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== OWASP Juice Shop Tool Project ==
''| The most trustworthy online shop out there.'' ([ dschadow])
OWASP Juice Shop is an intentionally insecure webapp for security trainings written entirely in Javascript which encompasses the entire [[OWASP Top Ten]] and other severe security flaws.
Juice Shop is written in Node.js, Express and AngularJS. It was the first application written entirely in JavaScript listed in the [[OWASP_Vulnerable_Web_Applications_Directory_Project|OWASP VWA Directory]].
The application contains 28+ challenges of varying difficulty where the user is supposed to exploit the underlying vulnerabilities. The hacking progress is tracked on a score board. Finding this score board is actually one of the (easy) challenges!
Apart from the hacker and awareness training use case, pentesting proxies or security scanners can use Juice Shop as a benchmark to check how well their tools cope with Javascript-heavy application frontends and REST APIs.
''| Translating "dump" or "useless outfit" into German yields "Saftladen" which can be reverse-translated word by word into "juice shop". Hence the project name. That the initials "JS" match with those of "Javascript" was purely coincidental!''
== Main Selling Points ==
* [ Easy-to-install]: Requires nothing but [ node.js] or [ Docker] to run on Windows/Mac/Linux
* Self-contained: Additional dependencies are pre-packaged or will be resolved and downloaded automatically
* Self-healing: The simple SQLite database is wiped and regenerated from scratch on every server startup
* Gamification: On a Score Board the application keeps track of successfully exploited vulnerabilities
* Free and Open source: Licensed under the [ MIT license] with no hidden costs or caveats
== Application Architecture ==
== Screenshots ==
[[File:Juiceshop_screenshot1.jpg]] [[File:Juiceshop_screenshot2.jpg]] [[File:Juiceshop_screenshot3.jpg]] [[File:Juiceshop_screenshot4.jpg]]
<!-- TODO: Re-upload screenshots in full resolution and re-enable gallery when the image problems with the Wiki are solved
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the [ MIT License]. OWASP Juice Shop and any contributions are Copyright &copy; by [[User:Bjoern Kimminich|Bjoern Kimminich]] 2014-2016. 
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<paypal>Juice Shop</paypal>
== Installation ==
[ Packaged Distributions]
[ Docker Image]
[ Online Demo (Heroku)]
== Source Code ==
[ GitHub Project]
[ Revision History]
== Support ==
[ Documentation]
[ Chat]
[ Issue Tracker]
== Media ==
[ Introduction Slide Deck]
[ Lightning Talk Slides]
[ Auto-Hacking Video]
== Merchandise ==
Apparel ([ US]/[ DE])
[ Stickers]
== Project Leader ==
[[User:Bjoern Kimminich|Bjoern Kimminich]] [ @]
== Related Projects ==
* [[OWASP Security Shepherd|OWASP Security Shepherd]]
* [[OWASP WebGoat Project|OWASP WebGoat Project]]
[ OpenHub Project]
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  | align="center" valign="top" width="50%" rowspan="2"| [[File:Owasp-incubator-trans-85.png|link=|Incubator Project]]
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= Acknowledgements =
The OWASP Juice Shop is developed by a worldwide team of volunteers. A live update of project [ contributors is found here].
= Road Map and Getting Involved =
Juice Shop is already implemented, properly tested and [ has been promoted] and [ demonstrated or live-hacked on various occasions including OWASP events]. It has been successfully used by different companies for inhouse security trainings.
===Functional Enhancements in 2.x===
* [ fix known bugs]
* continually adding more features/vulnerabilities to the application
===Technical Evolution in 2.x===
* migrate to Angular 2 (see
* migrate to latest Sequelize version (see
** requires to replace the discontinued sequelize-restful module
* migrate to Jasmine 2 and Frisby 2 test frameworks (see
===Vision for [ Juice Shop 3.0]===
* Add a CTF-mode to use Juice Shop in classroom setups competitively (see
==Getting Involved==
Involvement in the development and promotion of OWASP Juice Shop is actively encouraged!
You do not have to be a security expert or a programmer to contribute. Some of the ways you can help are as follows:
* use Juice Shop in your own hacker or awareness trainings
* use Juice Shop as a "guinea pig" for your security tools
* provide ideas for new vulnerabilities and challenges
* provide feedback via [ email], [ chat] or by [ opening an issue]
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[[Category:OWASP Project]]  [[Category:OWASP_Builders]] [[Category:OWASP_Defenders]]  [[Category:OWASP_Tool]]

Latest revision as of 09:45, 15 October 2019

We have fully migrated to the new OWASP Website! Please visit our new project page at