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{{Chapter Template|chaptername=Johns Hopkins University|extra=The chapter leader is [mailto:[email protected] Vatsal Bakshi].|mailinglistsite=|emailarchives=}}
{{Inactive Chapter}}
== Local News ==
{{Chapter Template|chaptername=Johns Hopkins University|extra=The chapter leader position is '''OPEN."""
'''Meeting Location'''  
To be decided.  
Everyone is welcome to join us at our chapter meetings.
===Google Summer of Code===
Every security enthusiast must be thrilled as OWASP has been accepted as a [[ Google Summer of Code]] mentor. If you have interesting ideas for the project or want to contribute to the existing projects, you can take a peek at the list here [[ OWASP Google Summer of Code]].
If you are a code guru or aspiring to be one, this is your thing. '''Code the Summer Away!'''
[[Category:OWASP Chapter]]

Latest revision as of 15:55, 16 February 2018

This OWASP Chapter is inactive.  If you are interested in restarting this Chapter contact us for more information or apply to restart this chapter .

OWASP Johns Hopkins University

Welcome to the Johns Hopkins University chapter homepage. The chapter leader position is OPEN."""


OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.


Btn donate SM.gif to this chapter or become a local chapter supporter. Or consider the value of Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member? Join Now BlueIcon.JPG