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(Many more cookies, ñam, ñam...)
(Updating list of known cookie names with that of the common express-session for NodeJS and Express apps)
(9 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 23: Line 23:
==Cookie Database==
==Cookie Database==
{| align="center" border="1" width="100%"
{|class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center;line-height: 8pt" width="100%"
|Cookie Name
|Cookie Name
|Example Value
|Example Value
Line 106: Line 107:
|[ Overview of BIG-IP persistence cookie encoding]
|[ F5]
|[ F5]
|[ F5 BIG-IP]
|[ F5 BIG-IP]
Line 199: Line 200:
|[ Sun]
|[ Sun]
|[ Java System ApplicationServer])
|[ Java System ApplicationServer])
|Application Server
|Application Server
Line 205: Line 206:
|Four characters.
|[ Sun]
|[ Java System ApplicationServer])
|Application Server
|Used by the load balancing module to determine the server backend.
Line 227: Line 238:
|[ Apache Foundation]
|[ Apache web server]
|Web server
|A.B.C.D is the client's IP address
Line 238: Line 261:
|[ IBM]
|[ IBM WebSphere Application Server]
|J2EE Application server
|[ IBM]
|[ IBM HTTP Server]
|Web server
|When IHS is used as a plugin to WAS it will modify the JSESSIONID and add one value to identify the web server being balanced postfixing its name (as defined in the plugin configuration)
Line 317: Line 362:
|[ IBM WebSphere Application Server ]
|[ IBM WebSphere Application Server ]
|Web server
|Application server
Line 479: Line 524:
| Base64 encoding +3DES encryption (ECB mode) using the server's DES password. Contains:  TokenHeader[4 BYTES] +  HexEncoded((DWORD)TokenCreationDate)[8 BYTES] + hexEncoded((DWORD)TokenExpirationDate)[8 BYTES] + Canonicalized username [variable] +  SHA1(TokenHeader + TokenCreation + TokenExpiration + Username+Secret)[20 BYTES]. TokenHeader = First byte reserved, three bytes for secret sequence usage. TokenCreationDate = A number representing the time and date of the token creation. (TokenCreationDate is the number of seconds to elapse since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970) in GMT. TokenExpirationDate = A number representing the time and date of the token expiration. (TokenExpirationDate is the number of seconds to elapse since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970) in GMT
|[ IBM]
|[ IBM WebSphere Application Server ]
|5.1 and earlier
|Application server
|LTPA (Lightweight Third Party Authentication) is used for Single Sign On. For more information see for more information on decoding see
|[ IBM]
|[ IBM WebSphere Application Server]
|5.1.1 and later
|Application server
|LTPA (Lightweight Third Party Authentication) is used for Single Sign On. For more information see
| Base64 encoded, 3-des encrypted: header:server/userDn % timestamps % rsa-signature. Timestamp is the expiration date (in long).
|[ IBM]
|[ Lotus Domino]
|5.0x and later
|LTPA (Lightweight Third Party Authentication) is used for Single Sign On. For more information see, and The cookie name can be changed (except for 5.0x servers) based on the iNotes_WA_AuthTokenName configuration variable. For more information on decoding see
| String
|[ IBM]
|[ Lotus Domino]
|5.0x and later
|[ IBM]
|[ Lotus Domino]
|5.0x and later
|[ IBM]
|[ Lotus Domino]
|Session-based authentication in a single server, by default, the cookie expires after 30 minutes of inactivity. See
|[ express-session]
|[ ExpressJS]
|Web application framework
|Cookie Name
|Example Value
|Cookie Format
|Company Name
|Product Name
|Product Version
|Product Type
|Example Site

Latest revision as of 21:05, 27 April 2016

Welcome to OWASP Cookies Database Project

OWASP Cookies Database project is aimed to collect and maintain all possible web servers/applications cookie details like cookie name, cookie value and the product name/version which generated the cookies. This database can be used to fingerprint the product name/version by comparing the cookie names and values against the database. This will enhance the accuracy of the application fingerprinting.

The database is ordered as a "reverse-lookup" to facilitate finding technologies in a testing situation. If you need to use the data in another order, we recommend copying the table into a spreadsheet and sorting it according to your needs.

Please help us grow the database by adding the cookies from your technology. To gather the appropriate data, simply go to the webpage in question and type in the following in the URL bar of your browser...


Then create an entry in the table below using the following format. If you don't know what product or version are involved, please leave them blank, and perhaps others will be able to help you. Note, you may want to change a few bytes in the example cookie value so that you aren't disclosing a secret cookie value.

|Used at

Cookie Database

Cookie Name Example Value Cookie Format Company Name Product Name Product Version Product Type Example Site Notes
JSESSIONID unknown Many Many Any J2EE Application server Many Many appservers use this cookie including Claudio Resin, Jakarta Tomcat/JSERV, Macromedia Jrun
ASPSESSIONIDXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX unknown Microsoft Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0 Application server Many Cookie name varies by site
ASP.NET_SessionId 0hqed4qelkxvjj153tplacm0 unknown Microsoft Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0 Application server Many None
PHPSESSION unknown The PHP Group PHP Any Web server Many None

wiki18_session 14upcs5b29prn7al090 unknown MediaWiki MediaWiki 1.8 Content Management Server None

WebLogicSession (too large too fit here) unknown BEA BEA WebLogic Any J2EE Application server TBD None
BIGipServerxxx_xxx_xxx_PROTO 2893454590.19741.0000 Overview of BIG-IP persistence cookie encoding F5 F5 BIG-IP Any Load balancer TBD Used to mantain persistence based on original client when balancing to a farm. The cookie name contains the name of the web site being accessed as weel as the protocol used.
SERVERID unknown HAproxy HAproxy Any Load balancer TBD More information in the [ Architecture documentation]
SaneID A.B.C.D-1018349510644 unknown UNICA corporation Unica NetTracker (formerly SANE NetTracker) Any Tracking visitors A.B.C.D is the IP address of the client accessing the site
ssuid Maxliw00vvM00001fbb6Oxn0wb unknown Vignette Vignette Any Content Manager TBD None
vgnvisitor Mawd0M00heY0000~fBiFkE0035 unknown Vignette Vignette Any Content Manager TBD None

SESSION_ID (too large too fit here) unknown IBM IBM Net.Commerce Any Application TBD None

NSES40Session 2%253A3e57d375%253Adc59172283a7e72c unknown RedHat Netscape Enterprise Server 4.0 Application Server TBD None

iPlanetUserId A.B.C.D:29511018555049 unknown Sun iPlanet web server (discontinued, replaced by SunONE web server and later by Java System Application Server) 6.x Application Server TBD A.B.C.D is the client's IP address
gx_session_id_ f42d0282513ff402 unknown Sun Java System ApplicationServer) TBD Application Server TBD None.
JROUTE VAyc Four characters. Sun Java System ApplicationServer) Application Server TBD Used by the load balancing module to determine the server backend.
RMID d442af2b3d1ccf30 unknown Real RealMedia OpenAdStream 6.x Media Server TBD None
JSESSIONID afbx7QRlFZje unknown TBD Claudio Resin TBD J2EE Application server Many None
Apache A.B.C.D.265301162333949602 unknown Apache Foundation Apache web server Web server Many A.B.C.D is the client's IP address

JSESSIONID 4ah34a8xo1 unknown Apache Foundation Jakarta Tomcat/JSERV TBD J2EE Application server Many None
JSESSIONID TBD IBM IBM WebSphere Application Server TBD J2EE Application server Many None.
JSESSIONID TBD IBM IBM HTTP Server TBD Web server Many When IHS is used as a plugin to WAS it will modify the JSESSIONID and add one value to identify the web server being balanced postfixing its name (as defined in the plugin configuration)
JSESSIONID 80302068121025709932681 unknown Macromedia Macromedia Jrun TBD J2EE Application server Many None
CFID unknown Macromedia Coldfusion TBD Application server Many See KB#17919 and KB#17915

CFTOKEN unknown Macromedia Coldfusion TBD Application server Many None

CFGLOBALS unknown Macromedia Coldfusion TBD Application server Many None
RoxenUserID 07761bc31df67ae8c4441a89bc7ceed5 unknown Roxen Roxen Web Server TBD Web server Many None

JServSessionIdroot vvni7vxu8n unknown Apache Foundation ApacheJServ TBD Web server Many None

sesessionid ZJ0DMWIAAA51VQFI50BD0VA unknown IBM IBM WebSphere Application Server TBD Application server Many None
PD-S-SESSION-ID 2_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx unknown IBM IBM Tivoli Access Manager WebSeal (part of the IBM TAM for e-business) 5.x, 6.x Reverse authentication proxy Many Where 'x' is {[A-Z],[a-z],[0-9],+,-}. The cookie is set as 'Secure'
PD_STATEFUL_xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx /LOCATION unknown IBM IBM Tivoli Access Manager WebSeal (part of the IBM TAM for e-business) 5.x, 6.x Reverse authentication proxy Many This cookie is used when accessing an authenticated area.

WEBTRENDS_ID A.B.C.D-1091519275.658578 unknown WebTrends WebTrends TBD Tracking visitors Many None.
__utmX unknown Google Urchin Tracking Module TBD Tracking visitors Many X can be 'a', 'b', 'c', 'v', 'z' ...

sc_id Number? Omniture Omniture Tracking visitors Many None.
s_sq Number? Omniture Omniture Tracking visitors Many None.
s_sess Number? Omniture Omniture Tracking visitors Many None.
s_vi_XXXXXX XXXX[CE] Number? Omniture Omniture Tracking visitors Many The XXX part of the cookie name and content are of variable length.
MintUnique 1 Number? Shaun Inman Mint TBD Tracking visitors Many None.
MintXXXX 1 Number? Shaun Inman Mint TBD Tracking visitors Many None.
SS_X_CSINTERSESSIONID 0001P73k2FUEYEU4Ks5TtKxcs2K:vv0b9pej unknown FatWire OpenMarket/FatWire Content Server TBD Content server Many None.

CSINTERSESSIONID 0001xquPwAx2NFUFvi7yw-43f35:vv7sdeqs unknown FatWire OpenMarket/FatWire Content Server TBD Content server Many None.

_sn u3YBSdYfaf0oa5H1hz7Tc0ccApc0T1Iz60QWgeSiMEA_ unknown Siebel Siebel CRM TBD Application Many None.

BCSI-CSCXXXXXXX 1 Number Bluecoat BlueCoat Proxy TBD Proxy Many None.
Ltpatoken TBD Base64 encoding +3DES encryption (ECB mode) using the server's DES password. Contains: TokenHeader[4 BYTES] + HexEncoded((DWORD)TokenCreationDate)[8 BYTES] + hexEncoded((DWORD)TokenExpirationDate)[8 BYTES] + Canonicalized username [variable] + SHA1(TokenHeader + TokenCreation + TokenExpiration + Username+Secret)[20 BYTES]. TokenHeader = First byte reserved, three bytes for secret sequence usage. TokenCreationDate = A number representing the time and date of the token creation. (TokenCreationDate is the number of seconds to elapse since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970) in GMT. TokenExpirationDate = A number representing the time and date of the token expiration. (TokenExpirationDate is the number of seconds to elapse since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970) in GMT IBM IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.1 and earlier Application server TBD LTPA (Lightweight Third Party Authentication) is used for Single Sign On. For more information see for more information on decoding see
Ltpatoken2 TBD TBD IBM IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.1.1 and later Application server TBD LTPA (Lightweight Third Party Authentication) is used for Single Sign On. For more information see
Ltpatoken TBD Base64 encoded, 3-des encrypted: header:server/userDn % timestamps % rsa-signature. Timestamp is the expiration date (in long). IBM Lotus Domino 5.0x and later Application TBD LTPA (Lightweight Third Party Authentication) is used for Single Sign On. For more information see, and The cookie name can be changed (except for 5.0x servers) based on the iNotes_WA_AuthTokenName configuration variable. For more information on decoding see

LtpatokenExpiry 12:00:00+GMT+Today String IBM Lotus Domino 5.0x and later Application TBD None
LtpatokenUsername CN=John+Doe/O=Org String IBM Lotus Domino 5.0x and later Application TBD None
DomAuthSessID TBD TBD IBM Lotus Domino TBD Application TBD Session-based authentication in a single server, by default, the cookie expires after 30 minutes of inactivity. See
connect.sid unknown express-session ExpressJS Any Web application framework Many None
Cookie Name Example Value Cookie Format Company Name Product Name Product Version Product Type Example Site Notes

Volunteers Needed

If you are interested in participating this project, drop a mail to syedma 'at' The sucess of this project depends on more and more number of participants and cookie signatures

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