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= Introduction  =
<div style="width:100%;height:160px;border:0,margin:0;overflow: hidden;">[[File:Cheatsheets-header.jpg|link=]]</div>
This page intends to provide basic PHP security tips for developers and administrators. Keep in mind that tips mentioned in this page may not be sufficient for securing your web application.
==PHP overview==
The Cheat Sheet Series project has been moved to [ GitHub]!
PHP is the most commonly used server-side programming language and 72% of web
Please visit [ PHP Configuration Cheat Sheet] to see the latest version of the cheat sheet.
servers deploy PHP. PHP is open source.
PHP is unusual in that it is both a language and a web framework, in that it
comes with the typical features of a web framework built-in. Like all web
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languages, there is also a large community of libraries etc., which also
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contribute to the security (or otherwise) of programming in PHP. All 3 aspects
need to be taken into consideration when trying to secure a PHP site.
There are, unfortunately, serious issues in all areas that make it difficult to
write secure PHP applications. These are difficult to work around if you are
forced to use PHP, but you need to be aware of them.
===Language issues===
====Weak typing====
PHP is weakly typed, which means that it will automatically convert data of an
incorrect type into the expected type. This feature very often masks errors by
the developer or injections of unexpected data, leading to vulnerabilities (see
below under "Input handling" for an example).
Try to use functions and operators that do not do implicit type conversions
(e.g. === and not ==). Not all operators have strict versions, and many built-in
functions (like 'in_array') use weakly typed comparison functions, making it
difficult to write correct code.
====Exceptions and error handling====
Almost all core PHP code, and many PHP libraries, do not use exceptions, but
instead report errors in other ways (such as via notices) that allow the faulty
code to carry on running. This has the effect of masking many bugs. In other
languages, error conditions that are caused by developer errors will cause the
program to stop running, which is the safest thing to do.
It is often best to turn up error reporting as high as possible using the
[ error_reporting]
function, and never attempt to suppress error messages - always follow the
warnings and write code that is more robust.
The behaviour of PHP code often depends strongly on the values of many
configuration settings, including fundamental changes to things like how errors
are handled. This can make it very difficult to write code that works correctly
in all circumstances. Different libaries can have different expectations or
requirements about these settings, making it difficult to correctly use 3rd
party code. Some are mentioned below under 'Configuration'.
===Framework issues===
====URL routing====
PHP's built-in URL routing mechanism is to use files ending in ".php" in the
directory structure. This opens up several vulnerabilities:
* Remote execution vulnerability for every file upload feature that does not sanitise the filename. Ensure that when saving uploaded files, the content and filename is appropriately sanitised.
* Source code, including config files, are stored in publically accessible directories along with files that are meant to be downloaded (such as static  assets). Misconfiguration (or lack of configuration) can mean that source code or config files that contain secret information can be downloaded by attackers. You can use .htaccess to limit access. This is not ideal, because it is insecure by default, but there is no other alternative.
====Input handling====
Instead of treating HTTP input as simple strings, PHP will build arrays from HTTP input, at the control of the client. This can lead to confusion about data, and can easily lead to security bugs. For example, consider this simplified code from a "one time nonce" mechanism that might be used, for example in a password reset code:
    $supplied_nonce = $_GET['nonce'];
    $correct_nonce = get_correct_value_somehow();
    if (strcmp($supplied_nonce, $correct_nonce) == 0) {
        // Go ahead and reset the password
    } else {
        echo 'Sorry, incorrect link';
If an attacker uses a querystring like this:
then we end up with $supplied_nonce being an array. strcmp() will then return
NULL (not 0), but due to weak typing and the '==' operator instead of '===', the
comparison succeeds (since "NULL == 0" is true according to PHP), and the
attacker will be able to reset the password without providing a correct nonce.
====Template language====
PHP is essentially a template language. However, it doesn't do HTML escaping by
default, which makes it very problematic for use in a web application - see
section on XSS below.
====Other inadequacies====
There are other important things that a web framework should supply, such as a
CSRF protection mechanism that is on by default. Because PHP comes with a
rudimentary web framework that is functional enough to allow people to create
web sites, many people will do so without any knowledge that they need CSRF
===Third party PHP code===
Libraries and projects written in PHP are often insecure due to the problems
highlighted above, especially when proper web frameworks are not used. Do not
trust PHP code that you find on the web, as many security vulnerabilities can
hide in seemingly innocent code.
==Update PHP Now==
'''Important Note: ''' PHP 5.2.x is officially unsupported now. This means that in the near future, when a common security flaw on PHP 5.2.x is discovered, PHP 5.2.x powered website may become vulnerable. ''It is of utmost important that you upgrade your PHP to 5.3.x or 5.4.x right now.''
Also keep in mind that you should regularly upgrade your PHP distribution on an operational server. Every day new flaws are discovered and announced in PHP and attackers use these new flaws on random servers frequently.
The behaviour of PHP is strongly affected by configuration, which can be done through the "php.ini" file, Apache configuration directives and runtime mechanisms - see
There are many security related configuration options. Some are listed below:
PHP code should be configured to run using a 'SetHandler' directive. In many instances, it is wrongly configured using an 'AddHander' directive. This works, but also makes other files executable as PHP code - for example, a file name "foo.php.txt" will be handled as PHP code, which can be a very serious remote execution vulnerability if "foo.php.txt" was not intended to be executed (e.g. example code) or came from a malicious file upload.
=Untrusted data=
All data that is a product, or subproduct, of user input is to NOT be trusted. They have to either be validated, using the correct methodology, or filtered, before considering them untainted.
Super globals which are not to be trusted are $_SERVER, $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $_FILES and $_COOKIE. Not all data in $_SERVER can be faked by the user, but a considerable amount in it can, particularly and specially everything that deals with HTTP headers (they start with HTTP_).
==File uploads==
Files received from a user pose various security threats, especially if other users can download these files. In particular:
* Any file served as HTML can be used to do an XSS attack
* Any file treated as PHP can be used to do an extremely serious attack - a remote execution vulnerability.
Since PHP is designed to make it very easy to execute PHP code (just a file with the right extension), it is particularly important for PHP sites (any site with PHP installed and configured) to ensure that uploaded files are only saved with sanitised file names.
==Common mistakes on the processing of $_FILES array==
It is common to find code snippets online doing something similar to the following code:
    if ($_FILES['some_name']['type'] == 'image/jpeg') { 
        //Proceed to accept the file as a valid image
However, the type is not determined by using heuristics that validate it, but by simply reading the data sent by the HTTP request, which is created by a client. A better, yet not perfect, way of validating file types is to use finfo class.
    $finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
    $fileContents = file_get_contents($_FILES['some_name']['tmp_name']);
    $mimeType = $finfo->buffer($fileContents);
Where $mimeType is a better checked file type. This uses more resources on the server, but can prevent the user from sending a dangerous file and fooling the code into trusting it as an image, which would normally be regarded as a safe file type.
==Use of $_REQUEST==
Using $_REQUEST is strongly discouraged. This super global is not recommended since it includes not only POST and GET data, but also the cookies sent by the request. This can lead to confusion and makes your code prone to mistakes, which could lead to security problems.
=Database Cheat Sheet=
Since a single SQL Injection vulnerability permits the hacking of your website, and every hacker first tries SQL injection flaws, fixing SQL injections are the first step to securing your PHP powered application. Abide to the following rules:
==Never concatenate or interpolate data in SQL==
Never build up a string of SQL that includes user data, either by concatenation:
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '" . $username . "';";
or interpolation, which is essentially the same:
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username';";
If '$username' has come from an untrusted source (and you must assume it has, since you cannot easily see that in source code), it could contain characters such as ' that will allow an attacker to execute very different queries than the one intended, including deleting your entire database etc.
==Escaping is not safe==
'''mysql_real_escape_string''' is not safe. Don't rely on it for your SQL injection prevention.
When you use mysql_real_escape_string on every variable and then concat it to your query, ''you are bound to forget that at least once'', and once is all it takes. You can't force yourself in any way to never forget. In addition, you have to ensure that you use quotes in the SQL as well, which is not a natural thing to do if you are assuming the data is numeric, for example. Instead use prepared statements, or equivalent APIs that always do the correct kind of SQL escaping for you. (Most ORMs will do this escaping, as well as creating the SQL for you).
==Use Prepared Statements==
Prepared statements are very secure. In a prepared statement, data is separated from the SQL command, so that everything user inputs is considered data and put into the table the way it was.
====MySQLi Prepared Statements Wrapper====
The following function, performs a SQL query, returns its results as a 2D array (if query was SELECT) and does all that with prepared statements using MySQLi fast MySQL interface:
    $DB = new mysqli($Host, $Username, $Password, $DatabaseName);
    if (mysqli_connect_errno())
        trigger_error("Unable to connect to MySQLi database.");
    function SQL($Query) {
        global $DB;
        $args = func_get_args();
        if (count($args) == 1) {
            $result = $DB->query($Query);
            if ($result->num_rows) {
                $out = array();
                while (null != ($r = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)))
                    $out [] = $r;
                return $out;
            return null;
        } else {
            if (!$stmt = $DB->prepare($Query))
                trigger_error("Unable to prepare statement: {$Query}, reason: " . $DB->error . "");
            array_shift($args); //remove $Query from args
            //the following three lines are the only way to copy an array values in PHP
            $a = array();
            foreach ($args as $k => &$v)
                $a[$k] = &$v;
            $types = str_repeat("s", count($args)); //all params are strings, works well on MySQL and SQLite
            array_unshift($a, $types);
            call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_param'), $a);
            //fetching all results in a 2D array
            $metadata = $stmt->result_metadata();
            $out = array();
            $fields = array();
            if (!$metadata)
                return null;
            $length = 0;
            while (null != ($field = mysqli_fetch_field($metadata))) {
                $fields [] = &$out [$field->name];
                $stmt, "bind_result"
                    ), $fields);
            $output = array();
            $count = 0;
            while ($stmt->fetch()) {
                foreach ($out as $k => $v)
                    $output [$count] [$k] = $v;
            return ($count == 0) ? null : $output;
Now you could do your every query like the example below:
$res=SQL("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID>? ORDER BY ? ASC LIMIT ?" , 5 , "Username" , 2);
Every instance of ? is bound with an argument of the list, not ''replaced'' with it. MySQL 5.5+ supports ? as ORDER BY and LIMIT clause specifiers. If you're using a database that doesn't support them, see next section.
'''REMEMBER:''' When you use this approach, you should ''NEVER'' concat strings for a SQL query.
====PDO Prepared Statement Wrapper====
The following function, does the same thing as the above function but using PDO. You can use it with every PDO supported driver.
    try {
        $DB = new PDO("{$Driver}:dbname={$DatabaseName};host={$Host};", $Username, $Password);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        trigger_error("PDO connection error: " . $e->getMessage());
    function SQL($Query) {
        global $DB;
        $args = func_get_args();
        if (count($args) == 1) {
            $result = $DB->query($Query);
            if ($result->rowCount()) {
                return $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            return null;
        } else {
            if (!$stmt = $DB->prepare($Query)) {
                $Error = $DB->errorInfo();
                trigger_error("Unable to prepare statement: {$Query}, reason: {$Error[2]}");
            array_shift($args); //remove $Query from args
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($args as &$v)
                $stmt->bindValue(++$i, $v);
            return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$res=SQL("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID>? ORDER BY ? ASC LIMIT 5" , 5 , "Username" );
===Where prepared statements do not work===
The problem is, when you need to build dynamic queries, or need to set variables not supported as a prepared variable, or your database engine does not support prepared statements. For example, PDO MySQL does not support ? as LIMIT specifier. In these cases, you need to do two things:
====Not Supported Fields====
When some field does not support binding (like LIMIT clause in PDO), you need to '''whitelist''' the data you're about to use. LIMIT always requires an integer, so cast the variable to an integer. ORDER BY needs a field name, so whitelist it with field names:
    function whitelist($Needle,$Haystack)
        if (!in_array($Needle,$Haystack))
                return reset($Haystack); //first element
        return $Needle;
    $Limit = $_GET['lim'];
    $Limit = $Limit * 1; //type cast, integers are safe
    $Order = $_GET['sort'];
This is very important. If you think you're tired and you rather blacklist than whitelist, you're bound to fail.
====Dynamic Queries====
Now this is a highly delicate situation. Whenever hackers fail to injection SQL in your common application scenarios, they go for Advanced Search features or similars, because those features rely on dynamic queries and dynamic queries are almost always insecurely implemented.
When you're building a dynamic query, the only way is whitelisting. Whitelist every field name, every boolean operator (it should be OR or AND, nothing else) and after building your query, use prepared statements:
    $Query="SELECT * FROM table WHERE ";
    foreach ($_GET['fields'] as $g)
    array_unshift($Query); //add to the beginning
    $res=call_user_func_array(SQL, $Values);
ORMs (Object Relational Mappers) are good security practice. If you're using an ORM (like [ Doctrine]) in your PHP project, you're still prone to SQL attacks. Although injecting queries in ORM's is much harder, keep in mind that concatenating ORM queries makes for the same flaws that concatenating SQL queries, so '''NEVER''' concatenate strings sent to a database. ORM's support prepared statements as well.
==Encoding Issues==
===Use UTF-8 unless necessary===
Many new attack vectors rely on encoding bypassing. Use UTF-8 as your database and application charset unless you have a mandatory requirement to use another encoding.
    $DB = new mysqli($Host, $Username, $Password, $DatabaseName);
    if (mysqli_connect_errno())
        trigger_error("Unable to connect to MySQLi database.");
=Other Injection Cheat Sheet=
SQL aside, there are a few more injections possible ''and common'' in PHP:
==Shell Injection==
A few PHP functions namely
* shell_exec
* exec
* passthru
* system
* [ backtick operator] ( ` )
run a string as shell scripts and commands. Input provided to these functions (specially backtick operator that is not like a function). Depending on your configuration, shell script injection can cause your application settings and configuration to leak, or your whole server to be hijacked. This is a very dangerous injection and is somehow considered the haven of an attacker.
Never pass tainted input to these functions - that is input somehow manipulated by the user - unless you're absolutely sure there's no way for it to be dangerous (which you never are without whitelisting). Escaping and any other countermeasures are ineffective, there are plenty of vectors for bypassing each and every one of them; don't believe what novice developers tell you.
==Code Injection==
All interpreted languages such as PHP, have some function that accepts a string and runs that in that language. In PHP this function is named eval().
Using eval is a very bad practice, not just for security. If you're absolutely sure you have no other way but eval, use it without any tainted input. Eval is usually also slower.
Function preg_replace() should not be used with unsanitized user input, because the payload will be [ eval()'ed].
    preg_replace("/.*/e","system('echo /etc/passwd')");
Reflection also could have code injection flaws. Refer to the appropriate reflection documentations, since it is an advanced topic.
==Other Injections==
LDAP, XPath and any other third party application that runs a string, is vulnerable to injection. Always keep in mind that some strings are not data, but commands and thus should be secure before passing to third party libraries.
=XSS Cheat Sheet=
There are two scenarios when it comes to XSS, each one to be mitigated accordingly:
== No Tags ==
Most of the time, there is no need for user supplied data to contain unescaped HTML tags when output. For example when you're about to dump a textbox value, or output user data in a cell.
If you are using standard PHP for templating, or `echo` etc., then you can mitigate XSS in this case by applying 'htmlspecialchars' to the data, or the following function (which is essentially a more convenient wrapper around 'htmlspecialchars'). '''However, this is not recommended'''. The problem is that you have to remember to apply it every time, and if you forget once, you have an XSS vulnerability. Methodologies that are insecure by default must be treated as insecure.
Instead of this, you should use a template engine that applies HTML escaping '''by default''' - see below. All HTML should be passed out through the template engine.
If you cannot switch to a secure template engine, you can use the function below on all untrusted data.
'''Keep in mind that this scenario won't mitigate XSS when you use user input in dangerous elements (style, script, image's src, a, etc.)''', but mostly you don't. Also keep in mind that every output that is not intended to contain HTML tags should be sent to the browser filtered with the following function.
//xss mitigation functions
function xssafe($data,$encoding='UTF-8')
return htmlspecialchars($data,ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML401,$encoding);
function xecho($data)
echo xssafe($data);
//usage example
<input type='text' name='test' value='<?php
xecho ("' onclick='alert(1)");
?>' />
==Untrusted Tags==
When you need to allow users to supply HTML tags that are used in your output, such as rich blog comments, forum posts, blog posts and etc., but cannot trust the user, you have to use a '''Secure Encoding''' library. This is usually hard and slow, and that's why most applications have XSS vulnerabilities in them. OWASP ESAPI has a bunch of codecs for encoding different sections of data. There's also OWASP AntiSammy and HTMLPurifier for PHP. Each of these require lots of configuration and learning to perform well, but you need them when you want that good of an application.
==Templating engines==
There are several templating engines that can help the programmer (and designer) to output data and protect from most XSS vulnerabilities. While their primary goal isn't security, but improving the designing experience, most important templating engines automatically escape the variables on output and force the developer to explicitly indicate if there is a variable that shouldn't be escaped. This makes output of variables have a white-list behavior. There exist several of these engines. A good example is twig[]. Other popular template engines are Smarty, Haanga and Rain TPL.
Templating engines that follow a white-list approach to escaping are essential for properly dealing with XSS, because if you are manually applying escaping, it is too easy to forget, and developers should always use systems that are secure by default if they take security seriously.
==Other Tips==
* We don't have a '''trusted section''' in any web application. Many developers tend to leave admin areas out of XSS mitigation, but most intruders are interested in admin cookies and XSS. Every output should be cleared by the functions provided above, if it has a variable in it. Remove every instance of echo, print, and printf from your application and replace them with the above statement when you see a variable is included, no harm comes with that.
* HTTP-Only cookies are a very good practice, for a near future when every browser is compatible. Start using them now. (See PHP.ini configuration for best practice)
* The function declared above, only works for valid HTML syntax. If you put your Element Attributes without quotation, you're doomed. Go for valid HTML.
* [[Reflected XSS]] is as dangerous as normal XSS, and usually comes at the most dusty corners of an application. Seek it and mitigate it.
=CSRF Cheat Sheet=
CSRF mitigation is easy in theory, but hard to implement correctly. First, a few tips about CSRF:
* Every request that does something noteworthy, should be CSRF mitigated. Noteworthy things are changes to the system, and reads that take a long time.
* CSRF mostly happens on GET, but is easy to happen on POST. Don't ever think that post is secure.
The [[PHP_CSRF_Guard|OWASP PHP CSRFGuard]] is a code snippet that shows how to mitigate CSRF. Only copy pasting it is not enough. In the near future, a copy-pasteable version  would be available (hopefully). For now, mix that with the following tips:
* Use re-authentication for critical operations (change password, recovery email, etc.)
* If you're not sure whether your operation is CSRF proof, consider adding CAPTCHAs (however CAPTCHAs are inconvenience for users)
* If you're performing operations based on other parts of a request (neither GET nor POST) e.g Cookies or HTTP Headers, you might need to add CSRF tokens there as well.
* AJAX powered forms need to re-create their CSRF tokens. Use the function provided above (in code snippet) for that and never rely on Javascript.
* CSRF on GET or Cookies will lead to inconvenience, consider your design and architecture for best practices.
=Authentication and Session Management Cheat Sheet=
PHP doesn't ship with a readily available authentication module, you need to implement your own or use a PHP framework, unfortunately most PHP frameworks are far from perfect in this manner, due to the fact that they are developed by open source developer community rather than security experts. A few instructive and useful tips are listed below:
==Session Management==
PHP's default session facilities are considered safe, the generated PHPSessionID is random enough, but the storage is not necessarily safe:
* Session files are stored in temp (/tmp) folder and are world writable unless suPHP installed, so any LFI or other leak might end-up manipulating them.
* Sessions are stored in files in default configuration, which is terribly slow for highly visited websites. You can store them on a memory folder (if UNIX).
* You can implement your own session mechanism, without ever relying on PHP for it. If you did that, store session data in a database. You could use all, some or none of the PHP functionality for session handling if you go with that.
===Session Hijacking Prevention===
It is good practice to bind sessions to IP addresses, that would prevent most session hijacking scenarios (but not all), however some users might use anonymity tools (such as TOR) and they would have problems with your service.
To implement this, simply store the client IP in the session first time it is created, and enforce it to be the same afterwards. The code snippet below returns client IP address:
$IP = getenv ( "REMOTE_ADDR" );
Keep in mind that in local environments, a valid IP is not returned, and usually the string ''':::1''' or ''':::127''' might pop up, thus adapt your IP checking logic.  Also beware of versions of this code which make use of the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR variable as this data is effectively user input and therefore susceptible to spoofing (more information [ here] and [ here] )
===Invalidate Session ID===
You should invalidate (unset cookie, unset session storage, remove traces) of a session whenever a violation occurs (e.g 2 IP addresses are observed). A log event would prove useful. Many applications also notify the logged in user (e.g GMail).
===Rolling of Session ID===
You should roll session ID whenever elevation occurs, e.g when a user logs in, the session ID of the session should be changed, since it's importance is changed.
===Exposed Session ID===
Session IDs are considered confidential, your application should not expose them anywhere (specially when bound to a logged in user). Try not to use URLs as session ID medium.
Transfer session ID over TLS whenever session holds confidential information, otherwise a passive attacker would be able to perform session hijacking.
===Session Fixation===
Session IDs are to be generated by your application only. Never create a session only because you receive the session ID from the client, the only source of creating a session should be a secure random generator.
===Session Expiration===
A session should expire after a certain amount of inactivity, and after a certain time of activity as well. The expiration process means invalidating and removing a session, and creating a new one when another request is met.
Also keep the '''log out''' button close, and unset all traces of the session on log out.
====Inactivity Timeout====
Expire a session if current request is X seconds later than the last request. For this you should update session data with time of the request each time a request is made. The common practice time is 30 minutes, but highly depends on application criteria.
This expiration helps when a user is logged in on a publicly accessible machine, but forgets to log out. It also helps with session hijacking.
====General Timeout====
Expire a session if current session has been active for a certain amount of time, even if active. This helps keeping track of things. The amount differs but something between a day and a week is usually good. To implement this you need to store start time of a session.
Handling cookies in a PHP script has some tricks to it:
====Never Serialize====
Never serialize data stored in a cookie. It can easily be manipulated, resulting in adding variables to your scope.
====Proper Deletion====
To delete a cookie safely, use the following snippet:
setcookie ($name, "", 1);
setcookie ($name, false);
The first line ensures that cookie expires in browser, the second line is the standard way of removing a cookie (thus you can't store false in a cookie). The third line removes the cookie from your script. Many guides tell developers to use time() - 3600 for expiry, but it might not work if browser time is not correct.
You can also use '''session_name()''' to retrieve the name default PHP session cookie.
====HTTP Only====
Most modern browsers support HTTP-only cookies. These cookies are only accessible via HTTP(s) requests and not Javascript, so XSS snippets can not access them. They are very good practice, but are not satisfactory since there are many flaws discovered in major browsers that lead to exposure of HTTP only cookies to javascript.
To use HTTP-only cookies in PHP (5.2+), you should perform session cookie setting [ manually] (not using '''session_start'''):
bool setcookie ( string $name [, string $value [, int $expire = 0 [, string $path [, string $domain [, bool $secure = false [, bool $httponly = false ]]]]]] )
if (!setcookie("MySessionID", $secureRandomSessionID, $generalTimeout, $applicationRootURLwithoutHost, NULL, NULL,true))
    echo ("could not set HTTP-only cookie");
The '''path''' parameter sets the path which cookie is valid for, e.g if you have your website at the path should be /some/folder or other applications residing at could also see your cookie. If you're on a whole domain, don't mind it. '''Domain''' parameter enforces the domain, if you're accessible on multiple domains or IPs ignore this, otherwise set it accordingly. If '''secure''' parameter is set, cookie can only be transmitted over HTTPS. See the example below:
$r=setcookie("SECSESSID","1203j01j0s1209jw0s21jxd01h029y779g724jahsa9opk123973",time()+60*60*24*7 /*a week*/,"/","",true,true);
if (!$r) die("Could not set session cookie.");
====Internet Explorer issues====
Many version of Internet Explorer tend to have problems with cookies. Mostly setting Expire time to 0 fixes their issues.
===Remember Me===
Many websites are vulnerable on remember me features. The correct practice is to generate a one-time token for a user and store it in the cookie. The token should also reside in data store of the application to be validated and assigned to user. This token should have '''no relevance''' to username and/or password of the user, a secure long-enough random number is a good practice.
It is better if you imply locking and prevent brute-force on remember me tokens, and make them long enough, otherwise an attacker could brute-force remember me tokens until he gets access to a logged in user without credentials.
* '''Never store username/password or any relevant information in the cookie.'''
=Access Control Cheat Sheet=
This section aims to mitigate access control issues, as well as '''Insecure Direct Object Reference''' issues.
=Cryptography Cheat Sheet=
=File Inclusion Cheat Sheet=
=Configuration and Deployment Cheat Sheet=
Please see [[PHP Configuration Cheat Sheet]].
=Sources of Taint=
= OLD. PHP General Guidelines for Secure Web Applications  =
== PHP Version ==
Use '''PHP 5.3.8'''. Stable versions are always safer then the beta ones.
== Framework==
Use a framework like '''Zend''' or '''Symfony'''. Try not to re-write the code again and again. Also avoid dead codes.
== Directory==
Code with most of your code outside of the webroot. This is automatic for Symfony and Zend. Stick to these frameworks.
== Hashing Extension ==
Not every PHP installation has a working '''mhash''' extension, so if you need to do hashing, check it before using it. Otherwise you can't do SHA-256
== Cryptographic Extension ==
Not every PHP installation has a working '''mcrypt''' extension, and without it you can't do AES. Do check if you need it.
== Authentication and Authorization ==
There is no authentication or authorization classes in native PHP. Use '''ZF''' or '''Symfony''' instead.
== Input nput validation ==
Use $_dirty['foo'] = $_GET['foo'] and then $foo = validate_foo($dirty['foo']);
== Use PDO or ORM ==
Use PDO with prepared statements or an ORM like Doctrine
== Use PHP Unit and Jenkins ==
When developing PHP code, make sure you develop with PHP Unit and Jenkins - see for more details.
== Use Stefan Esser's Hardened PHP Patch ==
Consider using Stefan Esser's Hardened PHP patch -
(not maintained now, but the concepts are very powerful)
== Avoid Global Variables==
In terms of secure coding with PHP, do not use globals unless absolutely necessary
Check your php.ini to ensure register_globals is off Do not run at all with this setting enabled It's extremely dangerous (register_globals has been disabled since 5.0 / 2006, but .... most PHP 4 code needs it, so many hosters have it turned on)
== Protection against RFI==
Ensure allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include are both disabled to protect against RFI  But don't cause issues by using the pattern include $user_supplied_data or require "base" + $user_supplied_data - it's just unsafe as you can input /etc/passwd and PHP will try to include it
== Regexes (!)==
Watch for executable regexes (!)
== Session Rotation ==
Session rotation is very easy - just after authentication, plonk in session_regenerate_id() and you're done.
== Be aware of PHP filters ==
PHP filters can be tricky and complex. Be extra-conscious when using them.
== Logging ==
Set display_errors to 0, and set up logging to go to a file you control, or at least syslog. This is the most commonly neglected area of PHP configuration
== Output encoding ==
Output encoding is entirely up to you. Just do it, ESAPI for PHP is ready for this job.
These are transparent to you and you need to know about them. php://input: takes input from the console gzip: takes compressed input and might bypass input validation
= Authors and Primary Editors  =
[[User:Abbas Naderi|Abbas Naderi Afooshteh]] ([mailto:[email protected] [email protected]])
[[User:Achim|Achim]] - [ Achim at]
[mailto:[email protected] Andrew van der Stock]
= Other Cheatsheets =

Latest revision as of 14:38, 15 July 2019


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