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(October Meetup)
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{{Chapter Template|chaptername=Nashville|extra=The chapter leader is [ Jason Gunnoe]|mailinglistsite=|emailarchives=}}
{{Chapter Template|chaptername=Nashville|extra=The OWASP Nashville Chapter Leaders are [ Mark Geeslin], [ Joel Tomassini] and Casey Rosini.
Our next chapter meeting will be held on <b>Tuesday, October 22nd at 6:29pm.</b> Tal Melamed, creator and leader of the OWASP Serverless Top 10 and DVSA projects will be speaking on "Serverless Security for Dummies".  This promises to be another enjoyable evening of engaging discussion and networking. See below for description and registration details, or visit our Meetup page at
OWASP Nashville meets in downtown Nashville, in the <b>Asurion building at 300 2nd Ave S.</b> View the [ Meetup Event] page for parking details, or contact one of the chapter leaders via the email addresses above.
<u>Serverless Security for Dummies</u>
In moving to serverless technology, such as AWS Lambda or Azure Functions, we shift some security responsibilities to the infrastructure provider by eliminating the need to manage servers. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean we’re entirely absolved of all security duties. Serverless functions still execute code and can still be vulnerable to application-level attacks. As a new type of architecture, serverless presents new security challenges. Some are equal to traditional application development, but some take a new form. Attackers are thinking differently, and developers must do so as well to gain the upper hand.  In this talk, Tal Melamed will dive into serverless risks. Discussing why they are different from traditional attacks, how to exploit them and how we should protect our application against them.
As Head of Security Research at Protego Labs, for the past two years, Tal Melamed has been experimenting in offensive and defensive security for serverless technology. He specializes in AppSec with more than 15 years of experience in security research and vulnerability assessment. Tal is also the leader and creator of the OWASP Serverless Top 10 and DVSA projects, and is a frequent speaker at security conferences, including DEF CON, DerbyCon, OWASP, BSides and more. You can follow Tal on Twitter at @_nu11p0inter.
====  August 2007 - News - First OWASP Nashville AdHOC event:
OWASP Nashville would like to invite anyone on the list to an application
[[Category:OWASP Chapter]]
security event that the State of Tennessee is hosting on September 6,
[[Category:United States]]
2007.  We will have two speakers, the first will be from HP/SPI
Dynamics, and the second will be from the SANS institute.  It is a
joint meeting with the .NET user group and other State of TN
development teams.  The public is welcome so consider yourself
When:    Thursday September 6, 2007 9:30am to 11:30am
Where:  312 8th Ave North, Nashville TN, 37243, 3rd Floor Multi-Media
room (Tenn Tower)
Introduction - Jason Gunnoe, CISO, State of TN - 10 Minutes
Application Security Speaker - SPI Dynamics - 40 Minutes
Break - 10 Minutes
Application Security Speaker - SANS Institute - 40 Minutes
Q and A - 20 Minutes
I haven't received presentation summaries yet.  Seating is limited to
70, were expecting ~40-50.
If you have any questions send them along.  Pass the word and have
friend/peers join the list, the more interest we drum up the more free
speakers and events I can put together.

Latest revision as of 06:18, 18 September 2019

OWASP Nashville

Welcome to the Nashville chapter homepage. The OWASP Nashville Chapter Leaders are Mark Geeslin, Joel Tomassini and Casey Rosini.

Our next chapter meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 22nd at 6:29pm. Tal Melamed, creator and leader of the OWASP Serverless Top 10 and DVSA projects will be speaking on "Serverless Security for Dummies". This promises to be another enjoyable evening of engaging discussion and networking. See below for description and registration details, or visit our Meetup page at

OWASP Nashville meets in downtown Nashville, in the Asurion building at 300 2nd Ave S. View the Meetup Event page for parking details, or contact one of the chapter leaders via the email addresses above.

Serverless Security for Dummies
In moving to serverless technology, such as AWS Lambda or Azure Functions, we shift some security responsibilities to the infrastructure provider by eliminating the need to manage servers. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean we’re entirely absolved of all security duties. Serverless functions still execute code and can still be vulnerable to application-level attacks. As a new type of architecture, serverless presents new security challenges. Some are equal to traditional application development, but some take a new form. Attackers are thinking differently, and developers must do so as well to gain the upper hand. In this talk, Tal Melamed will dive into serverless risks. Discussing why they are different from traditional attacks, how to exploit them and how we should protect our application against them.

As Head of Security Research at Protego Labs, for the past two years, Tal Melamed has been experimenting in offensive and defensive security for serverless technology. He specializes in AppSec with more than 15 years of experience in security research and vulnerability assessment. Tal is also the leader and creator of the OWASP Serverless Top 10 and DVSA projects, and is a frequent speaker at security conferences, including DEF CON, DerbyCon, OWASP, BSides and more. You can follow Tal on Twitter at @_nu11p0inter.


OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.


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