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===Functional Enhancements in 2.x===
* [ fix known bugs]
* [ fix known bugs]
* continually adding more features/vulnerabilities to the application
* continually adding more features/vulnerabilities to the application
* stabilization of the underlying architecture, e.g.
** migrating to Angular 2
** migrate to latest Sequelize version (requires to replace the discontinued sequelize-restful module)
** migrate to Jasmine 2 and Frisby 2 test frameworks
===Technical Evolution in 2.x===
* migrate to Angular 2 (see
* migrate to latest Sequelize version (see
** requires to replace the discontinued sequelize-restful module
* migrate to Jasmine 2 and Frisby 2 test frameworks (see
===Vision for [ Juice Shop 3.0]===
* Add a CTF-mode to use Juice Shop in classroom setups competitively (see
==Getting Involved==
==Getting Involved==

Revision as of 11:57, 28 July 2016

OWASP Project Header.jpg

OWASP Juice Shop Tool Project

OWASP Juice Shop is an intentionally insecure webapp for pentesting & security awareness trainings written entirely in Javascript. Its vulnerabilities encompass the entire OWASP Top Ten as well as business logic bugs and other severe programming mistakes.

Translating "dump" or "useless outfit" into German yields "Saftladen" which can be reverse-translated word by word into "juice shop". Hence the project name. That the initials "JS" match with those of "Javascript" was purely coincidental!


JuiceShop Logo.png

Juice Shop is written in Node.js, Express and AngularJS. It is the first application written entirely in JavaScript listed in the OWASP VWA Directory. It also seems to be the first broken web app that uses the currently popular architecture of a Single-Page-Application/Rich-Internet-Application frontend with a RESTful backend.

The application contains 28+ challenges where the user is supposed to use certain attacks to exploit the underlying vulnerabilities. The hacking progress is tracked on a score board. (Finding the score board is actually a challenge of its own...)

Juice Shop can be deployed and run as a Docker container, via a packaged distribution (for some popular node.js versions) or by cloning the repository and running it directly on your node.js installation.


Juiceshop screenshot1.jpg Juiceshop screenshot2.jpg Juiceshop screenshot3.jpg Juiceshop screenshot4.jpg


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License. OWASP Juice Shop and any contributions are Copyright © by Bjoern Kimminich 2014-2016.


Packaged Distributions

Docker Image

Online Preview

Source Code

GitHub Project

Revision History




Issue Tracker


Introduction Presentation

Auto-Hacking Video


Apparel (US/DE)


Project Leader

Bjoern Kimminich @

Related Projects


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