ===
=== Limit HTTP Request Methods ===
==== Description ====
==== Description ====
%ProductName% allows unauthorized attacker to list all users of the system ...
// Detailed description of the impact. Is it enabled by default? Vulnerable versions.
Apache Server is capable of accepting and processing GET,HEAD,POST,OPTIONS,PUT,DELETE HTTP request methods.
If we use <LimitExcept> directive then Apache will not  process the unnecessary HTTP request methods.
The primary security concerened is to disable the unnecessary HTTP request methods.
Apache <LimitExcept> directive does not deny the TRACE request method.  
==== How to test ====
==== How to test ====
In order to test for %Misconfiguration_1%, one should ...
==== Misconfiguration ====
// Proof-of-concept here. Please include the screenshots and widely known tools/scanners!
By default all the HTTP request methods are accepted by Apache Server.
==== Remediation ====
==== Remediation ====
Initial/common value of parameter "listUsers" from config.xml is set to "true".
To assess the vulnerability it is enough to change the value to false:  
<Directory "/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin">
. . .
# Limit HTTP methods
deny from all
=== Disable HTTP Trace Method ===
==== Description ====
HTTP Trace Method is enabled by default on the Apache Web Server.
This method intended for diagnostics purposes.
==== How to test ====
Method 1:
1. Locate the Apache configuration files and included configuration files.
2. Verify there is a single TraceEnable directive configured with a value of off.
Method 2:
Telnet on the port your web server is running and request for “TRACE / HTTP/1.0” if you get a positive reply it means TRACE is enabled on your system.
The output of a server with TRACE enabled will look like:
==== Misconfiguration ====
Below is an example of MisConfiguration.
<pre>TraceEnable on</pre>
==== Remediation ====
1.Locate the main Apache configuration file such as httpd.conf.
2.Add a TraceEnable directive to the server level configuration with a value of off as shown
<pre>TraceEnable off</pre>
=== HTTP Protocol Version ===
==== Description ====
Many attacks in the process of enumeration they use Vulnerability Scanners,Automated Programs and other fingerprinting tools to send abnormal HTTP protocol version to check how Web Server responds and it is very important that we need to deny these requests.
==== How to test ====
1.Locate the Apache configuration files and included configuration files.<br>
2.Verify that below module is loaded.
==== Misconfiguration ====
By default this module is not loaded.So we need to load the module.
==== Remediation ====
While compiling the Apache for installation we can enable this module and then install it.
<pre>#./configure --enable-rewrite</pre>
If the Apache is installed with default parameter then we can also use the below Method<br>
1.Locate the Apache configuration files and included configuration files.<br>
2.Add the following line to the Configuration file.
<pre>LoadModule rewrite_module modules/</pre>
3.Add/change the RewriteEngine directive to the configuration as shown.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} !HTTP/1\.1$
RewriteRule .* - [F]
=== Restrict access to .htaccess files ===
==== Description ====
The following configuration prevent .htaccess and .htpasswd files from being viewed by Web clients.
==== How to test ====
Verify the below recommended configuration is present in the Apache config file and make sure they are not commented out.
==== Misconfiguration ====
Below is the Misconfiguration
<FilesMatch "^\.ht">
Order allow
==== Remediation ====
1.Locate the Apache configuration files and included configuration files.
2.Add the following line to the Configuration file.
<FilesMatch "^\.ht">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Satisfy All
=== Restrict file extensions ===
==== Description ====
There are many files that are often left within the web server document root that could provide an attacker with sensitive information. Most often these files are mistakenly left behind after installation, trouble-shooting, or backing up files before editing.
We use FilesMatch directive to restrict access to only those file extensions that are appropriate for the web server.
==== How to test ====
Verify the below recommended configuration is present in the Apache config file and make sure they are not commented out.
==== Misconfiguration ====
Block all files by default, unless specifically allowed.<br>
<FilesMatch "^.*$">
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
==== Remediation ====
1.Locate the Apache configuration files and included configuration files.<br>
2.Add the following line to the Configuration file so that Web Server Allow files with specifically approved file extensions
such as "css,htm,html,js,pdf,txt,xml,xsl"
<FilesMatch "^.*\.(css|html?|js|pdf|txt|xml|xsl|gif|ico|jpe?g|png)$">
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all
Note: File extensions should be matched carefully and should be changed based upon the reqruiement.
=== Remove Default HTML Page ===
==== Description ====
All of the Web Servers comes with a default page which is not required .
==== How to test ====
Review all pre-installed web pages and remove content which is not required from root directory of the Web Server.
==== Misconfiguration ====
Post installation of the Web Server if the below items exits in Server then that is considered as a Misconfiguration.
1.Default Index Pages<br>
2.Welcome Page<br>
3.Apache User Manul<br>
4.Server Information Handlers and Status Handlers.
==== Remediation ====
1.Remove the default index pages like ( index.html,default.html)<br>
2.Remove the Welcome pages.<br>
3.Remove the Apache User manuals.<br>
4.Remove any Server Information Handlers and Status Handlers with configuration.
== Apache Module Configuration ==
=== Authentication and Authorization Modules ===
==== Description ====
==== How to test ====
==== Misconfiguration ====
==== Remediation ====
=== Status and Info Modules ===
==== Description ====
==== How to test ====
==== Misconfiguration ====
==== Remediation ====
=== AutoIndex Module ===
==== Description ====
==== How to test ====
==== Misconfiguration ====
==== Remediation ====
== Misconfigurations ==
=== Proxy Module ===
==== Description ====
==== How to test ====
==== Misconfiguration ====
==== Remediation ====
'''Please also mention /server-status ! '''
1. Version details disclosed in headers
=== User Directory Moudule ===
disable apache tokens
== SSL / TLS Configuration ==
=== Install a valid certificate ===
==== Description ====
==== How to test ====
==== Misconfiguration ====
==== Remediation ====
2. Proper SSL cipher selection
Cipher orders
Disable specific ciphers
3. Guidelines on how to store ssl private keys on server
=== Restric weak SSL Protocols and Ciphers ===
stuff like not to store private keys on /var/www/
==== Description ====
==== How to test ====
==== Misconfiguration ====
==== Remediation ====
4. Detailing about various authentication types
basic, digest, X509, LDAP or others.
=== Install mod_ssl Module ===
Detailing about authoentication types and which one to use in which situation.
==== Description ====
==== How to test ====
==== Misconfiguration ====
==== Remediation ====
=== Avoid Insecure SSL Renogitation ===
==== Description ====
==== How to test ====
==== Misconfiguration ====
==== Remediation ====
== Attack Migigation ==
=== DOS ===
==== Description ====
==== How to test ====
==== Misconfiguration ====
==== Remediation ====
=== Buffer Overflow ===
==== Description ====
==== How to test ====
==== Misconfiguration ====
==== Remediation ====
== References ==
== References ==
Line 61: Line 528:

Latest revision as of 13:17, 4 April 2016

This article is part of the OWASP Secure Configuration Guide.
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The Apache HTTP Server Project is a collaborative software development effort aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and freely-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server. The project is jointly managed by a group of volunteers located around the world, using the Internet and the Web to communicate, plan, and develop the server and its related documentation. This project is part of the Apache Software Foundation. In addition, hundreds of users have contributed ideas, code, and documentation to the project. This file is intended to briefly describe the history of the Apache HTTP Server and recognize the many contributors.

Important Files of Apache Server

Apache Global Server Configuration Files



RHEL / Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora Linux




Note:X represents the version number

Apache Module Files

RHEL / Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora Linux

Apache Port Configuration File

RHEL / Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora Linux

Apache Error Files

RHEL / Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora Linux

Apache Server Information Leakage

Server Token Directive


This Directive Controls wheather Server response field is sent back to clients includes a description of Generic OS Type of the Server.

Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5

This allows attackers to identify web servers details greatly and increases the efficiency of any attack,as security vulnerabilities are dependent upon specific software versions.

How to test

In order to test for ServerToken configuration, one should check the Apache configuration file.


ServerTokens Full


Configure the ServerTokens directive in the Apache configuration to value of Prod or ProductOnly. This tells Apache to only return "Apache" in the Server header, returned on every page request.

ServerTokens Prod
ServerTokens ProductOnly

Server Signature


This Apache directive allows the configuration of a trailing footer line under server-generated documents.

How to test

In order to test for ServerSignature configuration, one should check the Apache configuration file.


ServerSignature On


Configure the ServerSingature directive in the Apache configuration to value of "Off". This tell Apache not to display the server version on error pages, or other pages it generates.

 ServerSignature Off

Operating System Privileges for Apache

Run Apache with least privilege user


Apache typically is started with root privileges in order to listen on port 80 and 443. One of the best ways to reduce your exposure to attack when running a web server is to create a unique, unprivileged userid and group for the web daemon to execute. The “nobody” or “daemon” userid & group that come default on Unix variants should NOT be used to run the web server as these principals are commonly used by other daemon services. Instead, create a user and group that are exclusively used by the web service so as to not give unnecessary access to other services. The userid used for the apache user should be a unique value between 1 and 499 as these lower values are reserved for the special system accounts. A more secure alternative is to bind Apache web service to an unprivileged port so it is not necessary to start Apache as root.

How to test

Ensure the apache account is unique and has been created with a UID between1-499 with the apache group and configured in the Apache Configuration File.



If the Apache user and group does exist, create the account and group as a unique system account.


# groupadd –r apache
# useradd apache -r -g apache -d /var/www -s /sbin/nologin

2. Configure the Apache user and group in the Apache configuration file.

User apache
Group apache

Restrict Shell Access for Apache User


The Apache account must not be used as a regular login account, and should be assigned an invalid or nologin shell to ensure that the account cannot be used to login.

How to test


Check the apache login shell in the /etc/password file for Linux Systems.

# grep apache /etc/passwd


The below command will configure the apache user with "nologin" restrictions.

#chsh -s /usr/sbin/nologin apache

Expected Output

Command to chec:
Expected Output:

Lock Apache user account


The user account under which Apache runs, should have a valid password, but should be locked.

How to test


The below is the misconfiguration for an Apache user.


# passwd -S apache

Expected Output:

apache P 09/07/2015 0 99999 7 -1


# passwd -l apache 

Validate the Configuration using the below command in Linux.

#passwd -S apache

Expected Output:

apache LK 2015-09-09 0 99999 7 -1 

Apache Directory Ownership and Permissions


All of the Apache Software directories and files installed should be owned by root user and root group.This will help in mitigate exploration severity and information disclosure.

Apache Web Document folders like "/var/www/html" need a designated group to allow web content to be updated.

How to test

Type the below command to check the User and Group associated with a file.The file varies in Between Debian,RHEL/CentOS/Fedora,FreeBSD.


# ls -l /usr/share/apache2


In the Below example the apache2 folder is owned by a user name "alice" and group "sysadmin" which can be considered as a misconfiguration.
drwxr-xr-x    6 alice sysadmin 4096 Sep  7 13:20 apache2


The below command will set a Directory named "apache2" with root user and root group recursively.

#chown –R root:root /usr/local/apache2

Apache File Ownership and Permissions


Setting the appropriate permissions on the Apache files and directories can help to prevent/mitigate exploitation severity and information disclosure.

Preventing execution of Apache binaries with limited permission will decrease the attack surface.

Permission of the Apache directories and files should be rwxr-xr-x and they can change if it is Apache binary or executable file.

How to test

Run the below command to check the file permissions.

#ls -l /var/www/html


Other than rwxr-xr-x would be considered as a mis configuration.


Permission of the Apache directories and files should be rwxr-xr-x and they can change if it is Apache binary or executable file.

Access Control List in Apache

Restrict OS Root directory access using Allow,Deny Directive


Apache will serve any file mapped from an URL to clients with efault configuration.

It is better to create a deny policy that will not allow access to Operating system directoories or files.

A small modification in the configuration will allow access to tthe required files.

The order of the directive is important as it provides for otherr Allow diectives to override the default deny.

How to test

1. Find the appropriate Apache configuration file in your Server. 2. Ensure there is a single Order directive and set the value to deny, allow 3. Ensure there is a Deny directive, and set the value to "from all". 4. Remove any Allow directives from the root <Directory> element.


<Directory />
 . . .
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all
 . . .


<Directory />
 . . .
 Order deny,allow
 Deny from all
 . . .

Restrict WebSite Content using Allow,Deny Directive


Appropriate access to various files,directories, locations and virtual hosts that contains web site content can make attack surface strong.

Based up on the requirement you can provide allow access or you can deny.

How to test

1. Find the appropriate Apache configuration file in your Server.
2. Ensure there is a single Order directive and set the value to deny, allow
3. Ensure there is a Deny directive, and set the value to "from all".
4. Remove any Allow directives from the root <Directory> element.


<Directory "/var/www/html">
 . . .
 Order deny,allow
 Allow from all


<Directory "/var/www/html/">
Order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from

AllowOverride Directive


How to test


<Directory /var/www/html>
AllowOverride All


<Directory /var/www/html>
AllowOverride None

Apache Features

Limit HTTP Request Methods


Apache Server is capable of accepting and processing GET,HEAD,POST,OPTIONS,PUT,DELETE HTTP request methods. If we use <LimitExcept> directive then Apache will not process the unnecessary HTTP request methods. The primary security concerened is to disable the unnecessary HTTP request methods. Apache <LimitExcept> directive does not deny the TRACE request method.

How to test


By default all the HTTP request methods are accepted by Apache Server.


<Directory "/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin">
 . . .
 # Limit HTTP methods
			deny from all

Disable HTTP Trace Method


HTTP Trace Method is enabled by default on the Apache Web Server. This method intended for diagnostics purposes.

How to test

Method 1: 1. Locate the Apache configuration files and included configuration files. 2. Verify there is a single TraceEnable directive configured with a value of off.

Method 2: Telnet on the port your web server is running and request for “TRACE / HTTP/1.0” if you get a positive reply it means TRACE is enabled on your system. The output of a server with TRACE enabled will look like:


Below is an example of MisConfiguration.

TraceEnable on


1.Locate the main Apache configuration file such as httpd.conf. 2.Add a TraceEnable directive to the server level configuration with a value of off as shown

TraceEnable off

HTTP Protocol Version


Many attacks in the process of enumeration they use Vulnerability Scanners,Automated Programs and other fingerprinting tools to send abnormal HTTP protocol version to check how Web Server responds and it is very important that we need to deny these requests.

How to test

1.Locate the Apache configuration files and included configuration files.
2.Verify that below module is loaded.


By default this module is not loaded.So we need to load the module.


While compiling the Apache for installation we can enable this module and then install it.

#./configure --enable-rewrite

If the Apache is installed with default parameter then we can also use the below Method
1.Locate the Apache configuration files and included configuration files.
2.Add the following line to the Configuration file.

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

3.Add/change the RewriteEngine directive to the configuration as shown.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} !HTTP/1\.1$ 
RewriteRule .* - [F]

Restrict access to .htaccess files


The following configuration prevent .htaccess and .htpasswd files from being viewed by Web clients.

How to test

Verify the below recommended configuration is present in the Apache config file and make sure they are not commented out.


Below is the Misconfiguration

<FilesMatch "^\.ht">
Order allow


1.Locate the Apache configuration files and included configuration files. 2.Add the following line to the Configuration file.

<FilesMatch "^\.ht">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Satisfy All

Restrict file extensions


There are many files that are often left within the web server document root that could provide an attacker with sensitive information. Most often these files are mistakenly left behind after installation, trouble-shooting, or backing up files before editing. We use FilesMatch directive to restrict access to only those file extensions that are appropriate for the web server.

How to test

Verify the below recommended configuration is present in the Apache config file and make sure they are not commented out.


Block all files by default, unless specifically allowed.

<FilesMatch "^.*$">
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all


1.Locate the Apache configuration files and included configuration files.
2.Add the following line to the Configuration file so that Web Server Allow files with specifically approved file extensions such as "css,htm,html,js,pdf,txt,xml,xsl"

<FilesMatch "^.*\.(css|html?|js|pdf|txt|xml|xsl|gif|ico|jpe?g|png)$">
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all

Note: File extensions should be matched carefully and should be changed based upon the reqruiement.

Remove Default HTML Page


All of the Web Servers comes with a default page which is not required .

How to test

Review all pre-installed web pages and remove content which is not required from root directory of the Web Server.


Post installation of the Web Server if the below items exits in Server then that is considered as a Misconfiguration. 1.Default Index Pages
2.Welcome Page
3.Apache User Manul
4.Server Information Handlers and Status Handlers.


1.Remove the default index pages like ( index.html,default.html)
2.Remove the Welcome pages.
3.Remove the Apache User manuals.
4.Remove any Server Information Handlers and Status Handlers with configuration.

Apache Module Configuration

Authentication and Authorization Modules


How to test



Status and Info Modules


How to test



AutoIndex Module


How to test



Proxy Module


How to test



User Directory Moudule

SSL / TLS Configuration

Install a valid certificate


How to test



Restric weak SSL Protocols and Ciphers


How to test



Install mod_ssl Module


How to test



Avoid Insecure SSL Renogitation


How to test



Attack Migigation



How to test



Buffer Overflow


How to test


