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− | {{Chapter Template|chaptername=Louisville|extra=The chapter leader is [mailto:cparker@accuvant.com Chris Parker]|mailinglistsite=http://lists.owasp.org/mailman/listinfo/owasp-Louisville|emailarchives=http://lists.owasp.org/pipermail/owasp-Louisville}} | + | {{Chapter Template|chaptername=Louisville|extra=The chapter leader is [mailto:richard.connor Richard Connor] |
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| + | == Local News == |
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− | == Upcoming Events == | |
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− | ==Announcement from OWASP Louisville Chapter - MEETING NOV 11TH - '''TOM ESTON''' TO SPEAK!!! ==
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− | Meeting: Louisville OWASP - '''Nov 11th , 11:30 AM – 1 PM'''
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− | '''Meeting Location:'''
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− | Sullivan University Campus, 3101 Bardstown Road, Room 254, Louisville KY 40205 - (about 15 minutes from the airport…on I-264 East)
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− | When you arrive at the University's main building, Drive around past the front visitor's doors to the parking area on the right side of the Main Building. Room 254 can be accessed via a back stairway near a break area on the back right-hand side of the building, very easy to spot.
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− | '''Desktop Betrayal: Exploiting Clients through the Features They Demand'''
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− | In this talk, Tom Eston will explore the use of client features to gain privileged access to client systems. During previous talks around social networks, Tom Eston and fellow security researcher Kevin Johnson discovered that most of the damage they could perform against a target didn’t use an exploit against any vulnerable system. Tom and Kevin were able to create various attacks that made use of features being used on client machines. While this talk will not disclose any vulnerabilities within popular client software, Tom will be releasing multiple attacks that use these clients against their users. Tom will be discussing attacks using JavaScript, HTML5, PDF files, Flash, Data URIs, Web Workers and more. Tom will also discuss code to perform these attacks as well as add-ons to popular tools such as BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework) that will enable these tools to make use of the attacks.
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− | '''Tom Eston''' is the manager of the SecureState Profiling Team. Tom leads a team of highly skilled penetration testers that provides attack and penetration testing services for SecureState’s clients. Tom focuses much of his research on new technologies such as social media, mobile devices and new web technology. He is the founder of SocialMediaSecurity.com which is an open source community dedicated to exposing the insecurities of social media. Tom is also a security blogger, co-host of the Security Justice and Social Media Security podcasts and is a frequent speaker at security user groups and national conferences including DerbyCon, Notacon, OWASP AppSec, Black Hat USA, DEFCON and ShmooCon.
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− | == Louisville OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Chapter Meeting– Friday, May 21, 2010 11:30am-1pm - Lunch provided ==
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− | '''To RSVP:''' Just send a message to '''[mailto:[email protected] Brian Blankenship]''' and indicate how many are coming. | |
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− | '''Date/Time: May 21th, 11:30 - 1:00PM'''
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− | '''Location:''' Sullivan University - Room 254 (Address: 3101 Bardstown Road, Louisville KY 40205) – a big thank you to Sullivan University for supplying a room this month!
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− | Our venue is located on the Sullivan University campus just off I-264 at Bardstown Road.
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− | The particular Sullivan building is located at:
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− | 3101 Bardstown Road, Louisville KY 40205 Room 254
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− | When you arrive at the University's main building, Drive around past the front visitor's doors to the parking area on the right side of the Main Building.
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− | Room 254 can be accessed via a back stairway near a break area on the back right-hand side of the building.
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− | The meeting "ROOM 254" has theater style seating for 90+, nice Video Screens setup also.
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− | '''Speaker: Mike Zusman'''
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− | Mike comes to us from the Intrepidus group and we are very lucky to have him. He’s a former web application developer turned computer security consultant. Mike is known for his speaking engagements at BlackHat, Defcon, CanSecWest, numerous OWASP events, and a number of other regional events. His research interests include mobile applications and platforms, remote access technologies, fuzzing, and SSL/TLS, but he currently has a sweet spot for automating web application attacks, identity management, and abusing social networks.
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− | Mike specializes in developing deep understandings of complex systems in a short period of time. Breaking software, and then documenting how he broke it. More importantly, he’s a skilled mountain biker, road cyclist, and snowboarder.
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− | '''Donated Giveaways''' from O’Rielly’s Books via Jeremy Druin!!!! Thanks Jeremy!'''
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− | One copy of "Web Security Testing Cookbook"
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− | 2 copies of "Hacking: The Next Generation"
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− | '''Please sign up for our mailing list. We will not abuse the list or send many emails, but we’d like to use it to send out our meeting invites and reminders. Thank you so very much for your participation. You’re attendance and involvement make our group great and help attract the very best speakers in the industry!'''
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− | ===Louisville ISACA is having a Mini CEH training course / lab that I think everyone might be interested in. We would like to share this with ISSA and OWASP members for the $700 price.===
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− | '''Details are posted on our site: http://www.isacaky.org/2010/certified-ethical-hacker-ceh-training-may-13-14th/'''
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− | '''Secure 360'''
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− | This regional Conference is held at the RiverCentre in St. Paul, MN. on May 11th and 12th. This Conference is in its 5th year and attracts 500+ paid attendees with over 800 in attendance including attendees, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors.
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− | Secure360°™ 2010 is shaping up as another exciting event and we would like your help to make it an outstanding success!
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− | The dates and location are set: '''May 11 & 12, 2010 at the St. Paul River Center.'''
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− | Hundreds of practitioners and managers come to Secure360°™ to hear from people like YOU – experienced professionals with specific expertise and real-world knowledge of information risk issues and mitigation techniques. We encourage you to submit a proposal to present an Educational Session at Secure360°™.
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− | '''Submission of Abstracts'''
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− | If you have some knowledge to share and would like to submit an abstract, or know of someone who might be interested in presenting, please visit our website and access the Call for Presentations.
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− | Submitters will be guided through four submission steps:
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− | Create an Account in our Speakers’ database at http://www.secure360.org/register/speaker
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− | Retrieve your personal password from your email box (Note: Registration emails are normally received within minutes. If you don't receive an email with your registration link within 12 hours, check you junk mail folder. If you still do not see it, contact [email protected]) | |
− | Review your Bio, make any necessary changes, and add your photo (Note: Make sure your photo is high enough quality for both the Website and our printed materials.
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− | Enter up to five Session Proposals (or view the list of "My Sessions" that you already submitted)
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− | Submit for Review
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− | Notices will be sent out in February
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− | ''Lorna Alamri
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− | OWASP Connections
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− | skype: lorna.alamri
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− | == Past Meetings ==
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− | '''Please note: videos of our meetings are below in the presentations sections. We will try to take video of each meeting based on the speaker's permission. Demos may be omitted.'''
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− | The January 2010 OWASP meeting featured a presentation from '''Rafal Los''' of HP.
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− | '''''Speaker: Rafal Los on Flash and Web 2.0 security'''''
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− | '''Rafal Los, Security Specialist with Hewlett-Packard's Application Security Center (ASC), is an industry veteran who has worked in a variety of security positions— from consultant to Information Security Officer in the Fortune 100— within some of the most demanding business environments. Rafal’s unique blend of technical expertise and business knowledge enable him to teach audiences about security techniques, programs and processes that they can both understand strategically, and realistically apply. He has extensive experience in security testing, risk analysis and management, penetration testing and architecture and policy. Previous successes include building and implementing a successful web application security program for one of the largest and most diverse companies in the world.'''
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− | The third OWASP meeting featured a presentation from '''Rohyt Belani''' of Intrepidus Group.
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− | '''Along with being the CEO and co-founder of the Intrepidus Group, Rohyt is also Adjunct Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. Prior to starting the Intrepidus Group, Mr. Belani has held the positions of Managing Director at Mandiant, Principal Consultant at Foundstone and Researcher at the US-CERT. He is a contributing author for Osborne’s Hack Notes – Network Security, as well as Addison Wesley’s Extrusion Detection: Security Monitoring for Internal Intrusions. Mr. Belani is a regular speaker at various industry conferences including Black Hat, OWASP, ASIS, SecTOR, Hack in the Box, Infosec World, DallasCon, CPM, ISSA meetings, and several forums catering to the FBI, US Secret Service, and US Military. He has written technical articles and columns for online publications like Securityfocus and SC magazine, and has been interviewed by BBC Radio, Forbes magazine, TechNewsWorld, InformationWeek, Information Today, IndustryWeek, E-Commerce Times, SmartMoney, and Hacker Japan. Mr. Belani holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering from Bombay University and a Master of Science in Information Networking from Carnegie Mellon University. He currently leads the OWASP Java Project a world-wide consortium of Java security experts.'''
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− | Please see the description from Rohyt on his presentation on the 18th.
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− | '''''Site takedown services, anti-phishing filters, and millions of dollars worth of protective technologies…..and the spear phishers are still successful! This presentation will discuss why this is the case. Today, phishing is a key component in a “hackers” repertoire. Phishers are combining social engineering with application security flaws in well known websites to make automated detection of targeted phishing attacks almost impossible. The result - hijacked online brokerage accounts, stolen identities and e-bank robberies. During this talk, I will present the techniques used by attackers to execute such spear phishing attacks, and real-world cases that I have responded to that will provide perspective on the impact. I will then discuss countermeasures that have been proven to be effective and are recommended by reputed bodies like SANS and Carnegie Mellon University.'''''
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− | The second OWASP meeting will featured a presentation from '''Adrian Crenshaw of Irongeek'''. Adrian is a Louisville based Security professional that has worked in the IT industry for the last twelve years.
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− | '''Adrian runs the information security website Irongeek.com, which specializes in videos and articles that illustrate how to use various pen-testing and security tools. He's currently working on an MBA, but is interested in getting a network security/research/teaching job in academia. Please see the description from Adrian on his presentation on the 19th.'''
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− | [[Title:]] '''Mutillidae: Using a deliberately vulnerable set of PHP scripts to illustrate the OWASP Top 10'''
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− | '''''Description: A while back I wanted to start covering more web application pen-testing tools and concepts in some of my videos and live classes. Of course, I needed vulnerable web apps to illustrate common web security problems. I like the WebGoat project, but sometimes it's a little hard to figure out exactly what they want you to do to exploit a given web application, and it's written in J2EE (not a layman friendly language). In an attempt to have something simple to use as a demo in my videos and in class, I started the Mutillidae project. Mutillidae is a deliberately vulnerable set of PHP scripts meant to illustrate the OWASP Top 10. This talk will cover installing Mutillidae in a test environment, and how to use it to illustrate the OWASP Top 10 web vulnerabilities in easy to understand terms.'''''
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− | March 2009
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− | '''The first Louisville OWASP meeting was launched with the help of the Kentuckiana ISSA Chapter, on Friday March 6 2009. The Louisville OWASP chapter is closely associated with the Kentuckiana ISSA chapter and will offer ISSA members, other security professionals, application developers, and all other interested parties, a free forum to learn and discuss the newest developments in application security. Following March’s meeting, we will meet quarterly on a different day and time. The information on future meetings will be following soon. Please provide feedback to the board.'''
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| + | '''Meeting Location''' |
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| Everyone is welcome to join us at our chapter meetings. | | Everyone is welcome to join us at our chapter meetings. |
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| [[Category:OWASP Chapter]] | | [[Category:OWASP Chapter]] |
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− | == Louisville OWASP Chapter Board Members ==
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− | Scope of the board is to discuss and approve local activities, meetings and plans.The board meetings will be announced at a later date. The board currently includes the following members:
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− | == Join our group on LinkedIn ==
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− | http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1917263
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− | == Meeting Presentations ==
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− | We are now trying to video all of our presentations thanks to our newest board member, Adrian Crenshaw! The taping of our meetings will be with the consent of our speakers. Thanks.
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− | [http://www.ghctim.com/owasp/OWASP%20Louisville%20(Intro)v2.ppt March 2009 Presentation]
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− | [http://www.vimeo.com/5238124 June 2009 Presentation Adrian Crenshaw]
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− | [http://www.vimeo.com/6649338 September 2009 Presentation Rohyt Belani]
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− | [http://vimeo.com/9078415 January 2010 Presentation Rafal Los]
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− | == About OWASP ==
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− | The OWASP Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization incorporated in the United States of America. OWASP's all-volunteer participants produce free, professional quality, open-source documentation, tools, and standards. Consult the how OWASP works web page for more information about projects and governance.
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− | '''OWASP Membership'''
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− | OWASP is an open source project dedicated to finding and fighting the causes of insecure software. All of our materials are free and offered under an open source license, so you do not have to become a member to use them or participate in our projects, mailing lists, conferences, meetings or other activities. On the other hand OWASP rely membership fees and sponsorship to support his activities. There are also unique benefits to become a corporate member such as the use of OWASP materials within your organization without the restrictions associated with the various open source licenses. OWASP individual members also get discounts to security conferences and other perks. For more information consult the OWASP Membership web page.
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− | == Articles, Links, etc. ==
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− | '''OWASP article with the official SCG release on Darkreading magazine today.'''
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− | http://www.darkreading.com/security/app-security/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=216402325
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− | '''The Rocky Road to More Secure Code'''
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− | http://www.darkreading.com/security/app-security/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=216403548&cid=nl_DR_WEEKLY_T
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− | '''OWASP Sheds Light on its Security Standards'''
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Everyone is welcome to join us at our chapter meetings.