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== Thank You To Our Sponsors ==
== Thank You To Our Sponsors ==
[http://www.strategicit.org/ [[Image:MN-center-strategic-it-security.gif]]]
[http://www.strategicit.org/ Center for Strategic Information Technology and Security]
[http://www.go-integral.com/ http://www.go-integral.net/files/integral_logo.png]
[http://www.go-integral.com/ Integral Business Solutions]
[http://www.umn.edu/ University of Minnesota]
[http://www.umn.edu/ University of Minnesota]

Revision as of 11:38, 21 August 2008

OWASP & FLOSS Application Security Mini-Conference 2008 - October 21, 2008

The Minneapolis - Saint Paul Chapter invites you to a one-day mini-conference at the University of Minnesota. Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors and OWASP, we are able to offer this event at no charge to attendees!

The agenda is still being finalized, so watch this space for more information.

Tentative Agenda

08:00-09:00 Registration Opens and Tech Expo
09:00-10:00 Introduction, OWASP conference
10:00-11:00 Jeff Williams
Aspect Security
OWASP founder

lunch break


Simon Roses Fermerling
Microsoft - Pantera project

13:30-14:30 Brian Chess
Fortify Software



Elliot Glazer


Rohyt Belani
Intrepidus Group

Richard Stallman

14:00 - ?

Happy hour and networking opps

Thank You To Our Sponsors

Center for Strategic Information Technology and Security

Integral Business Solutions

University of Minnesota